25°F and Clear for the time being

It’s been essentially 3 days of rain/snow/slush you name it. It’s nice to see the sun. Aside from being tired of shoveling, a  good thing is that I haven’t seen or heard the news.

Jesse is going nuts because I’ve been clearing snow and he hasn’t gotten a walk for a couple of days. When it was raining it was his choice not to go walking. 

He has no interesting in being outside in the rain.

Today is a pretty day. The sun is out and seeing it reflected off the peak is spectacular. 

While we’re taking our walk, I’m going to try to take a couple of unobstructed photos of the peaks around the area and hopefully a few pictures of Jesse playing in the snow.

The snow that fell last night was a fine powder and fortunately is nothing to clear. I used my leaf blower to clear the front stairs and deck.

That was a nice change from the heavy wet stuff and breaking shovels.

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