Ahhh… Sunday.

Birds tweeting. Cool breeze through the house. The pup wanting to cuddle while we watch a beautiful sunrise.

All is perfect and serene…


The rest was more of the same and eventually degrades into “BLAH BLAH BLAH”

Ahh another perfect day!

Crazy Pants is at it again. Yay!

She was late this morning. It was 6:10 am. I suppose I wouldn’t mind so much if she was really consistent. It might be interesting to have her acting like an accurate neighborhood alarm clock. Honestly I’d prefer a rooster.

Unfortunately, she’s not accurate. Her screaming like that especially using those words freaks the dog out. He doesn’t like curse words. I suspect that due to some trauma in his past, when he hears cursing he acts like he’s done something wrong even if he’s being cuddled on the bed or sound asleep in his room minding his own business.

It would be so nice if we could actually call the cops and have them do something. We don’t call. We should, but why waste our breath?

Yesterday as I was taking the pup out for a walk, Crazy Pants and some other skank were literally fighting each other in the middle of the street over a purse or something. I heard the skank telling the boyfriend “She’s got my purse and phone.”

The boyfriend’s reply was classic, “You’ll get it back eventually.” It sounded as if he was dealing with a child drooling over a set of keys and didn’t want to upset the child by taking the keys away.

Crazy Pants is destructive. She’s vindictive and just plain mean. Apparently skanky chick didn’t want her purse, it’s contents, or her phone destroyed. She decided to take these items from Crazy Pants. What I saw then, was Crazy Pants running after skank and throwing punches while each of them had the handle of the bag.

The five chihuahuas were running around the two females feet barking and nipping at ankles while Crazy Pants ex-boyfriend??? stood watching. I turned my pup away from the insanity.

I doubt that any of those dogs are up to date on their shots, and have no desire to find out for certain. Come to think of it, the way the humans act, perhaps they’re all rabid too. They seem shower averse and I seem to recall that one of the signs with rabies is a fear of water.

Unfortunately, I doubt it’s really rabies because if it were, these people would be dead already. If they all died tonight, I doubt anyone would notice for days, possibly weeks, even in the heat. In a way, it’s sad that no-one would give a shit. Then you think about it… Hmm… NAH!

Anyway, they tired themselves out after about an hour. I checked several websites checking prices on noise cancelling headsets. It would be nice to watch TV in my living room without increasing the volume to “Planetary Destruction” level.

Hope your Sunday is nice…