Kill Them, Kill them ALL!

ISIS New Video To America Reuters

With the latest beheading atrocity committed by ISIS I feel absolutely confident in stealing the phrase from Spartacus.

Kill Them, Kill Them All!

Kill them to the last man, Kill any of their kind who even reach for a weapon. Destroy this cancerous infection utterly.

Human rights, fair play, truces, treaties, and parley be damned. No mercy, no rules, no kindness, and no prisoners!

These FUCKS! Claim they’re already here, and due to our lack of diligence they probably are. I can only imagine the blood bath that will start when these animals bomb places in America.

Isis marching AP

It’s entirely possible that we’ll see xenophobia the likes of which even Hitler was afraid to dream of. But I don’t think it will be camps or gas chambers. I think it will be open season, and the good and innocent will be swept away with the evil and corrupt.

Imagine Ferguson on steroids. Imagine pissed off people, a MOB going house to house hunting anyone that is different, but especially targeting Middle Eastern people.

If that’s what we as a people want, then let President Onumbnuts keep playing golf. How many vacations have the taxpayers paid for this year?

We must take the fight to ISIS. We must make an example of them, we must leave a trail of dead bodies all the way back to Syria and if necessary, beyond. Once and for all we MUST make the price for their kind of violence simply too terrible to contemplate except as a blood soaked memory.

Rockets over Israel Reuters

Based on the actions of ISIS or ISL or whatever they call themselves this week, Islam is not a religion of peace.  Islam is not a religion of light.  Islam is a path that leads only to the grave.

Before Islam, Baghdad and the fertile crescent were beacons of literature, science, poetry, philosophy, and mathematics. These people were artists, craftsmen and scholars.

For the past 1500 years they’ve done absolutely nothing to benefit humanity. They threw all their enlightenment away to follow a retrograde, barbaric, religious cult. Now these savages seek to drag the rest of the world back into the stone age with them.

I for one have no interest in sitting in my own filth, dimly remembering when we were a technological species. All the while hoping that I didn’t do anything to make the Imam angry enough to have me killed. God forbid, I should ask a question of the O so enlightened caliphate.

Isis foley 676x450

I do not wish to see my nieces and nephews have the hope, intelligence, and enlightenment drained from their faces. 

These barbarians have left us only one option. Annihilation 

If nukes aren’t an option, drop a million pissed off armed Americans in Iraq. Tell them, there’s no bag limit, and for every ISIS kill they’ll make 2000.00. Provide Booze, ammo, food, and water, with those odds, I don’t give ISIS two weeks.

Kill all the members of ISIS, feed their worthless carcasses to pigs then shoot and burn the pigs.

No Mercy, No Compassion, No half measures, and especially NO reporters. What’s done to ISIS in the desert, STAYS in the desert.

Yeah, beheadings tend to sour my mood!

Jihadists in general should realize that when the American people unite, focusing on the single goal of destroying Jihadis, there will not be a hole deep enough anywhere on the planet that they can hide. 

As you wish…

Hamas Rejects ‘Final’ Ceasefire: “Death for Allah is our most exalted wish”


Sometimes… You just wonder, sigh.

Some of the earliest tales from the middle east are about Djins. From these tales, come stories of Alladin, and culminate in America in the all time favorite show “I Dream of Jeannie”.

Djin in the original tales weren’t nice. In some tales, they were said to be from an elder race which predated humans. The world had been taken from them and given to mankind… they weren’t happy about it. So they became tricksters and yes, they would grant your wish but at a terrible price.

If you wanted an exciting life, you could find yourself falling out of a plane in a war zone without a parachute. Sure your life would be very exciting for all of about 7 minutes or so.

When I saw the headline and Hamas quote, all I could think of was an old movie where a Djin was released from it’s imprisonment. The creature kept granting the most petty, venal, and childish of wishes. Each wish ended very badly and the creature would always say, “As you wish” with a smile.

This headline tells me a couple of things. 

1) Hamas is not the least bit interested in protecting its people.


