Another article filled with the beauty of English…

I stumbled across a new site.

The main site home page is at

While perusing the site and reading I ran across this article from Jan 29th 2022.

It Was All There in the EUA. Why Couldn’t They See it?

The beginning of the article is interesting as it discusses the EUAs for the COVID vaccines. As I read the article, I thought, “Yep, this is a lot like the way I felt…”

Hey, it’s nice to see I wasn’t the only one reading the data and questioning the apparent disconnect between the published material and the endless news cycle.

Where the article really grabbed me was in the section titled.

From Orality to Literacy…And Back Again

The author, Thomas Harrington presents some interesting takes on society and its evolution.

As with any such article, I don’t have to agree with him, but he made me think. I also learned a couple of new words that I honestly don’t recall ever seeing before. For that alone, I am grateful I took the time to read the piece.

It’s been a very long time since I felt I had to have a “real” dictionary at hand.

It’s an even rarer event when I am unable to make a reasonable guess at the meaning of the words used from context within the sentence, or from a words roots.

I found myself smiling as I opened my dictionary and looked up the definitions. Upon reading the meanings I once again found myself marveling at our language and how often there is a single word that conveys an exact meaning, which otherwise might require a paragraph.

Others who take the time to read Harrington’s article may read it and think, “WWDucat is an idiot.” So be it. But at least I’m man enough to admit it and learn new things.

I suspect that when the words I looked up are encountered they’ll be obvious.

There is no shame in pulling out your Webster’s! If you’re like me, you’ll get lost in the beauty of words and language for more than a few minutes.

Have a great day.