Joe, you really need to keep your hands or mouth off children

I couldn’t believe what I saw while Joe Biden was in Finland.

While watching that clip, I felt my gorge rising.

The child was clearly not happy, I think her mother was caught off guard.

What a weird position to find yourself in. The leader of a country, who appears to be a grandfatherly old man is being inappropriate with your child. You don’t want to be offensive and certainly don’t want to cause an international incident.

But your child is clearly uncomfortable. Perhaps the mom should have spun around to protect her daughter’s feelings. If the father stepped between his wife and child and this rude old man it might have made a powerful silent statement.

Unfortunately he couldn’t make any sudden move. He like all the rest of the crowd were held hostage by security. Any sudden move could have resulted in God only knows what.

I’ll bet that the last time those parents go to see any political leader. In fact maybe it’s time for everyone to stop turning out to see The President of the United States. That would solve the groping, sniffing, and inappropriate touching.

Then again people may be turning out to confirm for themselves that, “Yes, the people of the United States did in fact elect this man who is clearly a refugee from a secured old folks home.”

It must be thrilling and at the same time terrifying to see with your own eyes how far the United States has fallen.

Microsoft, you’re not the only game in town…

I had not meant to get into this today. Unfortunately there was this huge rabbit hole and I couldn’t resist.

It all started out with me making phone calls. I contacted the mortgage folks, which led to them helping me get things set up on their website. Hopefully this will make my interactions a touch easier.

This started because I was looking at my bank account and noticed over the last 2 months the mortgage payment had risen by about 100 bucks.

It turns out this rise is due to two events. One was a change in the way that tax escrow account is handled. The second is our crack feds raising the interest rates. The mortgage folks were very nice and efficient in explaining what’s going on. This is seriously different from the way they treated me when they purchased the mortgage from JP Morgan Chase.

When it came to setting up the web access, that too was efficient and gave me access to a ton of unread documents.

Then I continued the search for someone to inspect the fire suppression systems Backflow valves. This is one of those things that has always annoyed me. The Country and the Water company demand this be done, but offer no help in terms of who to call.

I’ve been striking out on this one for a week.

Anyway I logged onto the Microsoft website to downgrade my Office 365 subscription from a family plan to a personal plan.

Unfortunately, there is no way to do that from their web page. I put a call in to them. The lady who tried to help had some difficulty, (caused by me,) I still had a credit card on the account that I’d actually closed. I didn’t realize it because the number was familiar and the account closure is pretty recent.

When I realized the problem I told the lady.

She told me to enter the new card information on the Microsoft website (Which I did,) then I made the new card the primary and deleted the incorrect card.

When the lady tried to downgrade the subscription, Microsoft’s Systems started rejecting the change. This meant that I’d have to go to a higher level support person who would have to call me back.

“Okay,” I said.

A few minutes later my email chimes, and now Microsoft wants me to type my name, the last 4 digits of the card to be used, the case number and something else into a blank document which is then to be screenshotted and the screen shot is to be uploaded to Microsoft on some weird link.


The lady calls me back but has no explanation about why we’re doing this screenshot thing. I point out that they already have the data, but apparently this is the process to speak to a higher level person.

It’s at this point that I tell the lady that I’m considering cancelling the service entirely. I point out that none of this is her fault, but it is the fault of Microsoft who if I recall correctly is a software company and should therefore be bound by rules of logic.

Further I point out that none of this would be necessary if Microsoft provided a mechanism for me (the customer,) to be able to select one each, of the two plans offered for the service I’m attempting to purchase. Instead Microsoft only allows the customer to select the plan they’ve already got.

I tell her that this shouldn’t be such a pain and that the alternative is to simply cancel the subscription, especially since I have applications that are smaller in terms of storage, which work as well or better than the Microsoft versions.

This stuns her. Poor Indian lady, (dot not feather) that she was, this must have blown her mind. The poor dear was probably in Bangalore or Delhi.

I tell her that I’m going to think about proceeding with this renewal process. I hang up the phone.

I did think about it…

I’ve canceled the subscription.

Then I thought about it further, and have deleted my Microsoft account in it’s entirety. Apparently this doesn’t include deleting LinkedIn. Hmm maybe that is next! I could do without another social media service.

