Really? President Stompy foot.


Saturday President Obama blamed poor intelligence estimates for our government’s lack of action on Iraq and ISIS.

After my brain rebooted, all I could think was, “are you fucking kidding me?


ISIS swept out of Syria like a plague it advanced to within something like 50 miles of Baghdad. The whole time ISIS was telling the US “Don’t you bomb us, we’re in control now.” Iraqi army units joined ISIS rather than be killed. ISIS commandeered all vehicles, weapons, and food in their path, including personnel who knew how to use some of the more advanced weapons.


This was being reported in the mainstream American media. If you went to international news sources, you got more of a flavor of the atrocities being committed by ISIS against anyone that stood against them regardless of religious affiliation.


If you went to the less main stream publications or web sites you could find things like, Crucifixions, Beheadings, Convert or Die edicts, and of course, orders for the genital mutilation of young girls.

So with all the power of the NSA, CIA, and DIA, our government wasn’t capable of properly estimating the threat or anticipating the spread of a cancer like ISIS? The President truly expects we the American people to swallow this load of horse shit he’s peddling?

Perhaps the intelligence community was too busy monitoring the daily lives of law abiding Americans, that might explain why the intelligence community missed the threat of ISIS. Although one presumes that there are still a few people in Washington who read.

For months journalists have been reporting on ISIS, you’d think someone in government might have asked some questions.

The American people once again appear to know more than our leaders in Washington. 

That, in my mind makes a very strong case for voting out virtually every single incumbent in November, and then doing exactly the same thing in 2016.

We as a country can no longer afford to have a government that is totally disconnected not only from those it governs, but also from world events.

I find myself wondering can we impeach them all?

I was going to include some more graphic photos that the Middle Eastern press sources have published.  I pulled the images, they’re too brutal. If you’re interested type ISIS into a Google search for images.  

On the one hand, I feel like the American people should see what these animals are doing. Maybe the horror would galvanize our people to action. On the other hand, it’s not my place to destroy your innocence. 

Something a friend forwarded to me

Here is the link to the original piece.

I’m posting the text below for your convenience. This letter is well worth the time to read.

 Thanks to

To the Students for Justice in Palestine, a Letter From an Angry Black Woman

‘You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes’

A protest led by Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2009. (Gerald Martineau/The Washington Post/Getty Images)

The student organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is prominent on many college campuses, preaching a mantra of “Freeing Palestine.” It masquerades as though it were a civil rights group when it is not. Indeed, as an African-American, I am highly insulted that my people’s legacy is being pilfered for such a repugnant agenda. It is thus high time to expose its agenda and lay bare some of the fallacies they peddle.

• If you seek to promulgate the legacy of early Islamic colonialists who raped and pillaged the Middle East, subjugated the indigenous peoples living in the region, and foisted upon them a life of persecution and degradation—you do not get to claim the title of “Freedom Fighter.”

• If you support a racist doctrine of Arab supremacism and wish (as a corollary of that doctrine) to destroy the Jewish state, you do not get to claim that the prejudices you peddle are forms of legitimate “resistance.”

• If your heroes are clerics who sit in Gaza plotting the genocide of a people; who place their children on rooftops in the hopes they will get blown to bits; who heap praises upon their fellow gang members when they succeed in murdering Jewish school boys and bombing places of activity where Jews congregate—you do not get to claim that you are some Apollonian advocate of human virtue. You are not.

• If your activities include grieving over the woefully incompetent performance by Hamas rocketeers and the subsequent millions of Jewish souls who are still alive—whose children were not murdered by their rockets; whose limbs were not torn from them; and whose disembowelment did not come into fruition—you do not get to claim that you stand for justice. You profess to be irreproachable. You are categorically not.

• If your idea of a righteous cause entails targeting and intimidating Jewish students on campus, arrogating their history of exile-and-return and fashioning it in your own likeness you do not get to claim that you do so in the name of civil liberty and freedom of expression.

• You do not get to champion regimes that murder, torture, and persecute their own people, deliberately keep them impoverished, and embezzle billions of dollar from them—and claim you are “pro-Arab.” You are not.

• You do not get to champion a system wherein Jews are barred from purchasing land, traveling in certain areas, and living out such an existence merely because they are Jews—and claim that you are promoting equality for all. You do not get to enable that system by pushing a boycott of Jewish owned businesses, shops, and entities—and then claim that you are “against apartheid.” That is evil.

• You do not get to justify the calculated and deliberate bombings, beatings, and lynchings of Jewish men, women, and children by referring to such heinous occurrences as part of a noble “uprising” of the oppressed—that is racism. It is evil.

