And So Labor day comes to a close…

Wasn’t a bad holiday.

Didn’t get as much done over the weekend as I’d hoped to but today was a nice day. 

labor-day.gifWent to lunch at a friends place, played in the pool and got some sun. Not too much, but I am slightly sunburned; To be expected after being a nocturnal creature for 3 years.

It felt good. My body was making it’s own Vitamin D and my skin warned me when it got to be time to go back into the shade.  Perhaps not as quickly as it should have but I think my body was enjoying the solar bombardment. I’ll have to be careful the next few days just to make sure I don’t overdo it accidentally.

I swam the length of the pool several times and realized how out of shape I am just because the endurance in the water wasn’t what it should have been.

Water and I are, and always have been friends. I’m no Aquaman, but I’m comfortable in the water and also found that due to the amount of fat I’m carrying around that I’m way more buoyant than I should be. I had to spend more effort staying under water than I used to.

Ahhh, the “fun” of aging! Damn it.

Fall is upon us, 9/23/2019 is the official day, Plants here in the mountains are already showing signs of the coming seasonal change.

I’m still trying  to figure out where / what I want to do for my “Walkabout” to clear my head. It looks like I’m finally finished with the former company. Just a few more things to do around the house, and I can be gone for a few days.

I don’t want to spend a fortune but I do need to get away. New vistas, new people, new adventures, that sort of thing. Nothing too strenuous, but something fun just for me.

That Adventure should start on the 11th of this month. In the mean time, there are chores here and one of those chores is the routine of looking for a job and all the crap that entails.

Hope that your short week is calm and mellow which is how I’m feeling right now.