I hate it when I’m like this.

I’ve been writing… I try to write every morning over the first cup of coffee. Okay maybe the second and third cups too.

The trouble is, as I’m writing multiple thoughts collide and then the post sort of falls apart. 

A way to visualize the problem is watch a zipper as it’s closing. The left and right halves would represent two distinct trains of thought in my head, then you run the closure mechanism up the zipper and both trains are merged. 

That works great for a zipper but when you’re writing it creates a mess. If you have a few trains of thought running in your head at the same time what you end up with is a really bad train wreck.

There have been a number of train wrecks over the past few weeks.

I’ve written about Leticia James, Donald Trump, women gloating, why I think female to male transgenders can’t pass as men, and why I think the Biden regime is being run by women or man bun wearing soy boys who are weak & annoying.

Sometimes when I have a train wreck in my head I’ll just copy out the train wreck point and create another post that stands on its own merit.

Oh there was also a piece bemoaning the loss of meritocracy.


That hasn’t worked very well lately. I’m thinking the trouble is in everything being so intertwined.

Here’s an example: 

Trump was being a whiney little bitch about losing 2020 for the past 3 almost 4 years. Had the Biden regime not weaponized the legal system against Trump, I think Trump would have faded into history and lost to another conservative presidential candidate. That’s because the Biden Regime moved too far left too fast and the correction is going to be Biden is a one term president. People in general are or were tired of Trump and all the drama. However the Biden Regime behaved like a woman in a divorce and couldn’t just let things settle. They needed vengeance. It wasn’t solely the Biden regime, it was the entire Democrat party. They’re still pissed off that Hillary lost in 2016 and they’re willing to punish Trump and the American people for 8 -12 years for that heinous “betrayal”. It’s analogous to the way women hold onto their anger in an argument. Instead of putting a stake in the heart of the monster known as Donald Trump, Biden and the Democrat party effectively fed him virgins blood. Now each trial, each indictment, each bloviating buffoon of a Mayor, Governor, District Attorney, Attorney General or Special Prosecutor makes Donald Trump stronger than ever before.

If you read that paragraph there’s a lot to unpack!

Yes, I’m not a big fan of Trump. I’ll vote for him for no other reason than he’s the better of the options available.

I think the Democrat party is behaving like a bunch of bitter women who want their pound of flesh no matter the cost. That’s a major problem for the nation.

I think that Trump lost much of his dignity by bitching and moaning for the past four years about 2020. I lost respect for him because of his inability to lose with some shred of good grace. After 6 months or so, he should have shut the fuck up. Honestly, if he’d “Gone Dark” then exploded on the Presidential campaign scene say in Jan of 2024 he might have avoided all the legal bullshit.

Biden’s presidency has been the most filthy administration since Nixon. I literally hate every single aspect of the Biden Regime top to bottom. I would dance a jig if the lot of them were tossed into prison cells awaiting trial for treason. I call them a regime because there is no honor in this Presidency. The will of the people, and the good of the people has been subverted by the Biden Regimes greed and lust for power. 

I have grown increasingly angry at the justice system, starting with their refusal to hear cases regarding voter fraud. Not for Trumps sake, but for the sake of our Republic. By not hearing the cases, the judiciary has effectively countenanced voter fraud. But then it goes further. Every case brought against Trump, every alteration in the law to allow Trump to be tried for whatever, demonstrates that the country I love and believe in, doesn’t exist. I don’t know if that country ever existed but I’m really pissed that my illusions have been shattered.

Lastly, there’s a fair bit of misogyny in there because I point out women’s behavior in divorces and their preternatural ability to hold onto anger and vengeance (look at Nancy Pelosi!). That line of thinking leads to my exploring why female to male transgenders might pass as men visually, but fail to pass emotionally.

So gentle readers, that’s why the blog posting has been spotty recently. 

My multiple trains of thought have been about as controllable as psychotic horses running into a burning barn.

It’s going to take some time to work through it. Your patience is appreciated.

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