During the process, Microsoft went to great lengths on their website to tell me just what all I’d be losing. Including some of the Xbox games that I may have purchased. Hmm, there’s a reason to buy a PlayStation for myself at Christmas! The upshot is I lose access to all sorts of stuff that a) I never used, and b) represent additional access points for hackers to potentially do nasty stuff.

Over the past few months I’ve been getting intermittent notifications from Microsoft saying that my Outlook account was being accessed from Moscow. Well that’s not a problem anymore! There is no Outlook account.

I’m sure that I forgot to update contact email addresses at a couple of companies but lets see if I miss whatever notifications they were sending me. I had no problem flushing ZipRecruiter though. They couldn’t handle me changing the login email address and also uploading an updated resume. Honestly, I’ve found ZipRecruiter to be completely useless.

There are a couple other businesses that I traded with who can’t handle changing the login email address. I’m weighing very carefully if I need to continue to trade with them.

Microsoft assured me that my account would be recoverable for 60 days, but they’ve already screwed around with the subscription to Office 365. The outlook mail account is throwing errors about passwords and such.

I’ve just deleted the Outlook account from my iPad and phone. I’ll check the access on the computer and if it’s screwed up too, I’ll delete it there as well. I’m kinda happy right at the moment. I can delete ALL the Microsoft related passwords from my systems without concern.

All they had to do was let me save $30 a year… But Nooooo! They had to make things annoying and difficult. So now I’ll go on without them, OR just to piss them off I’ll download the same applications from the Apple App Store, use the in app purchase model, and force Microsoft to Pay Apple!

Ain’t I a fucker?

Jeez, Microsoft, (and Apple) have gotten too big for their britches. Both of them are forgetting, or have forgotten, that they’re dependent on customer good will to survive.

Eventually, there will be enough people like me who are tired of being screwed with.

Leopards don’t change their spots…

New email or perhaps better said, un-redacted emails appearing this week seem to show Fauci lied under oath to congress. A LOT!

Fauci told Senator Rand Paul that Paul didn’t know what he was talking about. Uh Nope, Rand Paul nailed it!

Fauci claimed he wasn’t funding Gain of Function research in China. Uhh, he was, in direct violation of American law.

Fauci was being Fauci.

He hasn’t changed, he’s the same person that restricted access to experimental treatments for HIV and then managed to capitalize on AZT as a horrifically expensive marginally effective treatment, with terrible side effects which killed a lot of gay men.

Back when HIV was first making the rounds, the news media said that HIV was a variant of SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) and that HIV occurred in humans due to wet market sales of monkey meat in Africa. Or someone fucked a monkey, (allowed a monkey to fuck them?)

That wet market story seems to be a favorite doesn’t it?

I’ve always had questions about wet market transmission stories. I could see diseases maybe being transmitted that way, possibly, depending on what type of pathogen you’re talking about.

But, and this is the big BUT. Wet markets aren’t new. People have been eating meat slaughtered on site in the market place for thousands of years. Typically speaking the meat is cooked, then consumed.

Upon consumption, the food is dropped into a bath of hydrochloric acid waiting in the human stomach. So how likely is it that you’d get a fragile virus transmitted from consuming meat containing it?

I suppose if the animal is slaughtered as you watched, it’s possible that there’s some spatter of blood which spectators might potentially inhale thus providing a route of infection??? The other thing could be that the person doing the butchering cuts themselves and the animal blood mingles with theirs? Would that cause an animal to human jump? Maybe? It seems like a number of events would all have to line up just perfectly. The right version of mutagenic virus, the right sort of accident, the right kind of immune compromise in the person, all of which become increasingly unlikely. It’s not impossible I suppose, just very unlikely.

Wet market transmission? Nah, especially not twice in 40 years after thousands of years with no incident. Maybe I’m missing something.

Anyway, Fauci was at the heart of HIV too.

Fauci’s problem is that he’s sloppy.

He should have killed all the gay men from the 70’s 80’s & 90’s. Had he done so, then there wouldn’t be anyone to point their finger at him and say J’accuse!

Elsewhere in this blog I’ve compared the HIV plague with the COVID Plague. Here is one link, you can search the blog for others if you’re interested. I had to stop looking for other links, I’ve been writing about all these kinds of things since late 2019 or early 2020 and anytime I go back to reread a blog post, I always find typos that I’m compelled to fix.

