I personally don’t care that much for Trump…

I literally can’t stand Biden!

Trump v. Biden? I’ll vote Trump every fucking time!

That being said, if either party presents reasonable alternatives to Biden or Trump, I’ll give them due consideration.

One of the things that I’ve always thought we should consider is a politician’s interaction with the public. Trump interacts with the common folk. I’ll bet the Secret Service has a lot of migraines because Trump gets into crowds in public. Trump is confident that people are going to be generally decent. I think that confidence is born out of his belief that things were better while he was president, and the average person knows it. Many people believe that Trump was at least trying to do the right thing even if misguided from time to time and Americans are pretty forgiving.

I look at Biden interacting with people and there is not the same energy. It not just his age, there’s something else. He’s uncomfortable and the crowd is uncomfortable. It’s like he’s forcing himself to be someplace that he doesn’t want to be.

Any politician that is visibly uncomfortable in a crowd of well wishers causes me to have an immediate distrust of them. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons that I personally distrust so many politicians.

I watched the coverage of Trump after his court appearance in Miami. CNN’s Jake Tapper was clearly offended demanding that the control room cut the live feed. I’d suspect a lot of America tuned into conservative video feeds and found those stations were sticking with Trump as he went to the Cuban restaurant.

When the locals embraced Trump and prayed for him I thought, “how kind,” then I thought, “The only time anyone is going to pray over Biden is when he’s in a box. Even then it’s questionable!”

I tuned in again when Trump made his speech in New Jersey.

While I don’t care for Trump, I found that his speech made sense. His words and the points he made were clear. This was refreshing, because the universal translator in my brain blows a fuse every time I try to listen to Biden.

Moreover, I agreed with him. Something is fundamentally wrong in this nation.

One of the most obvious examples of the rot, is a justice system that clearly has two tiers.

If Pence had documents, and Biden had documents, and Hillary had documents (and destroyed them even under subpoena), and Trump had documents, Why is ONLY TRUMP indicted?

Love Trump or hate Trump, if having documents is illegal then ALL of these people should be indicted. Especially since, of them all, Trump is the only one who had the power to declassify documents. It’s written in black and white in the Law

No one is above the law, right??? Isn’t that what the pundits and wags are saying? Isn’t that what the democrat machine is screaming from the rooftops?

We all know what the Democrats really mean is, no one is above the law, (Except Us). That sentiment extends well into the Republican Party too. I suppose a more accurate statement would be, “No one is above the law… (Except we who are the political elite.)”

That’s one of the fundamental problems in this country right now and everyone knows it. There are two tiers of justice. Hell, thinking about it there may be more than two tiers of Justice.

I’m a white guy. If I shoplift, I know for sure that I’m going to be arrested. If I was any other color but white, I’d get a pass.

White people get punished! Everyone else gets some kind of excuse.

Look at that Marine in New York.

A dude gets on the train, obviously not right in the head. He’s telling people he’s gonna kill them, he’s telling people he don’t care if he dies, he’s telling people he don’t care if he goes to jail. He’s saying all this crap in a closed train car that’s moving, there is literally no place to go to escape and of course there’s no police because… New York and defund the police.

So an ex Marine steps up. He didn’t plan to kill that dude, he didn’t plan to do him any harm at all, and he didn’t choke the guy for 15 minutes.

No Marine would waste the energy. If a Marine is gonna kill ya, trust me, it’s going to be over real fast.

Regardless of the fact that the dude was threatening people, or that he had a record of violence, (The Marine couldn’t have known that,) or that the Marine is by definition going to protect women and children. The New York DA decided to indict him saying that he essentially murdered the crazy dude. Let’s think about that. The New York DA whose known for not charging criminals for their behavior decided to charge a white guy who was protecting a train car full of women & children of multiple races. Mr. Penny was also assisted in restraining the crazy person by two other men who happened to be black or brown. They’re not charged as accomplices. No, only the white guy is charged.

I’m sorry that’s racist on its face, and underscores the two tiered nature of justice in this country.

An old rule is something like; You don’t let a rabid dog get a chance to bite someone. I’d say the same rules need to apply to humans.

Threaten people and say you don’t care if you die…

Don’t be surprised if someone stands up and says,

“Your Terms are Acceptable.”

But I guarantee you if the white dude was the one doing the threatening, screaming & hollering in people’s faces, terrorizing them, and a black Marine choked the fool killing him. The black Marine would be a hero, and the mayor would be shaking his hand.

No one would point out that the defund the police movement and the DA’s office in New York is very soft on crime. Or that these factors are responsible for the increasing crime in the first place. Would we apply reasoning and / or logic to the situation or ask how we came to this dire circumstance?

Nah. We’d move on to the next bullshit without missing a beat.