Happy Easter

Last year around this time I was dealing with a lot. 

I’d come through Jerry’s death, the blizzard in Feb. and my brain being locked up with too many emotions to process.

Easter was always one of those holidays that Jerry worked really hard on. Not quite so much as Christmas, but it was an important day in his calendar. 

Easter was one of those days when he’d bring home flowers to brighten the house. He raided them from the flower arrangements at the church. His logic was that they were just going to wilt and die anyway, There was no reason they shouldn’t brighten up our house for a week.

He also would often bring home candy or chocolate rabbits. For my part, while he was playing the Easter Services I’d be here cooking, or preparing to cook a nice Sunday meal. We tried to make Sunday dinner important, Easter Sunday dinner was a little more special.

Last year I hardly noticed the day passing.

This year, I’m generally in a much better place mentally,  but I’m aware that there’ll be no flowers and candy. Somehow me being in a better mental state makes the day seem a little sharp? I know I’m not being “Easter minded” right now. I suspect this may be one of the last holidays to get through. 

I’ve managed to get through a whole calendar year, I forgot that there were holidays that slipped by me right after Jerry died so I didn’t really stop to think about them. This year I missed Jerry making corned beef on St Patricks Day. I missed a flower, or a plant on Valentines day.

I’ll miss the flowers from the Easter Arrangements adorning the table and I don’t feel much like making a big dinner. I’ve got more snow shoveling to do today anyway. 

This Easter is a contemplative one.

Perhaps, that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

Everyone, Have a good day.