All I wanted was to listen to music…


I pulled a thread, and now none of the smart lights in the house are working. The security camera is also offline. I managed to kill the battery in my phone about 5 PM.

As Mr. Scott once said, “The more complicated the plumbing, the easier it is to clog up the works!”

This is what happens when you have a “smart house”

I have no clue exactly what the hell is going on. But I’ve done factory resets on my router, and all the smart light bulbs. I’ll be factory resetting the HomePod Minis, the Apple TVs and the Big HomePods.

I’ve been playing whack a mole. I’d get the lights working, then move on to the next thing that was broken, and boom the lights stopped working. Then I’d fix a light and something else would suddenly go offline.

It’s the darnedest thing.

For those of you wondering why I’m mistrustful of AI, here’s a perfect example why i don’t trust AI and think all AI systems should have a kill switch! That switch should be something totally mechanical that can’t be programmed around. Possibly augmented by a very large Axe.

None of the stuff at my house is particularly complex but something is running through the devices like a horseman of the apocalypse.

I’m thinking that I may have to power down then reset each and every device in the house to factory default then add them back one at a time.

I’m also thinking that I’ll need to delete the house from all the HomeKit enabled stuff.

By the time I’m done with this, chasing this problem around and around the house will have cost me 2 days. I started farting around with this Bullshit at 8am yesterday morning. I was listening to music, then suddenly there was no stereo. I asked the question, “Why?”

Before I knew it, I’d been consumed, as had my day. I actually had other things that I’d planned on doing yesterday none of which I got done except the laundry…

It’s also a good thing that I didn’t have any video I need to preserve. Because the security camera has been removed and re added to the home controls twice and will require the procedure again. Each time, any recorded video stored in the cloud is erased.

Totally brilliant bit of software engineering there. Another interesting feature is this, If the camera is offline in the Apple Home application then you can’t even look at video that’s recorded in your iCloud. So once the camera goes away and requires that you delete it and re-pair you’ve lost anything and everything stored for the last 30 days anyway.

I’ll be looking at a different paradigm for cameras in the future.

What’s the point of having the data recorded but completely inaccessible due to some silliness caused by a software update. Isn’t that the point of storing videos in the cloud???

Apparently, I’ve missed a memo somewhere.

Here’s the update. Flushing everything seems to have worked. I now have music throughout the house again and the smart lights are working. This was definitely the brute force method of solving the problem. I’m sure that it will reoccur at some point in the future.

That cynicism comes from experience with technology. Even if you’re not the one fiddling around with the devices, there’s always someone in development who’s tweaking a line of code here or there. Then someone else decides that a software update is necessary, or some scumbag hacker takes advantage of a security flaw and causes an update. One way or another, something is going to change and your nice stable system will be completely hosed.

I’d really like to be able to bill for the time lost to SPAM Email and all the software update related issues. The folks I’d like to bill are the little scumbag hackers, or their parents, or their countries of origin.

Well on with the rest of the day.

Have a great weekend

This is either going to work really well or…

I’ve screwed myself!

The SPAM levels in my incoming email have gotten completely out of hand. I’m clocking sometimes as many as 35 items an hour.

This is insane and wasn’t a problem until the FTC gave PayPal my email address!

I got up this morning to 200 new junk emails sitting in my SPAM filters. I have a choice, I can ignore all the emails while they take up space and CPU cycles as each of them is checked for viruses, then put in the junk mail folder, OR I can tell my computer to delete anything that doesn’t look like real business!

I’ve hesitated enabling draconian deletion protocols because there are some folks and / or emails that are useful even if they’re sending unsolicited emails.

However at this point it’s become a serious annoyance.

Today, I told the computer, if something looks like junk mail, just delete it. Don’t put it in the trash, don’t put it in the junk mail folder, just wipe it from the datastream completely.

I know that I’m going to be missing some emails that might be useful and it’s possible that someone will complain that I didn’t respond to their email but those are the breaks.

Of course, there is the possibility that I stop getting emails altogether. Hmmm, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad…

I really want to know…

It figures!

I decide that I need to retire because what’s the point of continuing to bang my head against the impenetrable wall of automated HR practices and hey, I can actually collect social security.

It  isn’t going to be enough for me to keep my house and pay my credit card bills but it will allow mw to have some time to deal with settling my other half’s affairs.

Turns out that I can still take a part time job (if I can get hired) and as long as I don’t make more than 17K It won’t affect my social security check.

All is well… or so I think!

I just got my first regular SS check. “Cool,” I think, “At least something is working.”

But then I start hearing about the debt ceiling. Yeah we’ve all heard about this before… The government is spending more money than they’re taking in and one party or the other party is bitching and whining about money being spent or money not being spent and the national debt.

