Installed a new DSL Modem last night

So last night I did a modemectomy perhaps it’s a more accurate to say modem transplant.

Gotta say it’s nice being able to surf the web without incessant hangs.


Things had gotten to the point that three out of five web pages would refuse to open for no apparent reason. After the page would  time out and I got the ever so helpful Verizon “That page doesn’t exist” (Excuse me, Google doesn’t exist? I was just looking at the page!)

I’d hit the retry and boom there’s the page I asked for in al it’s glory. Obviously something was seriously wrong but it wasn’t obvious, the logs from the old modem didn’t say anything, it was as if for a few moments the modem was on a coffee break and not processing any requests. Then everything would resume as if there’d never been a problem.

I really started getting suspicious of the DSL Modem when I started seeing DNS errors. I found it highly unlikely that I’d see a DNS error on sites like Google, or Microsoft. I was convinced that the modem was failing when the streaming porn sites started reporting DNS errors.

The major companies might screw up their DNS entries and take themselves offline, BUT Porn sites? NO WAY not when their income is generated by charges billed per minute.

So there’s a nice shiny new Netgear DSL modem in the wiring closet.

I’ve got to give credit where credit is due. The folks at Netgear did a very nice job with this machine.

The set up was smooth. The one little glitch I encountered was solved by their built in troubleshooting. (I’m always amazed when the machine makes a suggestion that is helpful.) Someone put some thought into the software and I’m impressed.

As an aside, this is the second Netgear device I’ve installed recently.

A few months back I replaced a Cisco 5 port switch in the livingroom because it was creating so much Radio Interference that I couldn’t talk on my Ham Radio. Replacing the Cisco with a Netgear solved the problem. Since then I’ve removed all the Cisco switches I’ve been able to and the RFI problems have been greatly reduced.

As an aside, my cellphone has a lot less dropped calls here at the house. I can only surmise that the interference was confusing the cell phone too.

Sorry to the non-techies reading this I know posts like this are dry as dust to you. On the other hand my technical friends might appreciate knowing about my experiences with this brand.

I’ll see if I can’t come up with a steamy sexual post in the next few days. That’s something that ALL my friends can enjoy.


Did it again… I’m in the doghouse – Updated

Ok I’m a bastard.

I’m working on some stuff and I get this call…

“My computer isn’t working. it was plugged in, it was connected to a network cable the sky is blue I stumbled, the computer fell, it landed on my shoes so that doesn’t really count as it falling, water is blue, the wind is blowing, I have on shoes. On and on and on and on….”


I finally interrupt because NONE of the above is telling me anything important and the randomness is annoying as hell.


Yeah I’m harsh… I really had my mind completely someplace else and just listening to that insanity has completely destroyed my train of thought.

I should be more patient…

Most people do freak out a bit when they’ve dropped their machines… I’d freak out but I’d be PISSED as hell at myself for doing something soooo stupid.

99% of the time I need the basic facts and nothing more, let me ask the questions and just answer the question I asked, no extras no other oration.

This conversation would have gone so much better if it went something like

“Hey, I dropped my computer and now it will come on briefly then shutdown again. Do you have any ideas or should I just bring it to you?”

Unfortunately, that’s not the way it went. In fact, that’s NEVER the way it goes.

So today… I’ve been mean and heartless. My train of thought has completely been derailed.

Why is it that people can’t OR won’t organize their thoughts before they call technical support?

Sigh… I guess I should be prepared to make nice for the next few hours…

————— UPDATE ——————–

Hey, when you drop your computer while it’s running… (Even on your feet) ya got a better than even chance of damaging your hard drive.

So far, I’ve told the drive to map out the damaged sectors, Installed a new operating system and now a 13 hour restore of the last known good backup. I hope that backup has been allowed to run as I originally set it up… or else this is not going to go well.

————— UPDATE —-UPDATE—————

Whoo Hooo! OS Updated, Restore complete, Software and files are apparently all where they’re supposed to be. Now it’s just a matter of stumbling over the bits & pieces that need to have their license numbers re-entered. My work is done!

I can move on with the SHIT that I want to do… Thank you gods of the computer!


I guess I’m resistant to change.

I’ve been a computer geek for a very long time.

I’ve owned DOS machines, Windows machines, and Apple machines.

About 15 years ago I made the switch to Apple because I got sick and tired of dealing with not being able to just turn on my Windows computer and simply Work. (update this, download that, security patch this, reboot, patch failed, reboot, back patch out, reboot)

All I wanted to do was write a letter… 6 hours later I’m using a pen a paper because my computer is updating over a dialup line.

