But DAMN! They’re such easy targets!

Most people only step on a rake in the yard once!
The Democrats have a habit of dancing around like old cartoon characters did.
There are some of you who will not get that reference because many of those old cartoons have been deemed politically incorrect, or too violent, or racist, or, or, or, or, or….
Just ask Whoopie Goldberg as she appears before the actual cartoons on my Looney Tunes DVD boxed set.
Someone in Hollywood thought it necessary to explain that animated line drawings, some of which were produced as war propaganda were violent, and depicted other people or races in a negative light. Believe me, the last thing I want or need is a social justice lesson when all I want to watch is unrealistic mayhem to put a smile on my face.
Hell! I learned basic physics from Wile E Coyote.
You youngsters never had a chance to see cause and effect and consequences presented to you in the phosphorescent glow of a massive CRT over your bowl of Fruit Loops, on a Saturday morning.

As an aside, if you sat in daddy’s chair with a photographic plate behind you, you could also get free chest X-rays.
Take that Obamacare!
This is part of the reason that people of a certain age, a.k.a. old as dirt look at the Democrat party follies with a mixture of outright amusement and almost blinding horror.
I honestly don’t remember any political party, or any Presidential administration in my lifetime that was capable of as many self inflicted wounds as Wile E. Coyote.
Maybe Nixon? Clinton?
Clinton just couldn’t keep it in his pants. Although I still chuckle thinking about Yasser Arafat roasting his ass during a humid hot east coast summer day in the Rose garden while Clinton was diddling an intern in the Oval Office. That shit cracks me up!
Clinton did teach the American People the art of lying by redefining a word or group of words in plain view, on national television. That was fucking magical to watch.

I’m still unclear about what sex is. Flash forward to now, and I’m also unclear about what a woman is, so I suppose the question of sex is moot.
By comparison to Biden, Nixon and Clinton were Choir Boys.
The Democratic Party, at this point would make Wile cringe, and Bugs Bunny would show compassion and mercy, by just walking away.
Bugs would say, “Well Folks, there’s nothing I could do that tops what they do to themselves. Enjoy the show.”

Don’t get me wrong, I left the Republican Party too. They were missing the point and continue to do so. I’m sure that in due time, they’ll be the objects of my ire and ridicule. Simply because they’re no different than the Democrats. The like to tout that they have the moral and fiscal high ground but they’re just as likely to fund Billion Dollar boondoggles as the Democrats, if those billions go into the pockets of RNC donors.
As much as I hate the Biden Administration, I do almost feel sorry for Joe. I strongly believe that Obama is the power behind the throne. The way things are going, Obama will get to dance away with his Reputation intact and it will be Joe who’s left holding the bag. He’ll be labeled the worst President ever and all the ills of the Democratic Party will be left at his door.
I fully expect for the Democratic Party to abandon Joe. Then they’ll hold him up as a poster child depicting everything that is wrong with “The Patriarchy,” and “White People in power,” Which will usher in a Black Female candidate and they’ll sell that as the way forward to Democratic voters. It won’t be Kamala, she is so thoroughly unlikeable that most folks don’t even see her unless she cackles.

No it will be someone slick. I could see it being Michelle Obama and that would result in Barry having a significant hand in five Presidential terms.
The sad thing is that the Republican Party will never see it coming. After 20 some odd years of Obama’s idea of hope and change, the corruption and gamesmanship between the parties will be firmly and permanently entrenched. There will be no coming back from that, I rather suspect we’ll have some weird combination of Idiocracy, Escape from New York, and Escape from LA, with maybe just a touch of Mad Max beyond Thunderdome.
That’s so long as China doesn’t keep playing with biological weapons, yeah I totally believe that COVID was a bioweapon that escaped before it was actually as deadly or infectious as it was supposed to be. I think Fauci believed he was funding legitimate albeit banned in America predictive disease research. The CCP saw it as an opportunity to advance their research into potential bioweapons.
Let’s face it, a disease that kills your enemy that you are also immune to makes conquest a lot easier and preserves the existing infrastructure. We can extrapolate the effectiveness of such conquest by looking at history. Blankets laden with smallpox given to the Native Americans or Hawaiians for example… Granted, the settlers didn’t know what they were doing at the time but the result was the same.
If China is allowed to keep playing with chimeric viruses then I think the whole situation will look more like Resident Evil and Idiocracy.

Yeah, maybe me having dreams I remember isn’t such a good thing. I woke up with this weird post in my head this morning.
I suppose on the up side, my brain is doing garbage collection… On the down side my brain is doing garbage collection and purging a bunch of disjointed bit & pieces of wrecked trains of thought, and you’re going to get to read them.
My God have mercy on your soul!