The FBI did something right for a change

FBI Forensics confirmed what most people already knew.

Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger.

ABC News reports the gun had no malfunction per the FBI Forensic report.

Alec is in big trouble. Though I doubt that he’s going to see the inside of a prison. He should, but we all know that if you have enough fame, fortune, and appear often enough denying that you did something wrong you’ll get away with it.

Halyna Hutchins’ family will perhaps finally see some justice.

Baldwin showed up on CNN still denying that he was negligent, careless, and stupid. He makes it sound like somehow Trump is involved, in that he feared for his life after Trump’s comments on the matter.

Baldwin seems to be counting on people who hate Trump to lose any objectivity at the mere mention of the name and therefore believe his lies.

He goes on to whine about losing jobs.

Big Deal Alec! At least you have the capacity to lose jobs over this, unlike Hutchins who is dead by your hand.

I’ve written about this before, here, and here.

I still haven’t changed my mind. Alec Baldwin was careless, probably didn’t follow the safety protocol for guns on set, and deserves to become persona non grata in Hollywood.

I hope that he’s tried somewhere where the jury pool has a working knowledge of guns, and that the judge in the case throws the book at him.

Poor little Alec may finally learn that guns don’t kill people. Ignorant people handling guns improperly without due respect, kill people.

I think that Alec should be left destitute, or forced to make appearances as the poster boy for gun safety training at the NRA.

Unfortunately, I suspect that his scum bag attorney will spin it so that the poor Armorer takes the rap. It’s likely that will be the direction this goes she doesn’t have the wealth to mount a really good defense and Alec desperately needs to blame someone else.

Even if he destroys that person in the process.

I can’t watch The Hunt for Red October, or Betelgeuse, anymore without focusing on Alec Baldwin. It’s drained the enjoyment out of these movies for me.

His whining about his victimhood hasn’t done anything to help his image either.

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