I swear to God. I’d really LOVE seeing all those assholes in congress cut off from their wealth for a year. I’d love to see them have to actually live within a real budget, pay their bills like average Americans, and I’d like to see their income for that year be adjusted to the median income that the rest of America has to live within. Oh, and tank their credit ratings and reduce their credit limits.

I can tell you this, none of them would be living in their fancy Georgetown Apartments or Condos.

Suddenly, although I guess it’s not so sudden and certainly isn’t surprising given the way this administration has been spending,  there is the possibility that the government will default on their payments.

That also means they could decide to default on Social Security checks. I’m thinking if they do, then all bets are off!

I don’t feel that I have to pay taxes, I don’t feel that I have to answer to those assholes about anything. I’d bet that there’s a lot of other Americans who feel exactly the same way.  If we’ve learned anything over the past few years it’s that Feelings supplant actual reality and I wonder if the courts would come down on my side or the IRS. Okay I wondered for 1/2 of a second.

If I sell this house, I want to fucking REFUSE to pay capital gains. The IRS and the federal government can suck my dick!

You see if it comes to me eating, or paying taxes… I’ll  eat.

I thought Social Security was our government sponsored and secured retirement savings program. We’ve been forced to pay into it our whole damn working lives. So I think a legitimate question for our lawmakers will be…


Amplified by millions and millions of angry citizens.JoeBidenDuh

I suppose now we know why the Biden Administration wanted 87,000 armed IRS agents. They plan to rob us at gunpoint.

The other question I have to ask is this.

If the US can’t fucking pay their bills or pay the citizens they promised to pay via social security, then how the hell are they expecting to pay for all the folks preparing to cross the border when Title 42 ends?

It’s a legitimate question isn’t it?

Somebody is gonna foot the bill.

I’ll tell you what, if the folks swarming the border get food. clothing, medical, and all kinds of services while American retirees are going hungry or without their medications, then I think the government should be called to account.

If that means dragging Joe Biden’s raggedy ass in front of the Justice Department along with his staff that has led us to this particular disaster then so be it.

I highly doubt the Justice department will be involved because;

When Grandma loses her house and dies because she couldn’t afford cat food, her rent, and her medications. When welfare is cut off and folks dependent on those funds to feed their families go hungry… That’s the day when you’ll see a real insurrection, and this time it will be with guns, rocks, bricks, pitchforks, firebombs, and anything else people can get their hands on.

I strongly suspect that the police, and the military will do nothing to stop it. After all, at that point they’re not being paid either!

Simply put, on that day the abject failure of our leadership for decades will be laid bare and the American people will not be looking for excuses or platitudes they’re going to be looking for asses to hang on the wall.

It’s one of those days

It started yesterday. I was just suddenly inexplicably sad. I know that grieving is a process, but I’d really like to hurry it along a bit.

I’ve been trying to write but the words just don’t want to come. So I thought, “Just look for a job.”

That might have been a mistake, but then again it’s also something that must get done. Technically I shouldn’t have done that until Thursday when it’s supposed to be snowing again. Really more snow? I’m so over it, I was enjoying the nice 70°F temps and sunshine.

Oh well…

As I was looking for a job, It occured to me that all I need is a part time position paying minimum wage. So I started looking for simple things. I noticed a position at a Gym less than 20 miles away. I thought, “Hey, I could do that.” I started looking through the position then I saw this ESG thing. 

Normally I don’t think about ESG but they were making it kind of a big deal and it seemed really important to them. The more I read, the more the ESG subject seemed to matter. 

It led me to wonder if my having little to no opinion or concern about ESG would be a problem. I mean would I be expected to praise or worship at the alter of ESG when I don’t necessarily believe in it?

I applied anyway. I know there’s a lot to be said for social justice and all of that, but I’m not radical about it and honestly I don’t think it’s one of the things that should be first and foremost when it comes to employment. I’ve always agreed that we hire the best person for the job regardless of their racial origin or whatever.

There was something about ESG being so prominant in the company web site that made me uncomfortable. We’ll see if my weird feeling about it was justified, if I get called for an interview. 

I think it’s only me…

I keep catching articles or snippets of news, and thinking that I’m losing what’s left of my mind.

What’s weird and making me think I’m losing my mind is that, apparently nobody else thinks anything is amiss. Meanwhile my head is exploding and all I can think to do is run screaming into the wilderness.

For example:

There was a shooting in Louisville KY at a bank. An NPR report says, it appears that the shooting started in a conference room. There’s a lot of the other usual “guns bad” rhetoric and there there’s the obligatory doctors comment. In other words, the report was really “Boilerplate”.

What caught my attention was that the reporter speaks of psychological issues and how perhaps red flag laws are necessary everywhere. Then the reporter introduces the Doctor to make comments as an Osteopathic physician.

That’s when my brain said, “WAIT Just A DANG MINUTE!!!”

