The Republican Candidates SUCK!!!!

I’ve written about them in the past and here I am writing about them again. Much as I try to ignore them, they keep making their slimy way into my consciousness.

Rick Santorum needs to drop out of the race. He’s already demonstrated amply that he is not presidential material. He may be married and the father of 7 children, however anyone that is as hung up on Gay anything gives me pause.

I can’t count the number of rabid homophobes that ultimately end up in a bathhouse, ass in the air begging o be fucked by the biggest cocks in the place. Given that he’s Catholic… well I do wonder if he’s damaged goods thanks to a bad priest.

I’m honestly confused as to why so called “Gay” issues are so important in the republican camp.

We as a country have much bigger fish to fry and the candidates would do well to stop harping on the gay issue. Something like HALF of our country doesn’t care about DADT, Same sex marriage, or the gay issues the Republicans are beating to death.

What the people seem to be concerned about are things like the economy, Jobs, foreign policy, and the national debt. These are things that Republican candidates should be speaking about.

DADT was a bad law. It created yet another “Less Than” situation. It told our troops essentially “Yeah you’re good enough to die for your country but not good enough to be yourself in your country.” or to put it more bluntly “Yes, you can fight and die for freedom but you, faggot boy will never have freedom and we will always hate you.”

Isn’t is a better idea to have everyone who’s willing to lay down their lives for this country INVESTED in the belief that Freedom applies to all equally?

After all that IS what we’re taught in school. Or are we willing to say that the public education system is nothing more than a propaganda machine, and that the Freedom our founding fathers supposedly built this country on was reserved only for “God Fearing” Christians? Oh! Wait… uhh yeah it was.

The Republican candidates response to Stephen Hills legitimate question was beyond rude and demonstrates why so many people (including, most likely me) are leaving the Republican party.

When I got up the morning after the debate, I was for the first time in my life, ashamed to be a Republican. There is no defense I can offer for the candidates behavior, or for that matter the people in the crowd. Shame on the Republicans in Florida…

That man is a soldier and he’s fighting to protect your freedoms even though obviously he’ll never enjoy those Freedoms in Florida.

Yes! All the people of Florida were just painted in an even more negative light because you were rude on national television. I really hope you’re all proud of yourselves, don’t forget to bring your Crayolas to the voting place, the whole country knows you can’t handle pushing a stylus through a piece of paper.

Stephen Hills question was a legitimate question for all the gay folks serving in the military.

Since he’s now out of the closet, if DADT is reinstated does that mean he’s looking at a dishonorable discharge if a Republican president is elected?

If he’s near re-enlistment, a hostile President would have an impact on whether he continues his military career or moves back into civilian life.

The question remains unanswered. And it will remain unanswered because the genie is out of the bottle. There is no way you can have a subset of gay people that outed themselves when DADT was repealed stay in service if DADT is re-instated.

Since those that outed themselves while DADT wasn’t in force didn’t break any laws, they can’t be discharged. In fact discharging them would be illegal and I’m sure would be challenged in court.

So how the hell are you going to keep track of who is legal (outed while DADT wasn’t in force) and who isn’t (entered military after a new DADT policy)? Perhaps pink triangles would work. Oh wait… that’s been done.

The only choice is to discharge every self identified gay person.

Problem is, that’s not in the militarys best interest. Too many gay people hold speciality positions. These positions are hard to fill and require lots of training. Does it make any kind of sense to cripple the military effectiveness just so you can reinstate a bad law?

Rick Santorum may think so, but I’m pretty sure the Joint Chiefs would tell him otherwise.

That’s really the bottom line.

The Republican party is out of touch with what is relevant in the average persons life. A large percentage of the American people are not in fact driven by puritanical beliefs.

Most of us are people of faith, but not rabidly so. We just want to have jobs, contribute to society, raise our families, have a minimum of crime, pay our mortgages, and in general be left the hell alone.

You know… that whole Freedom and justice for all… Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness thing.

The first Presidential candidate that starts running on those basic principals equally applied to everyone will win in a landslide.

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