It’s like Dracula’s compulsion to unknot rope, or count beans cast before him. Yeah, in part of the mythos, Dracula was super OCD! In actuality, this part of the myth was probably concocted just to make terrified children believe they had the ability to slow down the monster long enough to hide, so their parents could make them go to sleep.

The thing is, Fauci is there in the past, he’s here in the present, and the story hasn’t changed.

Not that it matters. Fauci will get away with it. He’ll lecture at Harvard and have a nice happy life.

Josef Mengele got away with his medical crimes too. It appears that he made it to South America in 1949, remarried in 1958, and died in 1979 of a stroke while swimming in Brazil where he’d lived since 1961.

This gives us all some interesting lessons.

1) There is no justice.
2) Leopards don’t change their spots.
3) Even when you’ve caught the devil dead to rights he’ll smile at you, because he knows some misguided fool will protect him.

Hollywood on Strike?

Meh, who cares?

I haven’t been to a theater in a decade. I killed Netflix and Amazon Prime a couple years ago, and Hulu is Next.

I don’t watch network TV

Most of the movies I’m interested in are either old, or from independent or foreign production houses.

It’s not even about “Woke” vs. “NonWoke”, it’s about the quality of the story. I’ll grant you, I don’t like being preached at. So about the time something looks preachy I’m out.

With the streaming services, I found myself asking, “How is it that I have 3 streaming services and still can’t find anything I want to watch that I don’t already own?”

Hulu has started to annoy me because of their algorithms. I can’t confirm this for a fact. But it seems that when I add a movie to my personal Apple TV library, suddenly Hulu starts showing me the exact same movie and encouraging me to view it on their service. Uh… look dumbasses I already own it commercial free, why the hell would I watch a movie that I own through your service with commercials?

Perhaps Hulu, you should have been showing me something new!

The only reason I’ve kept Hulu to this point is that they were more or less cheap and sometimes I’d be able to find a movie I hadn’t seen. They’ve saved me purchasing some real turkeys. But since I enjoy campy sci-fi, even the turkeys in my collection are amusing sometimes.

Speaking of campy sci-fi I saw a photo of what looks like Jane Fonda protesting with the writers. Honestly, the photo made me smile. Jane Fonda did a lot of protesting when I was a young person. There’s a sweet nostalgia seeing her out protesting now. I think I’ll have to fire up Barbarella.

Lilly Tomlin was in that same photo and I thought that was very cool homage to Grace and Frankie which was a show I enjoyed.

Personally I think this strike is ill timed and is going to hurt the writers, producers, and actors much more than it helps.

Like it or not, the COVID years, got everyone used to not going to movies, and a lot of folks, myself included got used to looking for old shows or movies that we remembered fondly.

I can speak for myself when I say I don’t have a clue what is new on the boob tube. When we cut the cable years ago, it seemed that every other show was some form of “Reality TV” that we weren’t interested in at all. So why were we paying over $100 a month to Not watch TV? We didn’t miss it once it was gone and if I put that $100 into old movies and TV shows that we did like we still came out ahead.

But for other folks, this strike is going to feel like nothing more than an extension of COVID production halts and likely, whatever shows or movies aren’t being produced won’t be missed.

I’d strongly suggest that the writers and actors not push this too long. People are fickle and have the attention span of a gnat these days. Give it 6 to 9 months and stupid TicToc challenges will be all the entertainment people remember or need.

On the plus side Alec Baldwin’s epic Rust will probably rot on an editing computer, never to see the light of day.

Men, if you want to visit a Male only resort…

Get your reservations in order NOW.

Pardon me for putting this bluntly but a fucking bitch filed a discrimination law suit against Island House and New Orleans House because both resorts specifically cater to male clients desiring a clothing optional vacation, and denied her entry to the clothing optional areas. Hey lady, if you want to see naked men you could look at any number of websites!

Here’s the link

Gentlemen this is how if fucking starts!

I’ve seen this bullshit play out over years and several businesses.

The first was a place whose owner recognized that Men, real Males, dudes who have cocks and balls, like having their grooming needs met in a place where they don’t have to smell the chemicals used to color or curl hair. They also don’t like the smell of fiberglass and acrylic nail bonding materials.

