It’s true everything woke touches gets ugly!

The rainbow flag used to be a happy thing to see. Even if you weren’t gay, everyone loves rainbows because they’re pretty and almost always a surprise that puts a smile on your face.

If you happened to be LGB the rainbow flag meant that you were going someplace where you could perhaps be a little more relaxed than at the JC Penny, or Sears.

A rainbow flag outside a bar told you that inside the bar it was likely that you’d meet a bunch of folks just like you and might even get lucky for the night.

Along come the woke progressive gender confused dipshits… and this is what they come up with. Pardon my dry heaves!

Really? This is the best you could come up with? What happened to the LGB community being full of artists? OH RIGHT! The LGB community has been told by the T+(random letters ad-infinitum), “Give us all your money then get to the back of the bus!

That leaves a bunch of angry perpetual victims with the artistic sensibility of a blind rabid chimpanzee to give us this piece of vomit.

(Yeah, I’m gonna say how I really feel!)

If the woke progressives don’t like it… Fuck off and don’t read this blog!

This new flag SUCKS! It’s beyond ugly, it’s FUGLY! I wouldn’t wipe my ass with this flag, Id be afraid of catching something truly vile. Anal warts, or something equally hideous!

This abomination does serve two distinct purposes.

  1. It clearly advertises which businesses are probably catering to the gender confused crowd.
  2. That will allow people like me to avoid those places like the freaking plague.

Hopefully, at some point during Pride Month, I’ll be able to find some old guard LGB folks to have a beer with and watch the parade of morons go by.

I was trying to write something about stuff the pisses me off.

You’d think it would be easy. That’s the problem it’s too easy and there’s simply too damn much that pisses me off.

How can I possibly pick and choose?

One of the things that keeps popping up again and again is this Trans Crap.

I’m over it!

I am not and do not want to be associated with any of these events, or people.

Who you sleep with is nobody’s fucking business. I think most, if not all, of us in the LGB community are just as sick as the straight community is, of having TRANS Shit shoved down our throats 24/7.

To be clear, a lot of the LGB folks want a divorce from the T and rest of the alphabet soup folks.

The “T” and whatever the hell other “letter people” don’t represent the mainstream of the LGB folks and have completely hijacked whatever normalcy in society we’d managed to win.

These dumb fuckers have set us all back to the ‘80-90’s where normal folks think LGB folks are coming to corrupt their children. We’re not! But the “T” and alphabet folks are dragging the rest of us into their psychosis.

To be clear you don’t wake up one sunny morning and decide you’re not the gender you were born. You don’t come to the conclusion that you need to cut body parts off, over an overpriced Starbucks coffee and scone. Or for that matter, Legos and Barbies.

Even the real Transgender folks are being dragged along by a bunch of deranged jackasses, for whom “Non-binary” or “Trans” is trendy.

Here’s a newsflash dumbasses. Non-binary isn’t anything new. Human beings have always lived and acted in a sexual continuum. Very few people are completely straight or completely gay. Creating a term, then publicizing that term is nothing more than the HRC, and other money grabbing organizations way of remaining relevant.

If Non-binary is what you need to give yourself permission to sleep with whoever, or experiment with your sexuality then fine.

Just remember it’s not a fucking new thing, we’ve all gotten drunk, been horny, and woke up naked with a hangover, and someone we didn’t expect snoring beside us.

A lot of the more mature folks in our society, (not by age, but by attitude,) simply got up, and owned that things might have gotten a little out of hand. Most of us put a pin in the acts and / or gender of the person we’d done those acts with, and the associated ramifications until the hangover was gone.

I don’t give a runny shit about the “T” alphabet morons anymore. I used to care because I knew folks who were part of the real, (super small,) T community that actually did believe with all their hearts and proved out via psychological counseling that they were in the wrong skin.

Those people would forgive me for being done with all this madness. I’m willing to bet that they’re over it too.

I always wanted to live someplace where sex and sexuality was tacitly acknowledged. Yeah, we all fuck, yeah we all like it, yeah we have preferred partners, end of discussion. NEXT! We almost got there, maybe next time…

This is either going to work really well or…

I’ve screwed myself!

The SPAM levels in my incoming email have gotten completely out of hand. I’m clocking sometimes as many as 35 items an hour.

This is insane and wasn’t a problem until the FTC gave PayPal my email address!

I got up this morning to 200 new junk emails sitting in my SPAM filters. I have a choice, I can ignore all the emails while they take up space and CPU cycles as each of them is checked for viruses, then put in the junk mail folder, OR I can tell my computer to delete anything that doesn’t look like real business!

