Sometimes you just don’t feel fresh…

When I get that not so fresh feeling, I delete crap!

This morning I started with the last remaining Twitter Account. Buh Bye Jack, and you can censor the hell out of yourself.

Then I remembered that I still had Google Accounts. Adios Google! It had been a while since I’d checked in on those accounts. Remember when it used to be your search history, Google Drive, Calendar, and an email account? Whoa nellie! Google has expanded their tendrils into a lot more than just those innocuous and helpful things. And their privacy settings have become as tedious as Facebook’s used to be. They’re not my problem anymore. All Google accounts have been deleted. Sure cleaned up my mail and calendar programs too. Without those accounts, I have no need to maintain synchronization anymore.

Facebook has been gone for years and I’m the better for it.

I’d love to 86 Dropbox too. Unfortunately I have one application that uses it, so for the time being they get a reprieve.

Found an OLD Yahoo account – Burned it down!

Right now, I’m feeling fresh as a daisy!

The thing about all these “Services” is that they find a way to collect information on you and that information is a security leak about your daily life. Do you really want your business out there?

The way things are going… I don’t.

Now lets see if I can figure out how to configure my server to handle all the stuff that I was outsourcing…

Have a great day.

Lately things around the house have been breaking…

Most of the things have been plumbing related, which I hate.

The most recent breakdown came as a bit of a surprise. My primary NAS drive has decided to take a dump. 

We use this drive to serve up movies, and store important documents. It’s also used as a share point for things that I help the other half with, music, videos, web sites, etc.

I’ve been noticing little things lately when accessing the drive, but didn’t really think much about it. In retrospect the drive was telling me something was wrong.

As the issues and errors accumulated I started re-evaluating the entire storage method. After doing a lot of research, I’ve decided to go with a RAID array.

The unit i’ve settled on is relatively inexpensive, but seems to provide a lot of bang for the buck.

Configuring it will take some time and the unit may have a steep learning curve. The advantage is that I’ll have 16TB of storage when it’s fully configured and that storage provides 2 hot swappable drives.

That means that up to two drives could fail and the entire 16TB would still be recoverable.

My current situation is a single drive and I have no idea how much data I’ll be able to recover.

What I’m doing may be overkill but I’d like to not have to worry about it for the next 5 years.

I’m also leaning more toward doing gig work and having a ton of space to work with would be a big convenience.

I expect to be locked into some form of digital prison for at least the next week while I bring this puppy online.

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it?”

“That’s what is to be a slave.” – Roy Batty Blade Runner.

Now we’ve all had a taste of it. What have we learned?

The vast majority of people in the USA haven’t actually been slaves. Yet there are a lot of folks who’d like to enslave us all. These people don’t care what your skin color is. They want you enslaved in a system. Their System.

These are the people that want you to be dependent on their largess. They offer bright baubles of technology, healthcare, entertainment, etc. then make us feel “less than” if we’re unable to afford those baubles.

They offer us a daily dose of fear via the news, & commercials. “More terrifying moments of unrest today in Minneapolis. The President today said, ‘insert daily out of context statement here‘ does this statement mean the end of America? See our report at 11. Suffering from Kidney Failure? Are you going to die? Try our new drug, if you can’t afford it (The implication is your insurance is bad, or you don’t make enough and are therefore ‘less than’) contact us and we’ll help pay your bill.”

They keep us apart by instilling mistrust in each other. “It’s white oppression, it’s black criminality. It’s racist, that person is a Nazi. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, wear a mask as a symbol of solidarity, You should wear a mask because you never know who might be carrying a virus. Black Lives Matter=Good speech, All Lives Matter=Bad speech, ACAB (All cops are bastards), Why are the police not stopping this looting?”

With each new presidential administration, there are people who are “Right” and people who are “Wrong” the actual facts of the administration’s accomplishments or failures notwithstanding. The “Right” and the “Wrong” people flip based on how the media presents a particular narrative.

In simplest terms, we’re always being manipulated by headlines, soundbites, and glamorous ads showing us things that a great many of us can’t afford. The ads implicitly extol the virtue of working harder to make more money so that we can afford these pretty things. The thing lots of people miss is that all of us working harder, generates more tax revenue that in turn, fuels the system.

