What a surprise… As if anyone expected anything different.

Color me surprised

There is no doubt Democrats, are quite orgasmic over the January 6th committee issuing a subpoena to former President Donald Trump.

As if there was ever any doubt that’s exactly what they would do.

Was anyone surprised? Did we need the theater? Did we need to waste  untold millions of dollars? Did we need to see the further debasement of the the rule of law? Does anyone believe that the timing of this is anything more than a “Hail Mary” play just before the midterms?

Liz Cheney is toast, this is her last grandstand play and I hope that we never see her in the political arena again. The rest of these “lawmakers” and I’m bastardizing the term by applying it to them, are probably toast as well.  Not over the Jan 6th committee bullshit but over terrible policies and lack of service for their constituents.

Surely all, but the most rabid supporters of the Democrat party realize at some level, the January 6th Committee was a Soviet style, kangaroo trial. Hopefully everyone finds it as distasteful as I do.

Nothing I’ve heard or read of the “testimony” in this hearing appears to be anything more than hearsay, and as such, is inadmissible in actual court proceedings.

This whole Jan 6th hearing has been beneficial in one way. It has provided ample demonstration to America of the absolute rot in our government.

I don’t mean to say that the government is rotten because the hearing is about Trump,

It was the manner in which the hearing was carried out. Closed door sessions, allegations made with no opportunity to rebut or cross examine, witnesses whose testimony was second hand, various people referenced in testimony who were not called as direct witnesses.

This is not justice, nor is this hearing indicative of the American Justice System we portray to the world. This is exactly the kind of Stalin-esq hearing that American denounced during the era of the U.S.S.R.

The Jan 6th hearing and all the protestors being held in what amounts to a gulag speaks to me of a system that is corrupt beyond imagining.

If there is a “Red Wave” in November I will tune in to C-SPAN every day to watch the hearings investigating the Jan 6th committee and every single member of Congress responsible for it.

My problem is this;

I don’t think that Congress should be investigating Congress. That’s having the fox guard the henhouse.

I’d be a lot happier if the Supreme Court of the United States oversaw the State Supreme courts, and State Attorneys General investigation into Congress.

I think looking at their actions over the past 8-10 years would be a great start. Every state has an interest in the integrity of Congress, and 50 states looking at Congress at the same time, pulling on threads, digging into facts, might have a chance of burning out all the corruption and saving our Constitutional Republic.

No doubt this would take a lot of resources. However, I think the American People need to see that justice is served to all regardless of their station in life. It would go a long way toward restoring the people’s faith in government, if corrupt members of Congress were marched off to prison, just like everyone else.

Just to make it fair, I’d like to see Congress members accused of corruption, tired by jury outside their home states.

Hell, I’d volunteer to sit on a jury of a Congress member. I’d hear the evidence and vote based on the evidence presented. I’d be in favor of any guilty Congress member serving out their time in general population federal prisons.

I know, that probably makes me a radical, and 15 minutes after I post this, the FBI will be kicking my door down.

Our Republic is worth it.