You try to get out… but they keep pulling you back in


I’ve been trying to simplify my life.

Not having a job has actually gone a long way toward that simplification. I don’t have to buy gas too often (as opposed to every other day).

What’s ironic is that without realizing it I’ve become a network administrator / computer troubleshooter / general fixit man in my own house.

I have Wifi, here at the house (Who doesn’t these days?) within my computers range are three other WiFi networks all with enough signal strength to be useful. 

For years now I’ve been happy to provide WiFi to my next door neighbor. This is more a matter of public service since Verizon won’t install a DSL line to their house.

Recently, I was trying to do a little troubleshooting on the network and had a bit of a panic moment. 

There were a lot more devices connected to my network than I thought there should be.

I was sitting here counting the obvious devices like the computers. But that didn’t come close to the numbers I was seeing.  I mean I could count 3 computers but I had over 25 devices on the network. So it was a WTF moment.

Then I started really looking at the network and realized many of the connections were innocuous things like my smart phone, the DVRs, my BluRay players, the TV, the iPod, iPad, the godbrats devices, iPod, iPhone, etc.

Most of these devices were pretty static once I accounted for them. But a few came and went and I had no idea what they were or who they belonged to.

Here’s a list;


The thing is, not all the devices are even turned on in this sample. 

There are other devices that come & go. I’ve identified everything and the spooky thing is that they’re all legitimate and authorized devices on my network. 

This brings up interesting points.

I’m now in a position to need network scanning and maintenance tools.

If I didn’t have my network set up the way I do, which Verizon HATES by the way, I’d not be able to have all the “Normal” devices in my house connected to the internet.

Verizon has, or had a limit. I think the last time I tried to configure my network the way Verizon wanted it… I could have 15 total devices online at any one time. Which means that someone in this list would get booted off the network.

I can understand Verizon having a limit on the number of devices they will allow to be connected directly to their network. What I can’t understand is that Verizon WANTS all the devices connected.

My suspicion is that some bright asshole in marketing fro Verizon was thinking that they could charge the customer per device. Needless to say, that’s not going to work when TVs, BluRay players, gaming consoles, and appliances all are being built to connect to the internet. There’s not enough IP addresses for that unless Verizon goes IPV6.

It’s amazing to me how many devices I’ve connected to my network without really considering the implications. I really didn’t think about how many devices are “Network Aware”. It’s also interesting to think that if the internet is down many of my devices will work in a limited fashion or not at all.

More amazing to me is that I’m doing network administration in my own house.

Many small businesses don’t have as many devices networked as I do.

So I guess all of us will become network administrators….

I wonder if thats a new business niche? Should I bill myself as a Home Network administrator? I wonder if I could get paid what a pool guy gets? With the right remote administration software,  I could actually handle things like software updates, and work at keeping systems running at peak efficiency. Hummmmm….

I think a little investigation is in order.

And yep… there it is…

I’m pulled back into the computer / technology world… I suppose if I could do the computer stuff on my own terms, it wouldn’t be bad. 

I do enjoy making systems and machines work better.

OK What part of this don’t you understand?

I sent a link for free virus software to a person I knew had just purchased a bright shiny new Macbook.


This person is transitioning from a run of PCs that they had nothing but trouble with.

I think I now know why they had difficulties with their PC.

Here’s the reply I got after sending the link.

I have been told that Macs don’t need antivirus software. Is that not true?

Sent from my iPhone

 Ok I’m thinking “The Antivirus software is FREE, I’ve been using it for years as a licensed user. I PAID for it… I explained this all when I sent you the link. Why is this even a question?

I suppose that I was a little annoyed about it too.

Which led me to write the following…

I’m sure that some of my friends in the computer industry will take exception to portions of what I’ve written here  Guys, comment away! You know me, I’ll post your comments and I’ll correct any misrepresentations in the technical aspects of what follows. I’d ask you to bear in mind that I’m trying… and failing to keep my response as non-technical as I can.

All computers are susceptible to viruses.

Computer viruses do not spontaneously occur they are created specifically to cause mischief or damage.

A computer virus is no different than any other program running on any computing device.

Even the computer in your smart phone is susceptible.

The question is…

Has the computing system that you are using presented a viable target?

The PC operating systems, because of their completely OPEN nature (Early on there were no checks on any program the system executed) and the fact that they were cheap made PCs, easy targets.

