As of today I’m unemployed

This is a mixed blessing, and a long time coming.

I wasn’t going to go in until next week. But I noted that a paper check had been cut paying me a lump sum for my vacation, and unused holiday time. So it’s convenient and profitable for me to drive down there to hand in my shit.

It’s also a nice form of closure I will no longer have anything that I have to be responsible for and with few exceptions the company and I will be done with each other.

In hindsight, I took the position for all the right reasons. There was no way I could have known just how screwed up the project would become. Bad management is as likely in one industry as it is in any other. That there is a concentration of crappy management in the aerospace industry shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

These people have existed within a culture of obscene overruns for decades. Most of them have the attitude that no matter what, they can always go back to the government for more money and in many cases they have built systems and procedures where that assumption is integral to any project they bid.

The movie Pentagon Wars was a comedy. Sadly, it is also surprisingly accurate in it’s depiction of how government projects work.

It’s a real pity that the bureaucratic red tape necessary to become a government contractor is so arduous that many companies simply refuse to even try. I think that it’s time for the government to reduce the bureaucracy in favor of better, more modern, less expensive goods and equipment.

The old guard contractors like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop, Raytheon, and TRW need a good solid kick in the pants in terms of competition. Lessening the red tape and allowing new players and new ideas into contract bids would serve the nation well.

That’s just my opinion.

Is it me or just that Republican candidates are really bad this election?

I can’t just sit idly by and not comment on this.

Michele Bachmann won the Iowa Straw poll.


Got this from a friend this morning it’s a Meet the Press piece with Michele Bachmann.

In the piece they play a segment of a speech she gave in 2004 where she describes being Gay as bondage, and Gay people as  despairing and enslaved, presumably she means enslaved to sexuality…

Uhhh Every single human being is enslaved to their sexuality and has been since before the beginning of the human species.

Wars have been fought, Cities built … and destroyed, technological advancement, wealth, hunting prowess, sports, the advancement of human civilization can ALL be laid at the feet of our sexuality.

Because we humans will do damn near anything to FUCK!

We as a species have done all these things to impress the objects of our desires. We’re  hoping that (she or he) will notice us, find our accomplishments notable and attractive. The goal is (she or he) will want to get to know us, ultimately ending in sex then hopefully love.

Every single human being on the planet is wired this way. Watch a bunch of pubescent boys and girls sometime. The clothes, and the tools used to impress each other may have changed but the dance they’re doing is as old as our species.

If that’s not enslavement to our sexuality I don’t know what is… it’s a normal human state.

The despair she speaks of is 100% INDUCED by hostile ignorant bigots just like her! How could Gay people not despair in this country?

Despair is absolutely normal when you create an underclass who is not represented fairly and equally. History is full of examples, ever heard of The Civil Rights Movement Ms. Bachmann?

Christianity as practiced by fundamentalists like Bachmann and Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist church all but demands that gay people be hunted down and exterminated. We won’t even begin to talk about Islam…

Simply announcing that they’re gay strips BASIC American rights away from the individual.

Gay people in this country can be beaten, murdered, robbed, and bullied with relative impunity. There are statistics that show crime against Gay people is rising. I personally lay the blood of those folks at the feet of hateful bigots like Bachman and her ilk.

Who do gay people turn to for justice? Politicians? Police? Religions?

Well it’s become painfully obvious that Gay people and perhaps the American People cannot expect to see Justice, social or otherwise, from a “President Bachmann”or for that matter a “President Romney”.

If these people are the “Best” the republican party can produce we all better settle in for 4 more glorious years of Obama.

Rick Perry? Still too soon to say… Stay tuned.

The Santorum follies continue

Santorum is obviously clueless and probably out of his mind.

As if this guy hasn’t done enough harm to his political aspirations already, he’s continuing to blather on about gay marriage.

I’m sure that his handlers wish they could shut him the hell up and keep a script in front of him at all times.

Thus far he’s pointed out that a napkin is not a paper towel (making the point that gay marriage is not marriage)

He educated us that water is not beer and calling water beer doesn’t make it so.

Now he’s astounded us all by telling us that a cup of tea is not a basketball.

Clearly a politician is not a politician just because he’s running for president. Right now the least of anyones worries in this country are gay ANYTHING!

What does he propose to do to stimulate the economy?
Address the banking mess or the foreclosure issues?
How is he going to deal with the wars we’re fighting and what does he propose to do to increase our safety without accruing yet MORE enemies?
How does he feel about apologist politicians?

His handlers need to tell him to stop beating a dead horse or he needs to drop out of the race NOW and give his campaign warchest to a candidate that actually has a grasp of what the president should be doing.