The same system that locks us in our homes, costs us jobs, and vilifies individuals who after doing the math, decide that feeding their families is worth the risk.

That same system almost deifies individuals in protests that devolve into rioting and looting. It makes a sick kind of sense. Either situation creates an “Enemy” that can be pointed to, now or in the future, to maintain the cultural division.

As long as the American people are fearful and divided, the powerful can do as they please in plain sight. Who will question the national guard being brought in to quell riots? Who will question another lockdown because of a spike in Covid-19 cases?

Social Media was supposed to help level the playing field allowing people to communicate with each other directly, expressing thoughts and beliefs freely without bias, other than those biases the people brought with them.

As Social Media blossomed, controls were put into place to silence dissent. Those controls started out innocently to prevent blatant racist and hate from spilling unbidden onto computer screens. Those controls quickly escalated into full blown censorship.

The implied reason for that censorship is that “average people” are unable (too immature, or too stupid) to process dissenting opinions without experiencing angst. Therefore it is assumed they need to be protected from free thought, instead of exercising the freedom of simply choosing not to view items which are offensive to them.

Mind you, what one may find offensive, others may find informative. With censorship instituted on social media no-one has to decide, and everyone is once again placed in a bubble of docile safety and conformity.

Safe, in that bubble, they’re not troubled by dissenting opinion and not forced to think for themselves or form their own opinions. The narrative of those in control is preserved and the correct “Group Think” is doled out 200 characters at a time, by sanctioned influencers.

How are sanctioned influencers picked? They’re approved by Twitter checkmarks and number of followers. An influencer with a large number of followers and a check mark is seen as someone “In the know“. They remain a blessed influencer as long as they maintain the appropriate narrative.

However if an influencer goes off the reservation or someone speaking counter to the narrative, (There are always a few allowed, to maintain the illusion of Facebook or Twitter’s impartiality,) becomes troublesome. Their follower count mysteriously decrements. Their coveted Twitter Checkmark is removed, they end up in “Twitter Jail” or their messages simply vanish, and finally they are banned outright. These people still have online presences, they’re just on other platforms with lower brand recognition.

Platforms like GAB aren’t allowed to post their applications on Google Play or the Apple App store. Other platforms like Parler are allowed to have Play Store or Apple App store presences for the time being.

This speaks to the tight integration between Google, Apple, and the group, or groups controlling the narrative. Not only are specific people exiled from Twitter and Facebook, their ability to be seen by the masses is limited by the corporations who provide the dominate operating systems for smart devices as well.

Isn’t it odd that nudity, violence, and graphic sex is allowed on a platform like Twitter and freedom of political messages is not? Even odder is that Apple and Google provide access to an application which can present these images while at the same time denying access to alternate applications which are largely politically conservative in nature. The only difference being that Twitter filters out comments that present dissenting political opinion?

Isn’t this exactly the kind of thing that is never supposed to happen in a free society?

Sometimes the simplest things… You know what’s next.

The other half has an old Mac. The poor thing has been a trooper considering it’s age.

Looking at the newer machines, making a big purchase right now is out of the question.

So I started looking at upgrade options. Surprisingly I found that the hard disk could be replaced with an SSD and that the memory in the machine could be doubled for a couple hundred dollars. Between the drive and the memory, we should be able to get another few years out of this old workhorse.

With that in mind I placed the order and 2 days later the parts showed up.

This morning I pulled the old machine apart and had no trouble installing the new memory and new hard drive. As I was buttoning things up I thought, “That was easy!”

Uh huh, Jinxed myself!

After buttoning everything up I tried to access the nifty Mac network utility to reload the OS. I was able to get to the utility. After answering a couple of questions, the utility started, then told me that the OS wasn’t available. Gee THANKS APPLE!

Now I’ve got a computer that should be fast as hell and no OS. I booted the machine from a bootable memory stick that had the appropriate operating system on it. (Yeah, I tend to have some redundancy.) The system booted, I clicked on the installer, and it started just fine. Again I answered the questions and directed the installer to install the OS on the brand new 1TB internal hard disk.