2) Hamas is an illegitimate government and needs to be eradicated from the face of the Earth.

I hope Israel grants Hamas wish.

It occurred to me this morning that Israel has less reason to show restraint.  

In the past, America could request Israel go to the negotiation table.  We were after all supplying the Israelis with defensive weapons and ammunition.

Since president Stompy Foot started interfering with ammunition shipments to Israel, I suspect it’s changed the landscape of the conflict.

Now, Israel has a limited amount of time before Iron Dome runs out of missiles. Once Iron Dome fails, Israel will be vulnerable to Hamas missiles. 


Were I a commander in the IDF, My recommendation would be to begin an all out assault. After all, my country’s only option for survival would be to utterly destroy my enemy, before my enemy was in a position to harm my people. In other words, I could no longer afford to be magnanimous with my warnings or kind about how I selected targets. 

My orders would be to bomb and destroy my enemy’s positions where ever they were without question.

Rocket launchers in a Mosque? Destroy the Mosque and all it’s surrounding compound. Launchers in a UN sponsored school? Sorry UN I thought you’d become an active combatant.

But Israel has another impetus to take the gloves off. It’s economic, with Europe turning it’s back on Israel  and refusing to accept some Israeli imports, and Pro-Palestinian assholes here in America attempting to interfere with shipping, what incentive to Israel have to listen to anyone? The way I see it, none.

Especially when reports come out of Gaza that indicate Hamas is manipulating the story and painting Israel as the bad guy. Those reports are in fact being buried or ignored by the World press. 

Israel has already been accused, tried, convicted, and condemned of a crime they have yet to commit. There’s little reason for them NOT to go ahead and initiate an operation called “Scorched Earth” or to borrow from the series Spartacus operation “Kill them all”. After the smoke cleared they could legitimately get away with “Ooops!”

The beach front property would make an awesome tourist area.

Hamas should really be much more careful about what they ask for.

Here’s a video that says kinda what I said but in a much nicer, funnier way

Really? President Stompy foot.


Saturday President Obama blamed poor intelligence estimates for our government’s lack of action on Iraq and ISIS.

After my brain rebooted, all I could think was, “are you fucking kidding me?


ISIS swept out of Syria like a plague it advanced to within something like 50 miles of Baghdad. The whole time ISIS was telling the US “Don’t you bomb us, we’re in control now.” Iraqi army units joined ISIS rather than be killed. ISIS commandeered all vehicles, weapons, and food in their path, including personnel who knew how to use some of the more advanced weapons.


This was being reported in the mainstream American media. If you went to international news sources, you got more of a flavor of the atrocities being committed by ISIS against anyone that stood against them regardless of religious affiliation.


If you went to the less main stream publications or web sites you could find things like, Crucifixions, Beheadings, Convert or Die edicts, and of course, orders for the genital mutilation of young girls.

So with all the power of the NSA, CIA, and DIA, our government wasn’t capable of properly estimating the threat or anticipating the spread of a cancer like ISIS? The President truly expects we the American people to swallow this load of horse shit he’s peddling?

Perhaps the intelligence community was too busy monitoring the daily lives of law abiding Americans, that might explain why the intelligence community missed the threat of ISIS. Although one presumes that there are still a few people in Washington who read.

For months journalists have been reporting on ISIS, you’d think someone in government might have asked some questions.

The American people once again appear to know more than our leaders in Washington. 

That, in my mind makes a very strong case for voting out virtually every single incumbent in November, and then doing exactly the same thing in 2016.

We as a country can no longer afford to have a government that is totally disconnected not only from those it governs, but also from world events.

I find myself wondering can we impeach them all?

I was going to include some more graphic photos that the Middle Eastern press sources have published.  I pulled the images, they’re too brutal. If you’re interested type ISIS into a Google search for images.  

On the one hand, I feel like the American people should see what these animals are doing. Maybe the horror would galvanize our people to action. On the other hand, it’s not my place to destroy your innocence.