In Florida

I came to Florida to visit my parents. They’re both getting up there and my Mom isn’t doing well.

She calls it a vacation, this is not what I call a vacation. To me a vacation is going someplace that I want to go, and doing stuff that I want to do. Something like hanging out at the beach, or diving a reef, or wandering through a national park.

Her idea of a vacation is having the TV blaring and shouting over it to have a conversation. Her other idea about vacations is stuffing your face all the damn time. As a rule I eat when I’m hungry but that is not allowed here. I think part of the reason I eat only when I’m hungry is because everyone in the family is pretty obese. I do not want to be obese, so I eat in a way that’s dependent on activity. If I’m very active burning a lot of calories, then I’m hungry.

Sitting around blocking out the noise from a TV at 75% volume screaming to have a conversation as if I’m in a bar is taxing but not overly physical.

I’ve not been able to write because if I go into another room to reduce the volume of the TV, then I’m apparently being antisocial. Truth is, I can’t think clearly with the noise, and my stepfather droning on and on about something that is only obliquely related to a question I asked 25 minutes ago. Typically, the question I asked has not been answered, and I’ve forgotten what I asked in the first place.

That being said, I’ve finally come to realize that he’s always been this way, which is why it was so hard for me to get my homework done, and so hard for me to read my schoolbooks when I was a kid living under their roof. I was one of those kids that hated homework, It was a real effort for me to put in the work because I’m easily distracted. So some of this is absolutely on me, but some of it is on them because they didn’t recognize the problem. 

They were both quick to tell me I was smart so there was no excuse for me getting poor grades. It became a no win situation so getting through school became increasingly difficult because my logic is, “If there’s no possibility to win, playing the game is pointless.”

By the time I got to my middle years in high school I’d stopped asking him or my mom for help or clarification on assignments because it always devolved into some weird conversation that didn’t answer the question I’d asked and left me completely confused. 

This was particularly true in math. Asking if I was doing an algebra equation correctly led to all the ways one could do an algebra equation, and how calculus was better anyway. But because the answer was all over the map, instead of looking at the equation on the page and confirming or correcting my process, I didn’t build up the fundamentals and was never sure if I was right or wrong until I got the quiz back.

All this time, I’ve thought I was simply a moron. This is perhaps why I had very little interest in college. 

If you’ve got kids, I beg you. Answer their questions about their homework in a simple straight line fashion. They don’t need to know about all the ways a problem can be solved, binary theory, or the history of the planet, if they’re asking about (a+b)-a*b.

Just a thought.

At the moment they’re at a doctors appointment. I’ve turned off the TV, am doing my laundry, have taken out the trash, and cleaned the place up a bit. I’ve caught up on e-mail,, text messages, and calculated the costs of my trip out here. It’s amazing what I can accomplish if I’m able to hear myself think.

My parents aren’t bad people, they’re just oblivious. My stepfather is a good guy but very self involved. Everything always has to circle back to him and something he’s done or seen.

So everyone in his sphere is minimized and he’s always the most experienced, most intelligent, most wonderful person in the room.

That’s not really good for children who are trying to build a sense of self worth. Sometimes parents need to step back and just acknowledge their children’s accomplishments without comparing them to their own personal accomplishments. Unfortunately that’s now how I was raised when my stepfather came into the picture.

My sister, and my deceased brother who lived in this house much longer than I did are, (or were,) damaged in similar ways.

Like me, my sister has worked very hard at developing her own sense of self and value. I don’t think my deceased brother ever did. I think he might have tried to fill the hole in his heart with sex, (I still don’t know how many times he was married,) I suspect that part of his fantasy world, and substance abuse may have been him self medicating. I don’t know, we didn’t talk and had very little contact through the years.

When they get back, I’ll not be able to write because as soon as I start writing one or both of my parents will want to have a conversation. That’s reasonable since I’m here for a visit. The problem is that it’s kind of the same conversation over and over again.

