It’s Going to be a white Christmas

IMG 1115What was supposed to be rain has turned into snow and a lot of it, about 6 – 8 inches and it’s still coming down.

Weather reports said 1 inch of snow this week at a time. UHHHH RIGHT!

Yesterday, there was nothing. I get up this morning and we’ve got this!


I know how I’m going to be spending Christmas week. I knew I should’ve gotten myself that fancy new snow shovel and a pair of gloves.

Ahhh well, I’ll be closing my exercise rings consistently over the next few days. I only wish my watch realized that shoveling snow is exercise. As it is I have to manually tell it I’m doing interval training. I know it’s not interval training, but that’s the best fit to the kind of motion that the watch understands. I’m sure as heck not hiking, running, swimming, etc. 

Best get to it… 

Have a happy Monday