The system takes off, executes a format of the internal HD then reboots as expected. Things went south from there. The reboot damaged the OS on the memory stick and in the process told me that the OS image (Downloaded from Apple about 2 years ago, and used several times to install the OS,) was invalid or possibly corrupt.

Great! I can’t even install from my rainy day backup.

Now what?

Uh, maybe I’ll just use the TimeCapsule backup.

Nope, Backups 1 – 5 are corrupt.

I do still have the original bootable disk in an external enclosure. The computer is still workable booting from that external disk. But a 1TB internal SSD isn’t being used.

I try booting to the recovery partition. It works, but I still can’t install the OS from Apple.

This leaves me two choices. Do a complete backup from the original disk to another USB disk, then restore from that backup. Or I can try to sequence through the other backups on the Timecapsule hoping to find one that works.

I choose the latter, and remarkably seem to have found a backup that is intact. So I start the restore process.

Currently the restore is reporting 32 hours remaining. Let’s hope it works Otherwise I’m down to only one option which will probably take just as much time. USB 2 is painfully slow, although even with the 1GB speeds of my internal network, apparently network restore is also painfully slow.

Sometimes, the most straightforward things with computers turn into the most complicated.

In this case I’d tell Apple that if you’re going to say in a dialog box that the computer will either install its original OS or the most current version of the OS that is available…


Giving someone the illusion that you’re going to support a system, is worse than saying that you’re not going to support that system. In the first situation your user figures, “No Problem” in the other case the user can make alternate arrangements as long as you don’t as part of some bullshit “verification” process destroy the alternative.

I’m not amused that I’ve lost a whole day to a simple 15 minute job.

1 AM update. The restore from the Time Capsule backup failed about 8PM. Digging around on the internet gave me an interesting option. It seemed I could use Apple’s Disk Utility to clone the existing drive to the 1TB SSD.

Well, what the heck did I have to lose at this point?

Boot from the recovery partition on the 1 TB SSD. (Yeah, that got installed properly thank goodness) Pull up Disk Utility from the recovery partition. select the destination drive. Select “recover” from the edit menu, select the source and hit enter.

A few hours later… I’m awakened by a familiar ding. Click the “Done’ button, select the start disk and Eureka! There is now a bootable usable operating system on the new drive.

I’m going back to bed… this has been a royal pain in the ass. Next up, deleting the corrupted backup from the Time Capsule and replacing it with something usable.

But I’ll do that tomorrow, my brain won’t even allow more than the contemplation of such an exercise tonight.

I don’t know if this is a good idea

There’ve been a lot of articles recently, about Google and Apple collaborating on a Coronavirus tracking application

At first glance, you think, “good,” that will make it easier for health officials to figure out how to stay ahead of outbreaks.

It would, but at a price to your privacy.

We have only Apple and Google’s assurances that the information won’t be misused. Implicit in this software solution is the belief that when the Coronavirus emergency is over that the tracking information, indeed the application itself will be of no further use. The assumption is that the application can be deleted and tracking will by default, be turned off. How do we know that & how can we verify that this is true?

I could see an application such as Google and Apple are working on, morphing into a general “Health” application wherein a wide variety of diseases are tracked. As I understand the Coronavirus aspect if you test positive for Coronavirus and enter your diagnosis into the application, then your movements are plotted. Local health officials can then watch the spread of Coronavirus throughout a community presumably because other people will also be entering their diagnosis too.

This raises some questions for me. If one person whose positive, visits an area and other people get sick is that person liable? Could they be prosecuted or sued? Should they be? I’m sure that due to the fear promulgated by media, politicians, and rumor. The initial response would be YES!!!

But let’s step back a bit. Would the answer be the same if the application was tracking hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea, Influenza, herpes, HIV, measles, or chicken-pox? These diseases present health departments with challenges to tracking and treatment. In fact these diseases are more of a health hazard than Coronavirus may prove to be.

