Anthony Fauci announces his retirement (Yawn)

I have to point out that he announced he was retiring at the end of Biden’s term.

Now he’s saying he’ll retire in December. Does that mean Biden is stepping aside? Probably not.

Although it would be one way for Biden to leave Kamala Harris holding the bag! Aside from the fact it would be really bad for the country, it might be interesting to watch her cackle her way through the remaining two years of the Presidential Term. Amusing only if I was watching the whole mess from high orbit because I’m pretty sure the nukes would fly just to shut her up.

Predictably the GOP is posturing.

“We will still summon you before Congress, You’ll answer our questions, blah blah blah.”

Sure I’ll believe that when I see it.

Fauci isn’t going to spend a day in front of congress, in a court, or anywhere except on a beach drinking fruity tropical drinks. Hell, he may have enough money to buy Epstein’s Island.

That’s a scary thought. I’m not sure I’m ready for a real life Island of Dr. Moreau.

Everyone knows it. While Rand Paul may be super pissed that Fauci evaded most every question asked. It’s doubtful that Rand Paul will be able to generate enough of a coalition in Congress to actually have hearings.

Honestly, I wish the GOP would put their money where their mouth is. Stop bloviating and start doing their job. Not that I’m holding my breath…