And just like that…

Fall is beginning.

I know it’s not fall according to the calendar but this morning it was 63° in the house when I got up. The high today is only supposed to be 80° and the maple tree next door went from being mostly green to having a lot of yellow in just a few days.

This morning there was a lot more red. It’s like someone flipped a switch.

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I think we’re going to have an early Winter. That’s not really a bad thing if it means rain.

This tree has in years past been a good predictor of Winter and Spring. It’s often the first tree to bud, and the first to signal the coming of Fall.

This year’s signaling of Winter is about a month & a half early, so it’s probably time for me to get the winter chores started and hopefully I can be done with them before it’s super cold.

I’m hoping for some nice moderate days up here because I’d like to do some digging in the yard. Digging up here is a bit of a misnomer.

Technically I can “dig” with a broom, just sweeping away the loose dusty topsoil. The tough part is getting the rocks out of the ground. There has been more than one occasion where I’ve wished for dynamite and a jackhammer.

I’ve also broken a number of shovels trying to pry rocks out of the ground. You know it’s bad when the local hardware store has double the number of shovels and digging tools that Lowes has in stock.

I want to see if I can install a bit of a retaining wall around the steps leading up from the driveway. Every year the ground creeps toward the stairs and the house. I’ve got some pressure treated scrap lumber that would fit the bill nicely.

If I’m looking at things right, the lumber should form a nice looking retaining border. Once that’s done, then I’ll relocate the path lights from the ground to the retaining border. That’ll solve the problem of the lights being buried in the winter by snow and also the problem of them falling over as the snow shifts & melts.

While I’m at it, I’m thinking I’ll install a landing pad for the garbage cans that will get them out of the drive way for the Monday pickup. It’s always interesting to find where the trash cans end up on Monday evening when you’re trying to pull into the driveway.

There are a lot of other Fall / Winter chores to do but the retaining border is probably the biggest. If September plays out more or less “Normally” I’ve got warm dry days ahead, so I may get some painting done too. I hate painting only slightly less than plumbing so I may be grumbly off & on over the next few weeks.

Have a great weekend.


I’ve lived in this area for almost 30 years.

During that time I’ve seen a variety of wild life including snakes from time to time. Prior to this year I’ve seen only one rattlesnake.

This year I’ve seen two in the neighborhood. The first one was in my yard, unfortunately I don’t have a very good photo of it.

Yesterday, I heard some girls screaming that there was a snake. They’re children so as an adult it’s on me to insure they’re not hurt and that they don’t antagonize a snake that could hurt them.

I’m thinking it’s a California King snake, or a Gopher Snake and the girls are just being girls. I was wrong.

The snake had crossed paths, or rather one of the girls had stepped over the snake and it rattled at her. By the time I got there the snake had moved to a defensible position and was alert but not aggressive.

The girls guardians showed up a couple of minutes later, then the discussion about killing the poor thing began.

Generally speaking I’m not in favor of killing creatures just because they happen to exist. As it turns out the “father” shared my general opinion.

What surprised me was the bloodlust of the little girls. They wanted it dead. It had done them no harm, it had warned them to stay away, and appeared to be waiting patiently for the hubbub to die down.

I imagine that it would have left the area of its own accord had it not been for all the humans around.

Probably, if the snake had not been positioned as it was, it would be dead now. The thing is, there was no clear way to strike at it with a shovel or ax that would insure an instant kill. Meaning that if we’d struck at it, we’d have probably just pissed it off and it would have struck at us.

We had a rattlesnake standoff. Myself and the other male were discussing the options when one of the little girls was just rabid about killing it. She kept saying, “Kill it, Kill it,” in an ever increasing volume. Without thinking I said, “If you want something dead that bad, maybe you should be the one prepared to kill it,” and gestured toward her with the trenching tool I was holding.

She suddenly got quiet. I don’t know what was going through her head. I hope that it was the realization that killing anything isn’t trivial. Even if it’s not your hand on the instrument of death. I doubt that’s what she thought, she probably wasn’t old enough to make that kind of connection.

Eventually, one of the neighbors remembered there was someone in town who would relocate snakes to another canyon (unpopulated) so we gave them a call. They weren’t available, but they hooked us up with a lady who was. Twenty minutes later, the snake was safely in a box and heading to a place where it wouldn’t have to deal vicious blood thirsty humans.

The experience left me thinking.

I’ve killed snakes that were an immediate threat. I felt bad about killing ’em but given the circumstances there was no choice.

I’ve killed other creatures and ate ’em, in that situation it was because I was hungry. Even fishing, you’re killing another creature, which means that there’s supposed to be a built in limit.

You kill what you need, you kill whatever it is quickly and humanely, you eat what you kill, and you don’t arbitrarily or wantonly kill more than you need for yourself or your family.

Most men I know subscribe to the same principals. But wait, males are supposed to be the vicious killers aren’t they?

Why then were the little girls and the adult women screeching for blood? Why was it that the males were willing to take a watchful caution?

Had it only been me and the other guy, we’d have probably let the snake go its way and we’d have watched it go back into the forest. Two predator species respecting each other.

Because of the presence of women, we were under pressure to do something, anything, even if what we did was going to make the situation worse.