I’ll hang out until Halloween because it’s one of the holidays that my mom likes, and it will lend itself to family time, the day after halloween I’m probably going to bail. A week of this is enough and I’d like to see my brother in Northern Florida. I can spend a couple of days with him and be in a more normal environment. Then I need to get back to California before Winter really hits.

There’s so much I haven’t gotten done around the house this year. Maybe I’ll be able to do some of those chores before it gets too cold to do them. Then again, maybe we’ll have a warmer year this Winter. 

Guess that’s one of the perks of Climate Change…

Planning Some Travel

Finally I’m moving toward taking a long overdue trip.

I’ve been holding off for a lot of reasons. Excessive heat across the country, the activation of the solar panels on the roof, other little projects and my knees are only now getting to the point that they’re not swollen at the end of the day.

I wasn’t looking forward to wandering through an airport (or airports) at random, as flights were subject to cancellation. I don’t like being bounced all over the country when I expected travel time to take 10 hours.

Even driving daily short distances was a problem.

Everything is finally healing and I could probably deal with either mode of transportation now. I’m probably going to drive it so I can have some time to myself and see the beauty of the country.

While it will take about $90 in gas to get the hell out of California. Once I get to the border the cost for gas will drop by at least half. I think the car would do well having several tanks of gas run through it. It would flush out old stale gas out of the tank and the injectors. There are some states where 93 Octane is easy to come by, my car really likes high octane fuel.

If I driving, I’m going to choose a more northerly route in hope of seeing some fall colors.

What a surprise… As if anyone expected anything different.

Color me surprised

There is no doubt Democrats, are quite orgasmic over the January 6th committee issuing a subpoena to former President Donald Trump.

As if there was ever any doubt that’s exactly what they would do.

Was anyone surprised? Did we need the theater? Did we need to waste  untold millions of dollars? Did we need to see the further debasement of the the rule of law? Does anyone believe that the timing of this is anything more than a “Hail Mary” play just before the midterms?

Liz Cheney is toast, this is her last grandstand play and I hope that we never see her in the political arena again. The rest of these “lawmakers” and I’m bastardizing the term by applying it to them, are probably toast as well.  Not over the Jan 6th committee bullshit but over terrible policies and lack of service for their constituents.

Surely all, but the most rabid supporters of the Democrat party realize at some level, the January 6th Committee was a Soviet style, kangaroo trial. Hopefully everyone finds it as distasteful as I do.

Nothing I’ve heard or read of the “testimony” in this hearing appears to be anything more than hearsay, and as such, is inadmissible in actual court proceedings.

This whole Jan 6th hearing has been beneficial in one way. It has provided ample demonstration to America of the absolute rot in our government.

I don’t mean to say that the government is rotten because the hearing is about Trump,

It was the manner in which the hearing was carried out. Closed door sessions, allegations made with no opportunity to rebut or cross examine, witnesses whose testimony was second hand, various people referenced in testimony who were not called as direct witnesses.

This is not justice, nor is this hearing indicative of the American Justice System we portray to the world. This is exactly the kind of Stalin-esq hearing that American denounced during the era of the U.S.S.R.

The Jan 6th hearing and all the protestors being held in what amounts to a gulag speaks to me of a system that is corrupt beyond imagining.

If there is a “Red Wave” in November I will tune in to C-SPAN every day to watch the hearings investigating the Jan 6th committee and every single member of Congress responsible for it.

My problem is this;

I don’t think that Congress should be investigating Congress. That’s having the fox guard the henhouse.

I’d be a lot happier if the Supreme Court of the United States oversaw the State Supreme courts, and State Attorneys General investigation into Congress.

I think looking at their actions over the past 8-10 years would be a great start. Every state has an interest in the integrity of Congress, and 50 states looking at Congress at the same time, pulling on threads, digging into facts, might have a chance of burning out all the corruption and saving our Constitutional Republic.

No doubt this would take a lot of resources. However, I think the American People need to see that justice is served to all regardless of their station in life. It would go a long way toward restoring the people’s faith in government, if corrupt members of Congress were marched off to prison, just like everyone else.

Just to make it fair, I’d like to see Congress members accused of corruption, tired by jury outside their home states.