What the hell?

My first thought based on the word Osteopathic was, “A bone specialist”. My second thought was, “Why is a bone specialist commenting on a clearly psychological issue?” My next thought was, “Clearly I’ve misremembered the definition, I should look it up.”

For context, here’s the way stuff like this is stored in my head.

For clarity, I’ll use a common word. We know that osteoporosis is degeneration of the bones often attributed to aging.

Osteo – Greek for bone.

Porosis a condition (as of a bone) characterized by porosity

So osteoporosis literally means porous bones.

The word Pathic – perceiving, suffering, or affected in a (specified) way.

(As an aside this one is odd because there was one dictionary that said this word was either a homosexual bottom, or a catamite. These are not the definitions I was taught and means that I must carefully evaluate context if I see this word in the “wild” so to speak.)

Therefore you would expect for an Osteopath to study bones and the conditions or diseases that affect them.

OR I suppose you could use the odd dictionary (American Heritage online, by the way) and you’d come up with someone who has sex with bones????

If that’s not weird enough… Hang on, because this is where things get really weird.

The American Osteopathic Association website says something a bit different when defining what a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is. The definition isn’t simple, it’s actually kind of a word salad and takes a whole lot more linguistic processing power to process than it should. A word that is a Title should be very clear in my opinion.

Here is the answer to What is a DO?

Short answer, these guys probably started out as Chiropractors and / or Massage Therapists. Both of which, have their place but neither of which I want doing a psychological assessment on me.

In either case, if the Osteopathic Doctor actually studied and was licensed to treat diseases of bones, OR if they’re Chiropractors & Massage Therapists, they’re not qualified to speak on issues of psychology.

Personally, I like the clarity of Cardiologist, Psychologist, Ophthalmologist, Endocrinologist, etc. See the pattern? You’re looking at compound words. The Ologist says study of, and the word preceding it, says what’s being studied.

I’m sorry it took such a long way to get around to the point.

The problem is that when you have some knowledge of what words mean, or worse yet, that so many of our common words have roots in ancient languages and their root meanings, prefixes, and suffixes, are rattling around in your head, it’s maddening.

If you’re at all like me, you find your brain being rebooted all the time because you take the word apart and know what something is. Or at least what it’s supposed to be.

Except NOW the word may, or may not, mean what you thought it did regardless of the common root word, or even the long accepted definition.

Which is why I keep thinking I’m losing my mind.

I have a fairly decent vocabulary, so when I’m listening to, or reading something, I’m getting meaning transferred to me by the specific words being used, and apply a certain level of precision based on the definitions stored in my head.

When those words suddenly lead me off into the weeds, off the rails, or down the rabbit hole, because contextually they don’t appear to have the meaning stored in my brain I start to ask questions.

One of those questions is; “Did I just have a stroke?”

Then I realize that in the case of the NPR piece, they wanted the gravitas of a “medical professional” making comments.

The best they could come up with was a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

Either the reporter didn’t know what that meant or didn’t care, and assumed that the majority of the American public wouldn’t know or care that the “Doctor” speaking was completely outside their lane.

One of my very best friends is a real “Doctor”. He legitimately holds a Phd. while he is very intelligent, and can speak eloquently on 18th century English Literature, I wouldn’t want him performing heart surgery on me or anyone else.

However, my friend could as legitimately spoken about the shooter in Louisville as the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine on NPR.

With my friend, at least you wouldn’t have to process through a word salad that Kamala Harris couldn’t get through, to find out he’s not really qualified to speak on matters of Psychology.

The problem is that when words don’t have precise meaning then the point, or message those words were trying to convey is muddy at best.

I suppose what caused me to write this insane rabbit hole is that I frequently wonder why it is that I don’t understand what people are saying. I hear or read the words but the meaning is unclear.

Right now, on my desk is a form that says, “In addition to completing form XXX-YYY, please also supply the following documents if the following box is checked.”

Okay, none of the boxes are checked. So I shouldn’t have to supply those documents.

Except that’s not the case. It turns out they do want one of the documents, and according to the person I spoke with, they always want that particular document.

The organization could save themselves a lot of phone calls and unnecessary mail by simply being clear. Either always check the box next to that document, OR reword the instructions.

When I spoke with the representative after submitting the form, and the organization bouncing it back twice, they treated me like a moron because I’d followed their instructions precisely.

I first started noticing this lack of clarity many years ago. I thought it was the world that was the problem. It was little things at first and I was convinced I was right…

Now I question my rightness because the rest of the world seems to be getting along just fine with blurry meaning, poorly written instructions, and misleading reports about the news of the day.

If the rest of the world sees no problem, then the problem must be mine alone.

I wonder, should I see a psychologist, psychiatrist, or would an osteopathic doctor due just as well. I’ve been described by some as bone headed…