Merry Christmas

It’s supposed to be a beautiful sunny day.

I don’t know yet because the sun hasn’t topped the mountain to the east yet. I’m guessing that it will be pretty.

I was planning on sleeping late, but forgot to turn off the alarm. Maybe I’ll go back to bed.

Jesse hasn’t seemed interested in leaving his spot so the bed will still be warm. The question is, can get him to move enough that I can get back under the covers? It may require bribery!

Yes, his head is on my pillow!

I may just get in on the other side of the bed. If I’m quick enough, he won’t have time to move where I’m trying to lay down.

Oh, did I not mention it? He likes to play “King of the bed”. He thinks it’s funny as hell, I on the other hand don’t when I’m freezing my naked butt off trying to get back under the covers.

I can hope against hope that he’ll give me a Christmas present of letting me back in the bed before anything important freezes solid and falls off.

In any case, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Day.

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