Hell, I’d volunteer to sit on a jury of a Congress member. I’d hear the evidence and vote based on the evidence presented. I’d be in favor of any guilty Congress member serving out their time in general population federal prisons.

I know, that probably makes me a radical, and 15 minutes after I post this, the FBI will be kicking my door down.

Our Republic is worth it.

Okay here’s a little timesaver. Consider it a PSA.


The other half has a PayPal account, they also had a PayPal credit account.

On both accounts, the balances are zero, and have been for quite some time.

Based on the now retracted misinformation that PayPal sent out over the weekend, the other half decided to close the PayPal account(s) totally.

The logic here is that PayPal sent out an updated AUP which had all the language in full legalese. The other half looks at this as clear intent. This was not a mistake, as PayPal wants to frame it. This updated policy went through PayPal’s legal folks, it went through innumerable reviews and revisions and was then sent out.

No-one who has ever worked in corporate America, specifically in the software industry is ever going to believe that the changes to PayPal’s policy were a mistake, or a typo, or whatever.

Based on that knowledge, the other half decided to cut all ties with PayPal because this “misinformation” that PayPal sent out demonstrates clearly malicious intent.

The other half spent 3+ hours being bounced around PayPal trying to close the accounts. They were successful in closing the credit account. But were then transferred back to the actual PayPal people who said that the credit card was still open.

The other half gave the folks at PayPal the confirmation number indicating that the credit account was closed but the PayPal girl couldn’t confirm that even with a confirmation number. So what good is the confirmation number?

Back to the PayPal credit folks the other half is transferred. Once again a happy people personality phone system must be navigated. 

Once again there are endless recordings about working with the account online. Once again back at the credit part of PayPal it’s confirmed that the credit account is closed.

Then back to the PayPal idiots and this time the other half cuts through all the bullshit about how the updated policy was misinformation, gives the confirmation number again proving that the credit account is closed and is finally told, “Oh, you have to wait two days after closing the credit account before we can close your PayPal account.

At this point, the other half is quite heated, and points out that had someone told them that an hour and a half ago it would have been nice.

Then the other half goes for the kill.

“Since your updated policy is now classified as misinformation when can I expect my $2500? And since the person from your company I spoke with who transferred me back to the credit folks also gave me misinformation shouldn’t I be getting $5000?

The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening. The poor lady probably had heard the line about paying the customer for PayPal’s misinformation endlessly over the past few days, but I’m not sure she’d heard the additional $2500 being asked for, because their call center gave out misinformation about closing the account.

So for those of you who are rightfully trying to close PayPal accounts.

Step One, Close the credit account. 

Step Two, wait two full banking days.

Step Three, go online or call these people up and close the PayPal part of the account.

When I closed my PayPal account several years ago, I was told that the account would take 30 days to actually close. Since there was no money in the account I didn’t care, but I’d bet that you’re going to be waiting a month for your money if you have a balance in your PayPal account.

If you call, be prepared for them to tell you it was all a mistake over and over again. At one point the person the other half was talking to offered $15.00 cash to keep the account open. 

Yes folks, PayPal values you that much… A whole $15.00!

The other half told the call center person that was insulting and suggested instead adding a couple of zeros to the amount.

I think we should send PayPal an invoice for $5015.00 or perhaps for $6500.00 to be fair.

Get out of PayPal folks. It’s going to take patience and perseverance and these people will run you in little circles but in the long run seeing them go down in flames will probably be a beautiful sight.

I guess if you’ve got stock in PayPal you might want to sell it quick.

Just a little update 11/7/2022:

It turns out that PayPal has in fact instituted their 2500.00 fine for misinformation. Apparently they slid it in with stealth, like a bastard who lets their date see them put a condom on, then stealthily pulls the condom off before penetration.

This comes after PayPal Customer Service repeatedly told the other half that PayPal wasn’t going to charge anyone 2500.00.

So PayPal LIED! Isn’t that misinformation? Does that mean I could legitimately send PayPal an invoice for 5000.00? They spread misinformation TWICE! Once when they said they weren’t going to impose this ridiculous fine and now they have. By my calculation, that’s two incidents of misinformation.

