New OS… New features and challenges

macos catalina large.jpgMaybe I am a fanboi.

Apple released Catalina yesterday and I upgraded my computer immediately.

Still having some issues that I’m ironing out, but generally speaking the upgrade went perfectly.  I’ve continued the job search without missing a beat and have been taking breaks from the job search to tweak little settings here and there.

Stability and speed are good and some of the newer features I’m liking, while others just seem to be (at this point) a little more complicated than they need to be.

Part of that may be a learning curve in that I’m reaching for things where they were and not where they are.

I thought I’d eliminated all the 32 bit applications from my system a while ago, but I was wrong. Catalina found several apps that were still 32 bit. Thankfully I don’t use them very much so it’s not “Mission Critical” For me to jump right on replacing them.

There is one that may be a stumbling block but i’m probably going to be able to Create a VMware environment for that one. Although when I went to see if there was an update, I found that the company is only just now working on a 64 bit version and then I realized that my copy of the application was 3 years old with no updates since I purchased it.  Really???? Come on guys, it’s not like you didn’t have time to prepare.

The last of the backups is nearing completion. There are advantages to having multiple backups, But the disadvantage is that you have to update multiple backups and that can be time consuming. This is especially true if one of your backups is a little on the large size and the system decides that it needs to thin it out. Grrrrr.

In any case things are progressing as they should.

On to the next challenge.