Valentines Day

Happy Valentines day.

I have a cold.


It started out as nothing but a minor tickle. So minor, that I ignored it. Then during the night Sunday it developed into a full blown sore throat, fever, sneezing, coughing, PAIN in the ass!

Women say men are whiny and hard to deal with. We’re actually pretty easy to deal with. LEAVE US ALONE…

I’m like most men when I’m sick.

I don’t want to take a shower, I don’t care if I stink, I don’t want to look pretty, and I don’t want to put clothes on.

We revert to our primitive state. It’s actually for everyone else’s protection. If someone can tell we’re sick from 100 feet away they know two things.

1 We’re infectious, the rest of the tribe should stay away.

2 We’re probably really bad tempered and unless you want a stone ax in your head… Probably best you stay away.

We’ll eat when we’re hungry, we’ll forage in the food stores and cholesterol BE DAMNED! We’ll sleep, watch TV, we’ll jerk off cause we want to feel better if only for a few minutes and we’ll pull out the whiskey, scotch, or whatever because that gives us a burn in our throat that’s way better than Nyquil.

In my case the dogs are on guard protecting me. It’s kind of nice & I sleep soundly when they’re on guard. These guys don’t bark unless there’s something they’re worried about. For the most part they’re content to sniff me occasionally, (Checking to see if I’m dead, I sure smell dead.) then back to the foot of the bed watching the door.

This Valentines day… all bets are off, I’m not going anywhere, doing anything, or engaging in a Hallmark Holiday. I’m in bed, in a cave with the flickering garish light of a TV, the only source of illumination. I’m cranky and I’m going to stay right here until either I can’t stand my own stink or I get well whichever comes first.

if you want to see the “nice” me… The first appointment is two weeks from next Monday… I’ll see you then!


Sometimes my clever plans… shoot me in the foot!


I was working on continuity in a book I’m trying to write. I moved a chapter or two around and thought nothing of it…

Then I went back to work on those chapters and found that the contents have evaporated into the ether. Damn!

I was just mildly annoyed, I’ve got at least a couple of backups and so while there might have been some data loss it’s not much.

This led me to rethink a couple of things about the book and the way that I’ve been writing it.

I’d started out writing this as pure smut. But as I’ve written, the characters have become more than automatons and I’ve been looking at their motivations. This has inevitably led to a story. The sex is still there and exciting, but the characters are more engaging now that they have a backstory and can stand alone without the backdrop of wild sex.

I’m working now to stabilize the material that I have and then move forward by enhancing the characters motivations and better explaining how each one got from point A to point E by way of B,C,& D.

In all I think the story will be richer and more engaging.

As a close friend of mine has reminded me “Writing is Editing…

As a break I was out in Palm Springs last night at the first meeting of a newly formed group. There was a nice flogging demonstration and another demonstration of an updated violet wand.

Both demonstrations were instructive and I appreciate the demonstrators and the demonstratees!

The line of people forming to BE flogged was gratifying.

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My ego was also stroked a bit in that I was hit on by several people wanting to submit to whatever I might consider pleasurable. I love willing subs!

I was far too interested in improving my flogging technique by observing the demonstration to actively pursue any of these generous offers. Perhaps I will accept an offer or two at the next event. I am looking forward to the next event, it was nice to be in a room with so many like minded individuals.

I’m still surprised that I’m coming across as a “Daddy, Dom, Top, Master”. No, I’m not complaining I’m just fascinated, I’m not sure that I’m experienced enough to formally “Wear” these appellations. Then again maybe these titles are representative of who I am now and are well deserved. Time alone will tell, I can say that for the first time in my life I’m unafraid of those titles and the responsibility that they imply within the confines of the BDSM community.

How does all of this tie into the book?

Well there is a component of the book that deals with this alternative expression of sexuality.


Do these exercises make my butt look big???



As I’ve been documenting, I’ve been hiking around the local area quite a bit lately.

After a pretty strenuous hike yesterday I was a little uncomfortable. It was obvious that I’d hit the muscles in my legs pretty hard and that’s OK.

This morning… The muscles in my butt are killing me! I’m thinking a massage is in order but is it weird to call and say I need you to rub my butt???

I’m going to take the pups for a hike today too but probably not up the canyon…

I’m thinking down the canyon a bit, then when we come back up it’s a little gentler grade.

It would be funny if It didn’t hurt so much…

OH, who am I kidding? It’s funny.

If this is the price i have to pay so I don’t get “Old Man Butt” I’ll gladly pay it.

Of course the real benefit to a decent cardio workout you can lower your blood pressure in addition to building up muscle in your legs and butt.

So my brothers… get out there and get active.

I’m going to get an ibuprofen…