PayPal caused me grievous harm lying like they have. I’ve been triggered! My little heard hurts! I’m so offended!

Yeah, I know…

I’m going to be whistling for that money.

It does highlight the hypocrisy of the left. This is one of those glaring examples of “Our Betters” getting away with exactly what they tell us is an offense.

We live in bizzaro world. Everything the left tells us is true, turns out to be almost exactly 180 degrees from the truth.

It’s time to call these asshole out, every time, on every thing, they say.

Ya know, It’s time to end PayPal.

I long ago closed my PayPal Account. I’ve avoided them like the plague since. Thinking about it, I must’ve closed that account 10 years or so ago.

I closed it because they sent out a notice telling their account holders that they’d decline to process any purchases that could be related to firearms.

I didn’t own any firearms but them telling me, the customer, that they would have final say on how I spent my money didn’t sit right. They also had some other things they’d decline to process, specifically adult oriented purchases.

To be clear, the PayPal Account I had was not a credit account. This was PayPal getting between me and the cash assets I’d deposited into their financial system.

So I thought about it for a while then pulled my cash out of their system. When the account was closed I never looked back.

PayPal hasn’t crossed my mind until yesterday.

There was an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) released from PayPal stating that they would take $2500.00 from a user’s account if PayPal determined that the user spread “Misinformation”

There’s an article from MSN Here, and another article from Breitbart Here.

Prohibited activities include:

the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials that, in PayPal’s sole discretion, (a) are harmful, obscene, harassing, or objectionable, (b) depict or appear to depict nudity, sexual or other intimate activities, (c) depict or promote illegal drug use, (d) depict or promote violence,  criminal activity, cruelty, or self-harm (e) depict, promote, or incite hatred or discrimination of protected groups or of individuals or groups based on protected characteristics (e.g. race, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.) (f) present a risk to user safety or wellbeing, (g) are fraudulent, promote misinformation, or are unlawful, (h) infringe the privacy, intellectual property rights, or other proprietary rights of any party, or (i) are otherwise unfit for publication.

That’s a pretty broad brush they’re painting with. Essentially anything that you might say which someone might take offense at could cost you 2500.00 per incident.

They can’t directly attack the First Amendment, so they’re going to silence you with fines. Imagine, you getting into a Twitter exchange where 50 Trans or Abortion activists were offended.

With this policy in place, the perpetually aggrieved could report you to PayPal and use PayPal to financially ruin you if you had an account.

People like Jordan Peterson, Kanye West, Marjorie Taylor Green, Dave Rubin, or any other conservative voice, could literally be run into bankruptcy in less than 24 hours. Hey, it’s all automatic isn’t it? All it takes is some person in a cubical hitting a “FINE” button based on every complaint lodged against someone, verified or not. Hell it could even be done with an algorithm.

The really evil part of this scheme is that the people complaining don’t get the cash. PayPal keeps it.

There’s no checks or balances.

If a person complaining could get $2500 for their complaint, but stood to loose that money if the complaint was found to be invalid, then at least the complaints might have a chance of being ‘real’. But PayPal was trying to create a completely open ended system where they cashed in with no accountability.

PayPal must be ended! I think everyone should close their accounts immediately. Don’t use PayPal even to process a credit card. Why give them any possible leverage to destroy your financial stability?

This form of manipulation must be stopped. It’s not just PayPal, banks all over the world are starting to engage in social justice instead of doing what they’re paid to do, which is hold client money and process payments.

PayPal is walking this whole thing back today. But it’s only because of the blowback. This was not a mistake, as PayPal is claiming today. This was their intention, they just didn’t anticipate that people would actually read their AUP.

Make no mistake, banks, and payment processors, particularly those in the sphere of technology are rabid social justice warriors, they’re leftists, and this may be part of the so called “Conspiracy” to make every human being subject to ESG scores.

Choose your financial institutions wisely. Don’t comply with this kind of bullshit.

Banks hold money, it is not up to them to be your parents, approving of how you spend your hard earned money.