It occurred to me that almost every conflict I’ve ever been a part of, or witnessed was driven by women. Either the males were trying to impress, or the women were demanding action.

I makes me wonder…

I can understand that women might be genetically predisposed to eliminate any possible threat to their young whether or not the threat is real.

I wonder if men on the other hand, because we’re stronger, and usually have been the ones to get our hands bloody, might have an inherent respect for life & death that goes unacknowledged. We learn early on, that killing is bloody and final. We understand that when we kill, we’ve removed something from the world, on some level we understand that once gone it’s gone forever.

Granted some men acquire a taste for killing but most men I know have a deep respect for life, and don’t take it lightly, or for granted.

It’s strange how simple events get me thinking.

It’s Due to COVID…

“Due to the ongoing pandemic crisis we have made changes to our enterprise systems to protect your health and the health of our employees. This may cause longer than usual wait times. For faster service please use our voice prompt system or our website. If the answer you’re looking for is not available please continue to hold…”

Alright, I call BULLSHIT!

First of all I as a customer don’t care. Whatever you’re doing to protect your employees is your business. It’s between you and your employees. This is especially true if I’m calling someone like a credit card service or my insurance company. I DON’T see you people in person EVER!

Second of all, I’ve been noticing that there are a lot more errors. Errors in Billing, Errors in shipments, Errors in services rendered.

And when I call folks on those errors, the response is “Oh well with COVID, blah blah blah” The problem is, computers don’t get COVID. COVID doesn’t suddenly and mysteriously change due dates, causing late charges on credit bills. Someone commanded that change but it wasn’t COVID.

COVID doesn’t add two days to shipping in the one second between the time I click on “Checkout” and the time I press “PAY”. If you’re going to quote me a delivery date on my whole order, then split that order and space it out of 4 days after I’ve pressed PAY and entered my credit card info just quote me the real date not some fiction.

“But it’s due to COVID”


You know what’s in your warehouses and you also know how long the shit I order is going to take to get to me.

Somewhere in the billing systems for credit cards there’s an algorithm that says, “If customer pays bill two weeks ahead of schedule, then adjust Due Date to three weeks earlier.” Deposit collected late fees in account marked “Profit Skim”.

A second algorithm says note in customer account for representative. “If customer calls to complain reverse charges and allow customer to choose new billing date. Blame it on COVID”

The hope in the case of the credit card companies is that most people won’t call ‘em on it and will just pay the late fee, assuming that they (the customer) made a mistake.

The best case scenario for the credit card company is that the customer won’t notice it at all, and is an auto pay customer. If they pay a fixed amount monthly, then the unpaid late charges generate another full amount late fee that continues to add up month over month until the entire monthly payment is consumed in late fees but nothing is applying toward the actual debt. 

Once that happens the late fee cycle resets causing the customer to essentially make no headway towards paying off their debt.

My plan is to pay off all the credit cards and not have more than one. I prefer CASH or debit card transactions. I’ll keep one credit card for those weird life emergencies. But I’m cutting up cards as quickly as I can. 

COVID has become the Catch All phrase that is supposed to be the acceptable excuse for whatever someone has screwed up.

I’m sick of it. 

Own your screwups, don’t blame your mess on a virus that appears to be 99% survivable without intervention.

Yeah 1% of the population is a big freakin number. But to date, less than 1% of the population has died and the financial computer systems are still running.

It’s funny that for all the mistakes I’ve been seeing, I’m still getting the bills. You’d think that at least one of these institutions would have an outage that takes out their billing wouldn’t you?


The heat broke…

It’s a very nice 72° F here. I’ve been outside on the deck all day. I’ve been able to power my computer via my solar panel and battery. I’ve recharged several devices and am now recharging the battery pack from the solar panel.

In the course of all of this I’ve been all over the deck keeping the panel in the sun. I’ve sent out job applications (for whatever that’s worth), I’ve still got a few to finish the cover letters on but it’s been a lovely productive day, at least in a digital sense.

Light breezes and quiet working environment make days like this especially nice here in the mountains. Days like this are meant for writing.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Sometimes you just don’t feel fresh…

When I get that not so fresh feeling, I delete crap!

This morning I started with the last remaining Twitter Account. Buh Bye Jack, and you can censor the hell out of yourself.

Then I remembered that I still had Google Accounts. Adios Google! It had been a while since I’d checked in on those accounts. Remember when it used to be your search history, Google Drive, Calendar, and an email account? Whoa nellie! Google has expanded their tendrils into a lot more than just those innocuous and helpful things. And their privacy settings have become as tedious as Facebook’s used to be. They’re not my problem anymore. All Google accounts have been deleted. Sure cleaned up my mail and calendar programs too. Without those accounts, I have no need to maintain synchronization anymore.

Facebook has been gone for years and I’m the better for it.

I’d love to 86 Dropbox too. Unfortunately I have one application that uses it, so for the time being they get a reprieve.

Found an OLD Yahoo account – Burned it down!

Right now, I’m feeling fresh as a daisy!

The thing about all these “Services” is that they find a way to collect information on you and that information is a security leak about your daily life. Do you really want your business out there?

The way things are going… I don’t.

Now lets see if I can figure out how to configure my server to handle all the stuff that I was outsourcing…

Have a great day.