Huh, When the Universe Speaks…

Who the hell am I, to not listen up?

So here’s the saga thus far…

I ordered an M1 MacBook Pro. I wasn’t really ready to buy a new computer. But I ordered a new machine, because I was going to have to rebuild my current Intel machine from the ground up.

I thought to myself, “If I’m going to go through all this trouble, let me look at a new machine.”

It’s not that rebuilding is that much of a pain in the butt, I was worried however that if I didn’t order a MacBook Pro with the new M1 chip and the Touch Bar (Which I like) that I wouldn’t be able to get another machine with the Touch Bar. I was thinking this because Apple has phased out Touch Bars in the 14” and the 16” Mac Book Pros.

So I ordered a new machine. The new machine was delivered on Friday, and was defective right out of the box. That’s the only time in 20 years I’ve had an Apple product not work as expected.

Saturday, I contacted Apple to arrange for the new machine to be replaced. The replacement wouldn’t be available until late June or Early July.

Today, Monday, I took the new machine to FedEx to return it.

I came home and all was right with my world. I’d just have to wait on the replacement like a kid waiting for Christmas.

After doing a few chores it was lunch time.

I pulled up Apple News while I was eating my lunch. As I was scanning the articles, I noticed that the Apple WWDC opening address had been going on while I was delivering the defective M1 machine to FedEx.

I opened the article describing the WWDC and began reading. About 2/3 through the article there was mention of the new MacBook Pro 13”. Guess what? The new MacBook Pro has an M2 processor, can be configured with 24GB of RAM, and a 2 TB solid state drive.

Impressive, and not unexpected. I knew going in that my M1 would be last years model.

What was significantly surprising was that the new M2 machine also comes with a Touch Bar.

Well now, that blows a big hole in my reason for buying a new machine in the first place, doesn’t it?

Don’t get me wrong, while the M1 was doing it’s thing, It was amazing! But! I no longer have a driving reason to purchase a new machine at this moment in time!

I was bummed out that my new M1 wasn’t right. Now I’m not as bummed out.

I just cancelled the M1 order completely. I don’t need to spend the money quite yet.

If I wait a few months, I can get an M2, increase my computer memory by 1/3, have a 2 TB drive, the Touch Bar, and spend essentially the same amount of money.

I’m preparing to rebuild my Intel machine as I type this.

I can wait 6 months. Perhaps I’ll be able to walk into an Apple store where I can open and test the new machine before I leave.

Maybe, the universe doesn’t hate me as much as I thought it did…