This particular owner owned two salons, about a block apart. One they designated as for men, the other they designated for women. Both salons were decorated in ways that appealed to their expected clientele.

The male space provided a beer after work, current games and replay channels of various sports. Men could, and did go in after work and get their hair cut on the way home. It was a welcoming space and we could even get a real straight razor shave. In effect this place was a safe space for men.

That ended when a nasty bitch decided that she didn’t want to go to the lady’s place, she wanted to have her hair cut in a mans place because the lady’s place wouldn’t do it right. Which was ironic because a lot of the stylists working in the male space had come from the female salon. The exception were the 3 barbers who were authorized by California to do straight razor shaves.

I once overheard a new stylist saying how glad she was to be working at the men’s salon. I asked her why it mattered she was working for the same owners. She smiled and replied, “Men are so much nicer to work with. If I make a mistake or misunderstand how a man wants his hair cut, I apologize and fix it with zero drama.”

When this nasty bitch was asked to go to the lady’s salon, she ran crying to an attorney like the little bitch she was.

One year later, what had been a booming business catering to men, was just another stinky hair burning palace. The barbers left within a month or two, and a lot of the stylists found other places to be. The place still exists and operates under the same name but where their website used to have men, and male cuts and services prominently displayed now it’s all female. I’m not trying to be misogynistic but I don’t think it’s unreasonable for a man to want a male space.

Similarly there was a gym that had VIP Male locker rooms that you paid a lot of money extra to have. The same gym didn’t have a female equivalent. The reason wasn’t about discrimination it was about profit.

There were substantially more men from local businesses who would pay for a nicer private locker room with more amenities. The women typically didn’t and even if they were willing to pay extra, women made up less than 25% of the membership of this particular gym. The math is simple, the owners of the gym invested where it was likely they’d get a substantial return on the investment.

That gym is now closed.

I heard of another gym that tried an experimental mix in the VIP locker room, but the women didn’t like that men would walk around without bothering to wrap a towel around themselves.

The men for their part thought nothing of being nude and if the women wanted to be there… Fine, ladies you’re going to see us in our natural habitat.

The women eventually won. I’m not sure what the mechanism was, but many younger men are so ashamed of their bodies they’ll leave a gym without showering or even changing clothes. They’re too afraid of someone else seeing their cocks and balls. Older guys like me… I don’t much care one way or the other.

I guess we all knew this assault on Men was coming. If not from some crazed bitch who just wants to make trouble, then it would be from some fucked up trans asshole. Can you tell that I’m sick to fucking death of this trans bullshit?

Now this trans shit is going to destroy clothing optional men’s resorts right along with every other fucking thing this moronic movement has destroyed or otherwise fucked up beyond all recognition.

I don’t want to share clothing optional spaces with “Halflings” (God I hate using that term because I actually like Hobbits,) unfortunately I’m given no choice.

I don’t want to look at some half transitioned naked whatever the fuck it is. This is especially true if I’m at a resort trying to relax. I don’t mind whatsoever being at a nudist resort with men and women. That’s a different situation, everyone is naked and the vibe is different from a male only space.

An awful lot of the half transitioned should get their money back, there’s no excuse for their mastectomy scars to be that prominent.

My brain can’t relax when I’m forced to observe a science experiment. Sorry, I am not going to be able to be anything but clinically analytical and that’s not relaxing to me.

Where the fuck can I go and have my rights or desires respected?

When I contemplate things like this, and ask the question above, this is what I hear in my head;


You’re a male, you’re white, you’re not hip, you’re not young, you don’t understand our wonderful brave new utopian world, so why don’t you just die?

That really appears to be the message men get from almost all fronts these days.

There was recently a news article that rebooted my brain. The article said that fitness was white supremacist because white nationalist groups promote a healthy lifestyle and healthy competition between males.

In other words, older values and traditions that celebrate strength, redirected normal aggression into healthy pursuits like wrestling, boxing, and various martial arts is racist and wrong. Celebrating masculinity, perhaps even trying to revive some of the rites of being accepted as a man by other men and the implied duties of manhood are now “BAD”. It’s racist for MALES TO BE WHAT THEY ARE and accept it guilt free.

But it’s okay when people deny reality and identify as a cross sexed elf Klingon hybrid clone of Kayliss? We’re all supposed to accept this as normal? I think not!