Since the PCs were also fairly ubiquitous it made a lot more sense for the nefarious elements in our society to concentrate on them. After all if you’re seeking attention you want to make a big splash.

What bigger splash can you have than 50 million PC owners freaking out about a piece of software you wrote, getting into their computers and saying “Doomsday is here” all over their computer screens. Or if you’re trying to fleece money from people PCs still represent the biggest return on your investment of time.

It’s just a matter of numbers.

Back in the day, a Mac used a completely different CPU than most PCs on the market. That difference provided a measure of security because the PowerPc CPU used a different instruction set than an Intel CPU


Now the very same Intel CPU runs Apple Computers and any Windows computer.

That translates to a potential vulnerability.

Thankfully, this vulnerability isn’t one that the average 14 to 20 year old hacker can easily exploit. There are very few people in that age range that have the requisite knowledge of machine code to create a program where they could command the CPU directly to do something untoward. It’s possible, but unlikely. (It’s likely that the Virus used to cripple Irans uranium refineries was a virus built in low level machine code. By the way, the virus in Iran attacked the controllers for machines running the centrifuges but did little damage to the PCs in the labs.)

You don’t need to be a government or have a cadre of high-level programmers writing machine code…

There are far easier ways to compromise the average computer. There are even “Tool-Kits” that can be downloaded from the internet for free that will assist a budding hacker in the creation of a virus.

This is possible because most modern devices include by default, or have provisions for running high level language interpreters

Java is the most ubiquitous. This language runs on PCs, Macs, smart phones, tablets, and I’ve even heard of some navigation systems using it.

This means that a Java application written by a bad person, could run on a Mac or PC, could have direct access to the data stored on either machine, and could at the option of the applications creator, transmit any information of interest to a remote computer or simply erase selected files with little trouble.

I’d bet that Barnes & Nobles card readers used Java or some other high-level language. Their card readers were infected and independently collected then forwarded customer names, card numbers and PIN numbers to an outside party. All made possible because someone realized that the software running in the card reader was independent of the computer the card reader was attached to.

As an aside, this is the kind of stuff that kept people like me up at night… that is before everything got off shored and businesses decided it was reasonable and appropriate to throw older computer workers in the dust bin… Now I think it’s just desserts, I’m waiting for the first lawsuits over this kind of data compromise. After all, there is the reasonable expectation that swiping your credit card INSIDE a store at a point of sale terminal is going to be secure…

Microsoft also includes in it’s applications a scripting language.

This means that any computer running Microsoft Office (Mac or PC) is potentially vulnerable to attack. That attack starts as simply as the user opening an infected Word Document.

To Microsofts credit, they have taken great strides toward preventing this kind of attack. However, the convenience features that the scripting language provides are balanced against the risk.

It’s possible to trick someone into executing a script that would simply erase their hard disk. It’s also surprisingly easy!

The reason that viruses proliferate is that a large percentage of the people in the world are always vulnerable to infection. Either because they’re going to websites that are compromised or they have no virus protection software.

This translates at minimum into some 14 year old getting national or world wide media attention because the virus they created freaked a bunch of people out.


The darker side of the coin is this. Viruses are big business.

You know all that spam email you get? Often the address lists for those spam emails are generated from a PC that’s been infected with a virus.

Your address book is nothing more than a data file. It’s not terribly different from a Word or Excel document. The virus looks for the address book file, then opens a link to a server or website and transmits your address book to that remote site. It happens in 30 seconds or less and you never notice. The very same thing could happen to your Quicken files or your Money files or anything else of interest.

In the case of your address book  the remote sever packages up an email loaded with links to other bad websites and sends it to all your friends making it appear that you sent them this neat, funny joke or recommended a service. It’s profitable because if less than 1% of the people open that email, then they get infected, and their address books get sent to the bad guys.

If less than .025% of the people receiving that spam email actually provide financial information like a credit card # to purchase a bogus service then the bad guys are making a ton of money. (See Barnes & Noble…)

Even if no-one ever gives out their credit card #, the Bad guys still make money SELLING a list of current, valid email addresses to other bad guys or sometimes to legitimate companies seeking to market their products.

Which is how you end up on email marketing lists for stores that you’ve never shopped at in your life.


Bottom line.

1) All computers are vulnerable to virus infections.

2) The myth that Macs are invulnerable to Viruses is exactly that… a Myth. (At one time… it was probably 90% true because Apple wasn’t that big a target, those days are past.)

