This may not bode well…

The first Snow of the season…

It’s probably going to be great for the ski resort operators but for me it means cold, snow shoveling and more cold.

Yes I know it’s pretty. It’s always pretty after the storm has passed and the sun is out.

The Land of the Mouse is pretty but it’s an unbelievable amount of work to keep Mouseland clean, safe , & ready to receive guests.

I use that analogy because there will no doubt be a ton of “Guests” up here over the weekend to play in the white stuff.  More often than you’d imagine,  these people think we clear our driveways just so they’ll have a place to park.

A buddy and I have often said that we should wait till Summer, then just park randomly at a someones house in Orange County and go jump in their pool. We know we’d be arrested before our swimsuits were completely wet, so we don’t do it. However, a lot of these people are about as rude when they come to the mountains.

The reason I say this doesn’t bode well is not so much because of the snow players, but because it’s unusual for us to have snow this early in the year. More often we see snow after Thanksgiving usually in Mid December.

The early arrival of this cold storm and the more frequent rain in general make me think that we’re in for a longer Winter than we’ve had in a while.

Guess I better get out the mukluks & sweaters….

Stay warm & dry.

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