Even if you think this is a good idea, what happens as the application evolves? Do you really want your phone telling the health department or law enforcement that you not only have the clap, but that you visited a particular massage parlor? How about your phone automatically warning others around you that you’re a pariah, because you’ve got the flu or that one of your kids has chicken-pox?

In an extreme scenario; do you want to have to verify and report to authorities that you’re going to have sex with an individual?

The application could in fact give that kind of power to an authoritarian regime. Phone A was in close proximity to Phone B for 43 minutes in a hotel that rents by the hour on this date. This was an unauthorized sexual event, warrants have been issued for the participants arrest.

Oh we say that could never happen. Yet, we have evidence of widespread surveillance by departments within our own government, of average people.

We’ve seen maps of cell phone data showing that people en-mass can be tracked going about their daily business. There is evidence to suggest that specific individuals can be isolated from the mass of data without too much effort or specialized tools.

During this pandemic, we’ve seen cell phone maps used by the New York Times to paint some areas of the country as “Non compliant in the lockdown” because the cell phones were traveling more than X miles from their point of origin.

The fact that the area of the country the New York Times called out, was a rural area and the nearest grocery stores were 15 to 20 miles away was conveniently omitted from that article when it first appeared. The Times, isn’t a government entity, nor are they involved in public health, but it demonstrates just how easily data can be misused.

This got me wondering… Just how much information is my phone, my smart watch, my computer, my ipad, even my car sending and to whom? The next question is, “If I turn these systems off, how much do I degrade the operation of my devices?

I was shocked when I pulled up the privacy setting in my phone.


Almost every application is requesting access to location data.

Some of these applications make sense, Maps, Workout, AAA, and Airline applications. 

Others, such as time tracking applications that will automatically start running when you get to work make sense. The apple wallet application asking for location data makes sense so that it can lookup and associate your charges.

Other Applications don’t make as much sense. Why does my bluetooth enabled thermometer application need to know where I was when I took my temperature? Why does an insurance application want to know where I am when I’m accessing it? Who cares where I was when I made a voice memo? Why does Wallgreens want to know where I am?  These applications I can deny access on. But am I really prohibiting them from getting that information?.

There are dating applications that say they won’t operate at all unless they have access to location data. This is to narrow the search parameters to local parties. Okay, then why do I get hit on from people 6000 miles away? Suppose I don’t want to use the cruising part of the app? 

But it gets even more interesting when you dig deeper into system services, and significant locations. Yeah, I hadn’t told the system not to track my location. On the one hand the benefit is that your phone will keep track of where you parked your car. But does that data go anywhere? Or is that data simply used locally on the phone? 

Answers to these questions are ambiguous. Obviously the phone itself is transmitting it’s unique ID to the cellular provider. But what of the other data? 

I can tell the applications that they are denied cellular data services but does that mean that when the phone re-connects to the internet via WiFi at my home these application will send what they’ve recorded as a long data burst? Does denying cellular data access actually protect me from being tracked?

I’m suspicious of any government agency having easy access to my location. At the same time I recognize that the convenience afforded me by my cell phone is very cloying and that there’s a trade-off for convenience versus privacy.

There’s a cellular service called part of their pitch is that they’ll help support Patriotic things and that they don’t sell your data. Okay fine, but if I have applications that are giving the data away, their service really doesn’t help.

That leaves using a VPN all the time. This solution is okay but I’ve had more than one situation where the VPN interfered with connectivity and created a less than convenient user experience. This is particularly true when the application updates.

I’ve got two VPN applications, One is part of my antivirus solution and the other is one that owns all their servers. I prefer the second one since the data isn’t just flowing through whatever server may be available.

After a while, I’d done all I could and opted to just turn off all the devices for a while. It’s clear that all of our technology has gotten away from us and significantly eroded our privacy. 

Unfortunately, I can’t come up with any solution about regaining my privacy short of a VPN solution all the time. But even then, while using a VPN you’re not actually in very much control of what Apps running on your phone may be doing. They could still send the actual location data via the VPN.  I’m going to have to think about this some more.

I can say I’m not going to opt in to the Apple/Google contact tracking application. The potential for abuse of that data is simply too big for my tastes.