Because you have the right to know…

CookiesYou may have noticed that there is a cookie policy banner on your screen.

I personally hate having to make a deal out of it. But I’m using some plugins and extensions in the site which help me. Unfortunately, as part of my use of these tools, they set cookies.

It’s only fair that visitors to the site know about them.

That being said, I for my part don’t look at anything other than number of visitors to the site.

Since I’m not currently selling things or generating ad revenue from the site, many of the cookies the tools set are essentially no-ops (No Operations). 

There may come a time when I do start advertising on the site. When or If I do that, you’ll be informed about updates to the cookies and how they will impact you.

As things stand, when you click accept, it’ll be good for 180 days, I may change the time limit later. (Note: if you commonly clear cookies from your browser you’re going to be asked to accept earlier than the 180 day limit.)

Have a good Weekend.