I’m enjoying Canadas Freedom Convoy

Honestly, I’m pretty sure that only Canada could have pulled this off without a ton of violence.

The Canadians, known for politeness and the way they interact with each other have shown us all what a protest is supposed to look like.

A big shout out and humble Thank You, to our neighbors to the North.

What mainstream coverage I’ve seen shows that even controlled media is having a tough time finding stuff to criticize.

(Photo by Minas Panagiotakis/Getty Images)

The non mainstream media has been a bit more “Man on the street” in Ottawa and the protestors have been multiethnic, multicultural, and generally say the same thing.

Their interviews speak of kindness, and sharing. Food, & Drink being offered freely. People enjoying each other.

One or two of those interviews have mentioned small outbreaks of rowdiness but that those outbreaks are being controlled well by the protestors themselves and the police.

The striking feature is the fact that Ottawa and Alberta are not in flames, there’s not a lot of trash, no dumpster fires, or broken windows.

Again, this is what a peaceful protest looks like.

As other countries now have similar protests, it looks as if the Canada model is being followed.

Be Kind, be peaceful, clean up after yourselves, keep the protest focused on the goal, don’t allow the protest to be derailed by stupid actions of a few.

The Canadians are also showing something that America’s founding fathers mentioned. I’m paraphrasing here, but it’s something to the effect that a Government who is afraid of the people is JUST. A government with no fear of the people will lead to tyranny.

Protesters playing street hockey (Photo by Dave Chan / AFP) (Photo by DAVE CHAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Justin Trudeau ran for the hills. He’s hiding in a spider hole somewhere and commenting on a few Nazi Flags.

A picture, I can’t find now, showed one of those flags had Trudeau’s name tacked directly under the Nazi flag.

That message is clear, the person carrying the flag was saying that They thought Trudeau was akin to a Nazi, not that the person carrying the flag supported any Nazi cause.

Now there are more signs being held up, These signs are calling for Canadian TV and the CBC to speak the truth about the protest. They’re calling out both organizations for spreading lies about the protest and its nature.

I’m sure that there are some people in Ottawa that have been greatly inconvenienced by the protests. Especially the functionaries of the Canadian government. You know, those people who are highly paid and can afford to live in apartments in Ottawa near the government buildings where they work.

But the fact that average people are reportedly dropping off food, water, and fuel, would suggest that non-governmental Canadians are supportive of the protest.

This appears to be proven by the mayor of Ottawa commanding the police to seize fuel and propane.

The mayor has also shown his true dictatorial colors by issuing edicts saying that anyone caught helping the protestors will be fined or otherwise punished.

Historically, we’ve seen this before. It happened in a little place called Germany when some people said, “No” to the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, and anyone who spoke out against the Nazi party.

We also saw similar laws enacted by the Democrats in the American South when they said anyone helping a runaway slave would be punished severely. Lincoln enacted one of his most brutal executive orders in response.

The Canadian protestors are now demanding that Trudeau face them. They’re demanding that he make his false statements about them being racist to their faces.

New Zealand’s parliament is today facing a trucker protest too.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand has been quoted as saying she’s too busy to address the protestors standing before her demanding to be heard.

Sounds a lot like the government of the United States just before January 6th… I still believe that if Congress and the Judiciary had been brave and honest enough to actually speak with the people things would have gone a lot differently.

Then again I’m naive, I believe that leaders of a country who are doing a good job, or who are willing to explain and justify legally why they’re doing something unpopular, shouldn’t fear being among the people they govern.

Yet again and again, we see “Leaders” making sure that they have walls, barriers, guns, guards, and snipers in place before they make any public appearance.

These same “Leaders” scurry like cockroaches in their tunnels, basements, and high security areas never seeing the light of day or witnessing the suffering their laws, mandates, and actions cause.

Inevitably they are surprised to discover that they are universally hated when they must appear before the great unwashed masses.

In case the video won’t play in your browser, here is a link to a woman calling Trudeau a traitor to his face. https://youtu.be/n3GoGGv8OR4

I saw this a few days ago and almost choked to death on my coffee. All I could think was, “You GO Girl!”

I’d love to see something like that happen with Biden, Harris, or Pelosi. I think it would be very educational and would rip off the mask of “affected civility” our government officials hide behind.

How would the American People react to a Mother or GrandMother being hauled off and shoved in a “black site” the way the Jan 6th protestors have been?

You know, the 700+ people our FBI and DOJ have effectively “disappeared”. The only reason that this particular injustice has been allowed to stand is that it’s being done in silence. These people have no voice, their stories are, in general being censored. Their families silenced by fear of retaliation.

This alone is enough to make me question how far off the rails our government has fallen.

The American government is searching for organizations that are radicalizing people, I’m sure the Canadian government is doing the same. To them I say this;

“Look in the mirror!”

I’m not affiliated with any anti government group. I’m an old man and I’m ready to grab my pitchfork!

I’d tell the Canadian Truckers, when the police have taken your fuel, just before your rig can’t move… Block all the streets and bridges then disable the electrical system. It should be good fun watching the police trying to get big rig tow trucks on site to move your trucks. The odds are good, a lot of the tow truck drivers will roll in, park their rigs and do the same.

I’d also suggest that all trucks in Canada and America pull off the roads (or not) and refuse to move an inch until our respective governments listen to the grievances of their people.

Yep, a lot of people will be inconvenienced, the liberals will scream bloody murder when they can’t get their $6 lattes. Grocery store shelves, and gas stations will be empty. There will be a lot of people that get really mad at the truckers, but all eyes will eventually turn toward our ineffectual governments and demand answers.

Our brothers and sisters in Canada have shown us a path that is non-violent and effective.

It is now up to the rest of the free people of the world to take that path.

The alternative is pitchforks and torches, or worse, and too terrible to contemplate.

Thank you Canada!