Do these exercises make my butt look big???



As I’ve been documenting, I’ve been hiking around the local area quite a bit lately.

After a pretty strenuous hike yesterday I was a little uncomfortable. It was obvious that I’d hit the muscles in my legs pretty hard and that’s OK.

This morning… The muscles in my butt are killing me! I’m thinking a massage is in order but is it weird to call and say I need you to rub my butt???

I’m going to take the pups for a hike today too but probably not up the canyon…

I’m thinking down the canyon a bit, then when we come back up it’s a little gentler grade.

It would be funny if It didn’t hurt so much…

OH, who am I kidding? It’s funny.

If this is the price i have to pay so I don’t get “Old Man Butt” I’ll gladly pay it.

Of course the real benefit to a decent cardio workout you can lower your blood pressure in addition to building up muscle in your legs and butt.

So my brothers… get out there and get active.

I’m going to get an ibuprofen…

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