Happy whatever the hell this holiday was…

This used to be a perfect holiday when I was a kid.

It provided a great respite from the first month of school and made things bearable. the three day weekend was so welcome, but of course I had to deal with some teacher that wanted to give us homework which I always put off until Monday night.

I suppose old habits die hard. It appears that Ive done the same thing with this blog post.

But at least I odn’t have to worry about a teacher being upset that I didn’t do my homework.

I do however need to pound the pavement for s new job as soon as possible.

Im beginning to think that I’m not going to have the opportunity to get away for any time at all. Not cool, but I may not have any choice in the matter, the way things are going.

But it was a nice holiday weekend, if for nothing else than me not having to go anywhere or interact with anyone.

I hope everyone’s weekend was a nice one.