The Santorum follies continue

Santorum is obviously clueless and probably out of his mind.

As if this guy hasn’t done enough harm to his political aspirations already, he’s continuing to blather on about gay marriage.

I’m sure that his handlers wish they could shut him the hell up and keep a script in front of him at all times.

Thus far he’s pointed out that a napkin is not a paper towel (making the point that gay marriage is not marriage)

He educated us that water is not beer and calling water beer doesn’t make it so.

Now he’s astounded us all by telling us that a cup of tea is not a basketball.

Clearly a politician is not a politician just because he’s running for president. Right now the least of anyones worries in this country are gay ANYTHING!

What does he propose to do to stimulate the economy?
Address the banking mess or the foreclosure issues?
How is he going to deal with the wars we’re fighting and what does he propose to do to increase our safety without accruing yet MORE enemies?
How does he feel about apologist politicians?

His handlers need to tell him to stop beating a dead horse or he needs to drop out of the race NOW and give his campaign warchest to a candidate that actually has a grasp of what the president should be doing.

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