Holy Hanna! Great Payday for illegals!

This is one of those articles that you say to yourself has to be from The Onion, or some other satire site.

But it’s not. The Wall Street Journal has an article here where they’re describing the latest Biden boondoggle.

The administration is floating a plan to give illegals who were affected by the “Remain in Mexico” plan up to $450,000 dollars per person.

If you’re talking about a single parent and a child… $900,000 dollars just for walking across the border. It could be more…

It could also be less, but the fact remains that’s more money than the majority of American citizens earn, working their asses off, in 10 years. You know, the union guys Biden loves so much, the average working stiff, the fast food person, Joe’s ice cream vendor… You get the picture.

Hey Kamala! I think I found your root cause of illegal immigration. People have figured out that America is loaded with suckers whose government just gives away taxpayer’s money!

Our Tax Dollars hard at work. Uh, yeah, good job Joe.

I can see that some of these people may be due some kind of compensation if the conditions they were subjected to warrant it, maybe…

But I always come back to the same fundamental questions.

Did you know that crossing the border without permission was illegal?

If you did, (as evidenced by your hiring a smuggler,) then why did you cross?

Although, I’d sneak into Mexico if I thought the Mexican government would pay me $450,000 dollars in compensation.

$450,000… Wow, that’s 7.5 times what I last made in a year. Meaning, I could ride that 450,000 comfortably for 7 years and not have to worry about working to pay my bills until I was eligible to retire. God, that would be a comfort since apparently I’m too old, and the wrong color to work at all these days.

Screw White privilege, I want some of that Brown privilege!

Throw me in a cage for a few months… PLEASE! For that kind of money there’s not a lot I wouldn’t do. Especially since I’d bet it’s going to be tax free.

With ideas like this, how can the Biden Administration wonder why they’re being booed, their polling numbers are underwater, or why #FJB or “Let’s go Brandon” have become prevalent?

Washington D.C. is full of Dumbasses!

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