Another thing off the ‘Honey Do’ List

Fragmented diskThe new SSD drive is in the other half’s computer and apparently working correctly.

It’s updating the NAS backups now. The OS installation was a pain in the butt because nothing worked as expected but once again I’ve “won”.

The restoration of the data took 6 hours, (I let it cook overnight) thankfully it wasn’t a matter of piecing all the files on the drive back together.

As I’ve said before, your computer is personal and that’s okay. But having files spattered all over the drive with no coherent plan or filing system is difficult for another person to navigate or help you with. You’re welcome to toss stuff into your computer in any way that you like, but don’t come to me for help when you’ve lost a single Word document whose name you can’t remember, in a sea of 200 GBs of other documents that you should have deleted or archived a decade ago.

As an aside, I transferred the other half’s mess of a document folder to their home folder on the server. It’s very busy indexing all those files now and hopefully will provide a little help the next time I hear the dreaded, “My computer has lost a document I really need, can you find it for me?”

Sure babe, I’ll get right on that. Fix me a tall drink, make me a steak, and then leave me alone.” 

After all a man deserves a last meal, right?

There are PDF files of music that look like important scores in a buckshot pattern in every conceivable location on that poor machine. I’m half tempted to go through it like Jesus went through the Temple.

I have a masochistic curiosity to find out if organizing the files into a more coherent directory structure would improve the operational speed of the system…

But I’m not that masochistic…

There is one bright spot. At least I can take control of their computer from my desktop and I don’t have to be seen swearing under my breath or shaking my head in frustration. That’s a mercy because I have no desire to fight about it while I’m cleaning up the mess.

It’s possible that the drive failing like it did, effectively rendering all their data inaccessible while we were waiting on the replacement drive may have provided an education.  Ever since I brought the new server online I’d been saying, “You should probably put your important docs in your personal directory on the server. That way if something happens you can still access those documents via your ipad.

My advice wasn’t heeded, and so there was a week of uh, tension. It didn’t help that I said, “You know, there’s a reason I make these suggestions.” I can’t imagine why things were tense, Ahem…

I am going to run a duplicate search routine on their home folder. Just for the sake of freeing up space. I may regret it later but when I see 1000 plus files in a Downloads folder I have to question what the hell is going on.

I hope everyone has a good week.

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