I’ve hesitated enabling draconian deletion protocols because there are some folks and / or emails that are useful even if they’re sending unsolicited emails.

However at this point it’s become a serious annoyance.

Today, I told the computer, if something looks like junk mail, just delete it. Don’t put it in the trash, don’t put it in the junk mail folder, just wipe it from the datastream completely.

I know that I’m going to be missing some emails that might be useful and it’s possible that someone will complain that I didn’t respond to their email but those are the breaks.

Of course, there is the possibility that I stop getting emails altogether. Hmmm, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad…

What did they think was going to happen?

Now that Title 42 is expired, how is anyone shocked?

How is it that “Poor” or “Lower Income middle class” folks are surprised that their wealthy sanctuary city fathers are sending the flood of migrants into their communities?

Did they actually think that the migrants would be settled in the wealthy areas of the city? Come on, everyone with a brain knows that the wealthy folks sitting in their gated communities aren’t going to put themselves or their families at risk.

The hypocrisy of all these middle class or lower middle class folks who’ve been talking about being sanctuary communities or cities is unbelievable.

Of course resources are going to be drained, of course budgets will be strained, of course hospitals and clinics will be overwhelmed. It’s not like there wasn’t an example. Look at any border town!

These are the same things that the border towns have been screaming about for literally years.

But those troubles were far from Chicago, New York, Portland, Seattle, and Martha’s Vineyard. The people living in the hell created by the elites were obviously liars and racists and therefore could and should be ignored.

It was easy for elites and media to call people from those towns, racists, xenophobes, and whatever other offensive name, then go have cocktails with their friends. All of them congratulating each other on their progressive values and how they put down those filthy rednecks.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot… Well somehow it’s different.

Predictably the elites are still trying to engage in “NIMBY” just like they always have.

These people don’t want oil drilling in the US, but have no problem using oil from other countries, often produced without regard for the environment. These people refuse to have mining of minerals in our country, but have no problem with mining using child labor, or strip mining, happening in other countries. These people are happy to derive benefit from illegal immigration but don’t want to live near illegal immigrants.

These are the people who’ll complain about crime and prison overcrowding, but will refuse to have a new prison built near them.

“Not In My Back Yard!”

Remember these are the people that say the police are too mean, then say defund the police. Then they wonder why they don’t feel safe, why the police aren’t at their home instantly,

Really… How can a company be this out of touch with their clients?

I didn’t know who the fuck Dylan Mulvaney was.

Here’s the short version. He, and I do mean “He” is a dude who thinks he’s a woman and has achieved some fame on the Tic Tok application. He’s been calling himself a woman for a year.

Big Deal, SO WHAT?

There have been a lot of little blurbs about his partnership with Bud Light which I’ve mostly ignored because it’s just another Trans whatsit bunch of crap. Today there’s an article about some kind of backlash brewing over his partnership with Bud Light.

There’s an old saying that any publicity is good publicity and maybe that’s true, but a couple of decades ago, it was all the rage that Coors beer wouldn’t be served in Gay bars. I forget now what the deal was, I thought it was silly at the time, and quickly lost interest. Generally thinking, I doubt that the gay boycott of Coors had much of an effect on their bottom line.

Although at the time there may have been men ordering Coors in straight bars just to flip off the gays, perhaps that improved Coors bottom line. I kinda doubt it, most men didn’t spend more than a couple of seconds thinking about their beverage choices.

Today on the other hand, a non-trans boycott of Bud Light and Anheuser-Busch products will likely hurt the Busch bottom line. (Note to self, make sure that my broker sells any Anheuser-Busch holdings immediately.) On the plus side in six months to a year Anheuser-Busch stock may be available at rock bottom prices.

I have a feeling that the majority of our country and the world is sick and tired of hearing about all this Trans bullshit. I know I am. It’s no problem for me to avoid Anheuser-Busch products. I prefer Blue Moon, or Corona.

If I’m indicative of the rest of the country. I suspect we’ll see Dylan Mulvaney whining on Tic Tok that he’s not in a partnership with Anheuser-Busch anymore because of Trans Hate. Then we’ll hear of Anheuser-Busch’s executives being quietly shown the door. Perhaps then we’ll be having less of the Trans shit in our daily lives.

For your reference, Anheuser-Busch products include:

Budweiser, Bud Light, Stella Artois, Shock Top, Kona Brewing Co., Michelob Ultra, and Busch Beer.

If you’re of a mind to send a financial message to Anheuser-Busch.