OOoops I shouldn’t have plugged in that curling Iron

San Diego is without power. As is a large portion of Southern Orange County and Arizona.

I had no idea there was anything going on until I got home.

It’s been very strange seeing aerial images of southern orange county tonight, where the 5 South looks like a white snake undulating in a field of black.

Normally there is so much light you have a tough time picking out the freeway.

I was thinking that tonight there would be kids that can see the milky way for the very first time. I hope parents think about it.

Laying on the lawn looking up at the stars… I have very fond memories of TN and KY summer nights. I think I was in TN the first time I saw with my own eyes our galaxy. My Dad lived far enough out that light pollution wasn’t an issue. It was magical and mind boggling beauty.

I have to say I’m astonished at how freaked out people in Southern California are at the power outage. Wow! take away their electricity and these folks loose their damn minds. There are reports of generators being sold out at home depot. Excuse me??? You’re kidding right? Power goes out for several hours and you run out to spend 600-900 dollars for a machine that you’re likely to need ONCE in 6 – 10 years, Really?

Of course I’m thinking that in a few weeks I can pick up a sweet unit cheap! We’re without power at least once or twice a winter… It would be nice to be able to power up the heating system instead of relying on the fireplace.

These people are really over-reacting and it’s probably a view into what’s going to happen in the event of a major disaster or if the infrastructure gets compromised. Another few hours and folks will resort to cannibalism!

Folks, relax, take a deep breath, the magic power will be back soon, and all will be well.

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