The Apples of the day provided a wonderful alternative and while they were very much more expensive, they worked without a lot of B.S. for 5 – 7 years. When you amortize the cost of the computer over that period, the cost per year of owning an Apple was much lower than the equivalent Windows machine.

I guess you could call me an aging Apple fan boi.

My current Apple machine is a 2008 MacBookPro. It’s been pretty reliable with the exception that it runs really HOT.

A couple of years or so ago I was speaking with an Apple Representative about this, and was told that my MacBook was in fact NOT a laptop. It was a portable computer and was best operated on a desk.

Oaaakkkyyy sure… whatever you say Apple. The fact that the machine got hot enough to discolor my dining room table suggests that the portable computer may not work best on a desk either… but that’s another discussion.

I disagreed then and disagree now. I think that Apple was engaging in pure sophistry. But other than running hot, I’m overall very pleased with the machine. The Apple koolaid is strong my friends…

Last year Apple released Lion. This is the most recent update to it’s OS X operating system. With that release comes iCloud.

iCloud is supposed to be THE best thing since sliced bread. All your music, and calendars, and contact information is in the cloud. It’s synchronized across all your Apple devices all the time. It’s MAGIC! It’s Wonderful, It’s the next big deal.

I’m unimpressed. It’s not a bad system. The integration between the OS and Apple Store, and iCloud is very nice, It’s just not for me, YET…

In point of fact I had the same synchronization between my computer, ipod, iPhone (when I had one), and iPad. The latter devices, iPhone & iPad were synced with my dot Mac account. All of them were synced when I connected them to my computer and frankly I was very happy with the arrangement.

Dot Mac morphed into Dot Me and the services remained pretty much the same. For me it was a no brainer to continue paying Apple 99 bucks a year for the convenience of having an email account, a web page, contact synchronization, calendar synchronization, and blog, all in one place under the auspices of  the mother ship… Apple.

With iCloud, in June 2012 we loose the Web page and the Blog. But it looks like the other features may be free I honestly can’t tell because there’s nothing clear and concise that says THIS IS FREE or THIS COSTS X.

I fucking hate the current marketing hype/spin/lack of information in favor of pretty graphics!

Since the rollout of IOS5 to my iPad, I’ve been unable to synchronize my calendar using Mac services. In fact a large number of appointments have gone missing.

To be honest, I suspect that the trouble is that I’m not running Lion, but the iPad is running IOS5. In all likelihood this trouble would be resolved if I upgraded to Lion.  I haven’t upgraded, and doubt that I will. Maybe the next version…

I don’t want to upgrade to Lion because I don’t want to incur upgrade fees on OTHER software that I own.

I can’t see paying for the Operating System and then paying an unknown cost to upgrade other software packages just to have compatibility with Lion but with no other functional benefit to me. No improvements to the packages themselves etc.

The Synchronization is a minor problem…

One that has a FREE solution.

It’s remarkably easy to integrate your Google Calendar and Gmail contacts with your Apple machine.

If you’re already using an Android phone it’s childs play.  Since I defected to an Android a year and a half ago, I haven’t been using dot Me calendars all that much anyway. The exception being professional appointments where the professional I’m working with has and uses Apple products.

After the rollout of iCloud and the troubles I started having with my iPad, I’ve asked all those professionals to use my gmail account instead. Works like a champ, Since I made those changes while the dust was still settling around Lion, iCloud, and IOS5 I haven’t seen a need to go back.

You see, I’ll pay $99 a year to have a decent web page, contacts, email, calendar, and blog hosted by Apple. I’m not going to pay $99 a year to have all my music, computer settings, contact information, and other stuff in the cloud. It’s not worth it to me, I can wait to synchronize via a cable. I’m known for my impatience but even I have limits.

Besides, I’m buying most of my music from Amazon as mp3s because of the DRM issues with some of iTunes music. Try playing iTunes protected music on your Android device… “Guess I’ll have to buy the White album again…

All of this is especially true when I can have everything iCloud provides provided to me by GOOGLE or Amazon for free. One notable exception is iPad finder. I’m sure that a free solution to that is being worked on by someone.

I wonder how many people are thinking in this vein? I’m not going to be surprised if Apples revenue drops a bit in June when they don’t get the renewals on iCloud that they’re expecting.

Whatever were they thinking?