Chicken Wars

Chick-Fil-A.jpgChick-fil-A may close it’s first and only shop in the UK because the shopping center it resides in will not renew their lease. This is due to a horribly belated LGBT xyzmhdfslmnop protest over the comments of one man and his pursuit of his beliefs. By the way, his beliefs are no more or less important than anyone else’s.

It remains to be seen if Chick-fil-A will relocate. The article says they’re going to close, but perhaps the franchise can find a less PC shopping center in which to do business. If not, well…

UK don’t want no chicken, UK don’t get no chicken.

It goes deeper than a chicken stand. It sets a precedent and proves that the Empire is completely, irrefutably dead.

I ask you UK, what will you do when rage culture and protest devolves further into tribalism?

What will you do when certain factions protesting on behalf of the planet demand that cars be abolished for the good of the planet? Will you go back to horse and buggy?

What about cows and sheep? Surely their flatulence is an immediate threat to the wellbeing of your nation. Will you force your nation to veganism, walking, and taking sailing ships across the channel so that your citizens are totally green and must therefore go to Paris to fly to other destinations?

Will your butcher shops be closed due to the Vegan movement? Will you allow your people to be subjugated by vocal minorities, espousing the myriad beliefs fueled by two minute internet searches? How about the Church, surely they are guilty of participating in the horrific patriarchy that has so doomed the world.

Demonstrably, Religion is responsible for the destruction of indigenous people, incredibly biased actions against LGBT people, the crusades… I could go on.

Will you outlaw all religion for its past global sins? Will you demand the razing  of St Peters?

The CEO of Chick-fil-A was opposed to Gay Marriage in the United States. HE LOST. Marriage is now legal. He said his piece, supported his beliefs with his money in 2012, and lost.

The company is family operated and continues to donate to fundamentalist Christian organizations, that is their right and regardless of your agreement or disagreement they are acting in good faith to their stated charter.

How about directing your rage at the Middle East where LGBT people are commonly being thrown from buildings. How about boycotting gasoline from OPEC and demonstrating in front of middle eastern embassies? Yes, LGBT folks, using petrol is supporting the torture and subjugation of your LGBT brothers and sisters. 

LGBT people in the US go to Chick-fil-A today. Hey, It’s pretty good chicken at an okay price.

We have a saying in the US, “People vote with their wallets”

Perhaps you should do the same. No-one is forcing you to eat the damn chicken. There are people in your country that might enjoy it or it’s entirely possible that the chicken isn’t going to please the UK palate.

The LGBT community in the UK must have better things to do with their time and energy. Oh that’s right, you’ve allowed your country to be strangled by political correctness. You cannot say anything about the real problems you have, because those problems might offend small groups. And your government has systematically abridged your right of free expression. 

I’m fully aware that here in the US, we too are allowing erosion of those same rights. It’s not lost on me that the finger I’m pointing at you, has three fingers pointing right back at me. 

My point is, you’re wasting your time and energy. You’re only hurting yourselves, and looking pretty silly in the process. Choose something more relevant.

I’d suggest that the LGBT community in the US do the same thing. 

At this point the LGBT community is whining about so much and so often that they risk becoming nothing more than background noise. When viewed against the much larger concerns of the entire planet, is a chicken stand closure anything but a Roman Circus, or Pyrrhic victory?