I’ve written in this very blog many times over the years that stifling natural male tendencies would lead to no good.

Boys aren’t all ADHD, they’re high fucking energy and need to move. That’s not a bad thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was actually some biological system forcing the restlessness and need to move. I’ve wondered if it was part of why males are generally stronger than females.

A lifetime of rough and tumble activities and testing ourselves against our world has to develop strength, agility, coordination and the world teaches us our limits.

We used to accommodate this need with recess and time after lunch to hit the playground so that boys could burn off their excess energy before returning to the classroom.

Elder adult males could also be trusted to act as guardians, and guides on the path of manhood. Many of them were probably handing down lessons and knowledge in an almost oral tradition. They’d been taught by their fathers and grandfathers, who’d been taught by their fathers and grandfathers in an unrecognized tradition that may have gone back hundreds of years or further.

Manhood, Masculinity, Duty to Family, God, and Country, Decency, and Honor were all in the not too distant past celebrated.

Often, the first celebration of passing from childhood to manhood was with the patriarchs of a young man’s family. The recognition of the passing may have been formal or it may have been something as simple as being invited to listen to, or participate in a discussion the men were having at Thanksgiving dinner.

The young man being called to the adult table from the kids table, and the elder men scooting aside to make room for the new addition to their ranks. These were powerful acknowledgements of a young man having earned respect and gaining acceptance of the elders.

In that acceptance was another message, “Welcome. Now young Man, you will have duties you didn’t have before. Continue proving yourself and that you’ve learned the lessons we tried to teach you.

In large part I think this has been stripped away from our society and what we’ve gotten from this lack is 40% of Brown University identifying as LGBTQI @#$%^&( or whatever.

The really surprising thing about this to me personally is that Gay or Straight never changed the fundamental duties of manhood or masculinity. You were a man first, who you got your rocks off with, and how was supposed to be your business.

I wrote these thoughts down over the years using polite terms. The time for polite is passed.

It’s well past time for the Elder men to stand unafraid against a society gone mad. Now, I’m not going to bother with politeness or worry about hurting someone’s feelings. I’ll speak my mind and urge what men are left to do the same. Speak the truth, and if someone has to go to their safe space so be it.

I’m sick of my manhood and masculinity being under constant assault, (called toxic, dangerous, racist, misogynistic, hateful…) by people who would without question take from me all that I am. At the same time, these people would demand that I substitute their philosophy for my own . The reward they think I’ll value is acceptance into a society that I don’t want to participate in, or recognize.

I’ve digressed a bit.

Okay, I’ve meandered all over the fucking road! I’m sorry but there’s a lot of stuff running through my head all the time now. I’m trying to work through it. In a way it feels like All of these things are buffered in my brain, I’ve got to get them out so that normal operations can resume.

I’d really hoped to visit The FL Keys again and stay in these famous gay resorts before I kicked off this planet.

Now, depending on how the appeals and counter appeals go there may not be any point.

Another thing, another pleasure, taken away or destroyed by the tyranny of the infinitesimally small minority.

Although in this case I wouldn’t be surprised if the woman in question is a religious zealot who cleverly realized she could fuck the evil sodomites using lawfare. Or perhaps she had her husband leave her for another man so she’s taking revenge.

Either is possible and i suspect that regardless of where the courts or hotel commission come down on this, she may have already won.

I honestly can’t see myself paying the rates that Island House or New Orleans House charge, to sit around pretending to enjoy being surrounded by refugees from Frankenstein’s workshop.

If that sentiment is shared by a large enough number of gay men, then the gay meccas of Fire Island, Key West, Palm Springs, and perhaps even the Russian River will be gone for good. Just like a lot of the famous gay bars. Been to LA or Laguna Beach lately??

The equation is simple.

Pay $150 a night at a clothing optional resort being forced to see something that brings you no enjoyment, you’re surrounded by freaks, and too uncomfortable to take your clothes off… OR pay $150 a night at The Hilton, enjoy the pool, and have room service.

For me, it’s a matter of value.

If I’m staying at The Hilton, then I don’t have to visit Palm Springs, Fire Island, Key West, or the Russian River. There won’t be any gay men there for me to interact with anyway, so any Hilton in any city on the planet will do just fine.