Sometimes you just don’t feel fresh…

When I get that not so fresh feeling, I delete crap!

This morning I started with the last remaining Twitter Account. Buh Bye Jack, and you can censor the hell out of yourself.

Then I remembered that I still had Google Accounts. Adios Google! It had been a while since I’d checked in on those accounts. Remember when it used to be your search history, Google Drive, Calendar, and an email account? Whoa nellie! Google has expanded their tendrils into a lot more than just those innocuous and helpful things. And their privacy settings have become as tedious as Facebook’s used to be. They’re not my problem anymore. All Google accounts have been deleted. Sure cleaned up my mail and calendar programs too. Without those accounts, I have no need to maintain synchronization anymore.

Facebook has been gone for years and I’m the better for it.

I’d love to 86 Dropbox too. Unfortunately I have one application that uses it, so for the time being they get a reprieve.

Found an OLD Yahoo account – Burned it down!

Right now, I’m feeling fresh as a daisy!

The thing about all these “Services” is that they find a way to collect information on you and that information is a security leak about your daily life. Do you really want your business out there?

The way things are going… I don’t.

Now lets see if I can figure out how to configure my server to handle all the stuff that I was outsourcing…

Have a great day.

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