3) Even if your computer isn’t capable of executing the virus, it can still propagate the virus via sharing of documents.

I could bring social responsibility into the discussion… But I won’t.

Virus protection is always a good idea. Free Virus protection is even better.

I’ve always thought of antivirus software like having a condom,

Better to be safe than sorry…

It’s Microsoft… And I’m sounding like Andy Rooney

Xbox 360 elite header

I have an Xbox360.

Granted I don’t use it all that much, there are some games I really like. Most of those are first person shooter games.

Ok, I’ll admit I really like the violence… so what?

Anyway, this morning I realized it had been a while since I’d fired the beast up. (Yes, it’s a beast the thing howls like a banshee when it’s running.)

As it comes up, it starts talking to the network and downloading all kinds of stuff.  I’ve also noticed that the “Dash Board” is different from the last time I really paid any attention.

I’m curious to know what the heck the system is downloading and that’s when I notice I can’t seem to find any place in the console that displays that bit of information.

There used to be a nifty little thing called the download queue where you could see what was going on. For the life of me I can’t find it on the system.

As I noticed all the other changes, including the commercials peppered throughout the dashboard I thought wait a minute! Then I got taken to a notification that the Terms of Service on Xbox Live had changed and that I needed to accept another legal document before I could use a service that I’d already paid for by virtue of Microsoft automatically billing me.

So let me get this straight…

1) You’re going to push advertisements to the gaming console, That I own…

2) You’re going to make me agree to a NEW TOS in order to Use that gaming console, THAT I OWN…

Most games cost $65 or more and REQUIRE connection to Xbox Live. So Microsoft is  essentially holding me hostage and FORCING me to accept whatever their TOS says so that I can play my non-refundable game on my non-returnable game console after charging me a non-refundable amount to maintain my yearly Xbox Live account?

After an hour of unknown network activity from the game console, I logged into my xbox live account via the internet to find out what the game console in my living room was actually doing. I’m not exactly sure why… but that bothers me. I guess I feel like I should be able to ask the device making use of the network what the hell it’s doing!

Obviously I’m just old fashioned…

Cd repair

Then I heard myself saying… 

“That’s Microsoft”

As if that explains it. Of course I’ve also caught myself saying “That’s Apple” in the same way.

Does anyone else see the flaw here? Does the consumer really have ANY option other than acceptance of the agreements?

This is the same as iTunes letting you purchase music then making you accept the licensing agreement in order to play the music you just purchased.

Remember the good old days?

You know… when you purchased a product AND YOU WERE DONE? I miss buying an LP, or a book, or CD, or VHS Tape or even a DVD, and it was mine to do with as I pleased.


I recently found myself waiting for a BluRay disk to start playing a movie.

All I saw on the screen as “Updating Content” After 10 minutes with no change,  I was performing network diagnostics because the movie still hadn’t started playing, Excuse me???

Understand… I had a BluRay disk spinning in my BluRay player, the movie was there and available. All the player had to do was START PLAYING IT.

But the movie wouldn’t start because the content that the player was updating was the load of  trailers and commercials that Sony, or Universal, or whoever wanted me to see BEFORE they let me see the movie I’D fucking purchased!

I powered the player down, disconnected it from the network and restarted the whole process. This time without the commercials streaming from the internet I actually got to watch the movie I wanted to watch as soon as the player powered up.


It took me 20 minutes from the time I first dropped the disk in the player until the movie actually started. It  was certainly NOT an auspicious start to the relaxing evening I’d planned with family since I’d had to diagnose what was wrong with the technology in the first place. 

My point here is that as consumers we’re loosing our ability to just purchase products

Then use them without all kinds of strings being attached. When I buy a movie on a physical media and plug it into my player it should start playing immediately. I shouldn’t have to be assaulted by the latest trailers for the largely crappy movies coming out of Hollywood all downloaded for my inconvenience.

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If I buy an electronic book I expect it to remain on my ebook reader. I don’t expect to have to click on an “Accept” button acknowledging that I understand I might be offended by the material contained in the book or magazine and will hold the provider of the book or magazine blameless. I sure as hell don’t expect to be reading the book one night, then have it removed from my ebook reader the next morning due to a contract dispute.

I’m amazed at how accepting we’ve become of ever increasing complexity, and how we just write it off as a given from the companies whose tendrils reach so deeply into our lives.

There are some things that are… or were,  simply understood… I buy something, I own it.

End of story.