The "BLACK FRIDAY" phenomenon, (Not for Me)

Pepper Spraying in a Walmart, Attributed to “Competitive Shopping”?

Armed Robberies in Parking lots?


This has gone WAY too far!

Christmas starts now in August.

By the time the actual event arrives it’s lost all meaning.

This year I’m not working, so I’m having to really think about gifts, and giving.

Maybe that’s a good thing…

Without the commercialism and drive to be at the malls, maybe the gifts I give this year will be more thought out. And have a bit more meaning.

For years I’ve given gifts only to my closest friends and family. Often, not even then.

In large part my giving was dependent on my desire to give something that had some significance not just a new sweater. And of course money…

I’d love to be able to give a friend a 40ft powerboat and never miss the cash. On the other hand, if I had that kind of money would I really have friends or just sycophants?

This year I’m looking at what I can create and give as gifts. I’m thinking that with my friends and those who love me perhaps the thought will have more meaning than the latest trinket from the mall.

Actually, it’s my Sister in law that gave me the idea. For several years she’s produced the neatest little hand made cards. I look forward to the birthday card she sends because each one is unique and she took the time to make it.

So as I sit here working on Holiday cards (That’s the PC term right??) I’m also working on What I can give, born out of my creativity and skill.

Not that we shouldn’t shop… god knows the economy needs the infusion of cash…

I’ve decided that I’m staying away from the malls this year if I can.

Don’t worry… I’m not going all Martha Stewart… Yet!

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