• You do not get to pretend as though you and Rosa Parks would have been great buddies in the 1960s. Rosa Parks was a real Freedom Fighter. Rosa Parks was a Zionist.

Coretta Scott King was a Zionist.

A. Phillip Randolph was a Zionist.

Bayard Rustin was a Zionist.

Count Basie was a Zionist.

Dr. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Zionist.

Indeed, they and many more men and women signed a letter in 1975 that stated: “We condemn the anti-Jewish blacklist. We have fought too long and too hard to root out discrimination from our land to sit idly while foreign interests import bigotry to America. Having suffered so greatly from such prejudice, we consider most repugnant the efforts by Arab states to use the economic power of their newly-acquired oil wealth to boycott business firms that deal with Israel or that have Jewish owners, directors, or executives, and to impose anti-Jewish preconditions for investments in this country.”

You see, my people have always been Zionists because my people have always stood for the freedom of the oppressed. So, you most certainly do not get to culturally appropriate mypeople’s history for your own. You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes and you do not get to feign victimhood in our name. You do not have the right to slander my people’s good name and link your cause to that of Dr. King’s. Our two causes are diametrically opposed to each other.

Your cause is the antithesis of freedom. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives of both Arabs and Jews. It has separated these peoples, and has fomented animosity between them. It has led to heartache, torment, death and destruction.

It is of course your prerogative to continue to utilize platitudes for your cause. You are entirely within your rights to chant words like “equality” “justice” and “freedom fighter.”

You can keep using those words for as long as you like. But I do not think you know what they mean.


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This one I couldn’t let pass, it really pisses me off. NSFW


5 year old rape victim dies in Herat


I originally saw this on Breitbart but followed it back to the Afghanistan Times (the link above).

Frankly, my brain rebooted.

There are so many things going through my head I’m not sure I can cogently prioritize them all.

The doctors at the hospital covered the cause of death, describing it as choking, instead of butfucking a 5 year old child to death. The boys, (I sincerely question what is meant by “boys” in this context) have been arrested but will probably be found innocent of the rape charges.

It’s the other details that make me positive we should have nuked the entire area, carpet bomb style. Sterilize the whole country, make it visible from space as a glowing wasteland, but I get ahead of myself.


The hypocrisy of these people is overwhelming. At the same time a 15 year old girl can be beaten and tortured by her in-laws for refusing to become a prostitute, apparently the victims of rape are often considered criminals and immoral because they were forced to have sex prior to wedlock.

THE VICTIMS??? What about the owners of the DICKS that violated children?

While I was trying to find the article about this boy on the Afghanistan Times site, I found another article about a three year old girl being raped by an adult man. Again, it looked like he might be held responsible for murder.

Then I read in the Breitbart article that older men sometimes  take on pre-pubescent MALE lovers in some bullshit cultural thing called “bacha baazi.”

WHAT?!?!? I thought it was customary for islamic “high morality” cultures to mutilate and then kill any homosexual. In this way they prevent the sullying of their “Religion of Peace” and preserving the high moral standards we’ve all come to know and “appreciate” from the followers of Islam.  Yet, here we have a cultural institution wherein homosexual behavior is apparently acceptable as long as it’s an older man with a boy whose balls haven’t dropped.

SORRY… Putting your dick in a boy, is homosexual behavior regardless of the age of the boy or how many wives you have.


What are we supposed to believe here, that the man didn’t realize he was fucking a boy… IN THE ASS?

What happens if the boy happens to develop a preference for male sex when he becomes an adult?

Well, we know that answer.  Presumably after enduring years of shame and humiliation, he gets caught with another man and then endures being imprisoned, mutilated, then fucked by the prison guards before he’s taken out and beheaded, stoned, or hung. 


Were I twenty years younger I’d sign up for college, then become a physicist with but one goal in mind.

I’d find a way to create a singularity sphere like the ones in The Arrival.  Then I’d happily drop a dozen or so of those puppies all over Afghanistan.

If you don’t remember, these things were flat cool. They lift off, scan the area, then suck everything into a singularity. 

No fuss, no muss, probably nothing more than just a brief wink of X-ray radiation as the surrounding matter disappears into the singularity’s event horizon. 

Totally excellent devices for urban renewal or to dispose of a vermin problem.

Make no mistake, Religion/culture of peace and morality, MY ASS!

No more funding for these animals, Let them all wither and die in a shithole of their own making. These people seem to know nothing but curelty, hatred and violence.  Perhaps, since we have no singularities handy, could we at least drop a few big assed rocks on ‘em from orbit?

I used to apply the lesson learned when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Spare the innocent…

Now I’ve come to think that euthanasia in these shitholes might be a more merciful option. 

And to lighten things up. Here’s Andrew Klavan on political correctness.