It’s been obvious for a while…

That President Biden was declining sharply from even the time when he was running his basement campaign. It’s perhaps no wonder that the special council declined to prosecute Biden for mishandling classified documents.

I’m sure there was some consideration about how a Jury would perceive Biden, however I think the real issue would be, could he reliably answer any questions or provide testimony on his own behalf.

We all know the answer to those questions.

Whoever has been propping Biden up as President should be tried for elder abuse. Jill Biden is not much of a wife since she’s allowed all this to transpire. She knew his state during the campaign and allowed herself to either be carried along, or was so desperate to be famous she pushed and used Joe as a stepping stone.

Whatever the dynamic there, it’s yet another question mark in my mind about what kind of family the Biden’s really are. I’ve seen more honorable / decent behavior toward each other demonstrated back in a Holler where the family lived in a single wide trailer with a leaky roof.

Guess it proves money can’t buy class or decency.

The real problem the DNC and the country at large faces is Kamala becoming President. For all her cackling buffoonery there’s an underlying rage, bordering on stupidly evil. Unlike Joe who is probably more pliant when it comes to doing what he’s told, Kamala thinks she’s smart and will not follow orders.

At this point, the DNC is probably hoping that Joe keeps enough of his mind to appear functional until the election. That’s a bet I wouldn’t make, he’s coming undone right before our eyes.

I have a brutal theory. I’ve begun to think that Joe is talking to dead people because he’s close to death himself. Maybe for him the veil between life and death is thinning and he really is seeing dead people.

All of the above aside…

A real question of concern is, who is actually running the country?

Sure we can say congress is running things, but even there, it seems clear there’s something else going on.

Who is pulling Biden’s strings? Why are they (whoever they are) doing the things they’re doing? What is the end game?