LAPD may not charge WalMart pepper spray perpetrator? WTH??? (Updated)

I caught this while reading news on the web this morning, it made my head spin….

Apparently the LAPD may not charge the woman in the pepper spraying incident.

I have to ask, why the hell not?

In my mind pepper spraying in a wall-mart is akin to yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater.

Initial reports attributed her actions to “Competitive Shopping”? No, that’s not competitive…

This woman is a terrorist!

She used a chemical weapon on men, women and children. Yeah folks… it’s a chemical weapon…

She knowingly did this without regard or concern for the innocent people around her. What would have happened if someone in the crowd was asthmatic? Or simply violently allergic to capsaicin or whatever active ingredient was in the spray?

How the hell is that not an offense worthy of prosecution?

Here’s another little chilling thought… She could have just as easily been spraying any other material into the crowd (sarin, ricin, aerosolized ebola?).

She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as a terrorist and I’d be all for her incarceration until trial being handled in Guantanamo Bay.

The real shit is that if someone had grabbed the bitch and fed that bottle of pepper spray to her… I’m sure assault charges would have been leveled against the person who acted to put a stop to her bullshit.

So why is this woman going to get off scott free?

Now there’s an interesting question….

As cynical as I am, I’m betting that she’s claiming she didn’t understand what she was doing, or she’s claiming that the pepper spray unit was malfunctioning.

It will be interesting to see where this goes in the coming weeks.

At minimum I’d hope that the people she assaulted get a chance to file suit against her for bodily injury. Especially if the City and County of Los Angeles isn’t going to do it’s duty.

She sure started their Holiday Season off with a dose of good cheer!

I hope her xbox was worth it.

UPDATE 11/28/2011

The lady claims that she was scared by the crowd and all the pushing and shoving.


But she still grabbed an xbox and went to the check-out counter, completed her purchase and left the store.

Most of us, if we were scared would just leave the store without bothering to grab and pay for anything.

I can say with certainty I’d leave.

I’ve been in a couple of situations in Malls where the crowd and the pushing and shoving was in fact escalating. I dropped the shit I was going to buy and left the store.

You can always buy shit…

I’ve even left Disneyland due to overcrowding.

Big crowds are inherently dangerous especially when they’re culturally dissimilar. You can see the tension building and you know it’s only a matter of time before someone commits a cultural insult and fists, knives, bullets, or bottles, will be flying.

It’s always best to “GIT while the Gitting is good” as my Southern relatives would say.

Bail out before an incident occurs and you’re ahead of the game. You’re less likely to spend the night in lockup, and after the police have cleared the area… You might still be able to get what you wanted at a discount because the box was trashed in the riot.

This lady needs to be tried & prosecuted!

I know DAMN well I would be cooling my heels in jail if I’d pulled the same stunt.

UPDATE 12/8/2011

It looks like some kind of favoritism is in play. The LA District Attorney will not file Felony charges. Instead they’ve decided that the case will be given to city prosecutors for possible misdemeanor charges.


If it was me or anyone else, the full breadth of the law would be shoved right up our ass….

Why does this lady merit special treatment??

I suppose that If you’re a Hispanic woman in LA, you can engage in terrorist actions with no fear of consequences…

The "BLACK FRIDAY" phenomenon, (Not for Me)

Pepper Spraying in a Walmart, Attributed to “Competitive Shopping”?

Armed Robberies in Parking lots?


This has gone WAY too far!

Christmas starts now in August.

By the time the actual event arrives it’s lost all meaning.

This year I’m not working, so I’m having to really think about gifts, and giving.

Maybe that’s a good thing…

Without the commercialism and drive to be at the malls, maybe the gifts I give this year will be more thought out. And have a bit more meaning.

For years I’ve given gifts only to my closest friends and family. Often, not even then.

In large part my giving was dependent on my desire to give something that had some significance not just a new sweater. And of course money…

I’d love to be able to give a friend a 40ft powerboat and never miss the cash. On the other hand, if I had that kind of money would I really have friends or just sycophants?

This year I’m looking at what I can create and give as gifts. I’m thinking that with my friends and those who love me perhaps the thought will have more meaning than the latest trinket from the mall.

Actually, it’s my Sister in law that gave me the idea. For several years she’s produced the neatest little hand made cards. I look forward to the birthday card she sends because each one is unique and she took the time to make it.

So as I sit here working on Holiday cards (That’s the PC term right??) I’m also working on What I can give, born out of my creativity and skill.

Not that we shouldn’t shop… god knows the economy needs the infusion of cash…

I’ve decided that I’m staying away from the malls this year if I can.

Don’t worry… I’m not going all Martha Stewart… Yet!