I’m considering…

Back on Dec 14th I was pretty angry. If only I’d know that Jan 6th would bring white hot rage, I’d have waited.

Given the way Jan 7th has gone with Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and many others silencing the Sitting President of the United States I don’t believe I can be true to myself or my core beliefs by silencing this blog…

I’m going to chew on it for a few more days and depending on how much risk I’m willing to take, I may restore all the previous posts. I’m considering opening the blog to other vetted authors as well. I’ll see about that in due time.

The other half is playing a prayer service to ask for peace and healing, tonight.

That got me thinking. The congregation is Jewish and while I applaud the basic tenet of praying for peace and healing the decidedly liberal bent of the congregation made the following questions pop to mind.

These questions I think can rightfully be asked of many congregations, regardless of their faith, holding similar prayer services tonight.

Where were you when for four solid years conservatives were canceled, harassed, called names, treated as some disease?

Where were your prayers as unthinkable hate was directed at The President and anyone associated with him?

How can you in good conscience be praying for healing and peace while you sat idly by, silently watching as people on the so called “Left” engaged in hurtful rhetoric that caused anyone not firmly with the left to duck and self censor out of fear of losing their jobs, or their homes, or sadly, in some cases their lives.

The time to have spoken out was when you saw this vile hatred spewed at people who had dissenting opinions. Your speaking out then wouldn’t have been in favor of opinions that you disagreed with, your voices would have been raised against the fundamental wrong of allowing people to be hated, hounded, and continuously wounded, because they dared question any established narrative.

The time for you to have raised your voices was when you saw rioting and looting in the name of justice and equality. Many of you did speak out to the protesters saying that the violence must stop. But few of you addressed those on the “Left” whose reporting and rhetoric continued to fan the flames of unrest.

You didn’t speak out about the suppression of free speech until your churches, synagogs, temples and mosques were closed. Even then you only spoke about how this affected your worship, you failed to look at the bigger picture.

In the case of the Jewish community, the lack of response is particularly troubling. Some of the reports I’ve seen today should be sending you to pray. Politicians & Pundits calling for trials and in some cases executions of Trump supporters.

Your elders have seen this before. Perhaps you should heed the bitter lessons they have to teach.

Look at the vengeance Nancy Pelosi is attempting to mete out. If she can’t get Trump removed via the 25th amendment, she’s going to impeach him… In the last 14 days of his presidency? What is that, except petty vengeance?

America watched as citizens entered the capital building. The news media and congress is aghast that such a thing could happen. But let me point out some very interesting points.

The building was only minimally damaged. It wasn’t burnt to the ground, or even set on fire. Pelosi’s office was a photo opportunity but again no real damage.

The left has engendered and fed the kind of anger displayed in average law-abiding Americans who just want answers to legitimate questions, of our courts, and our representatives. (It’s entirely reasonable to ask if voter fraud occurred.)

This is the first time Mail in voting has been used in our country on such a massive scale. It’s legitimate to at least question any irregularities.

Due to the dismissive attitude and childish name calling, shown to people who had legitimate concerns, I’d have expected for Pelosi’s office to have all the furniture thrown out the window, and the office itself burned. Yet that didn’t happen.

Contrast Washington D.C. yesterday with Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis over the Summer. State houses, Police Precincts, and Federal Buildings, were breached and firebombed. Oh and just to drive the point home, acts of violence in those cities were committed by the liberal left.

Then we have the young woman who was shot and died in the building and the 3 others who died during the protest. After almost a solid year of the police standing down and standing by while much worse transgressions were being committed, why would an unarmed protestor think they’d suddenly be met with deadly force?

The FBI is requesting any photos or video footage of the protestors so that they can be brought to swift and severe justice. Really? Now the FBI is going to prosecute? After literally doing nothing to protestors in Oregon who permanently blinded officers defending the Federal Building, this is a fair and just response?

One can only hope that those officers kissed their children as they slept and can remember those innocent faces in the darkness they’ll live in for the rest of their days.

Kyle Rittenhouse, Joe Biggs, several members of Proud Boys, other faith based groups, and many other “Average Citizens” face charges because they defended their lives, but the people that they defended themselves against, face no charges. How is it that all 3 of the men that Rittenhouse shot had criminal records? Doesn’t that speak to a disparity in the system? If the innocent cannot defend themselves without being arrested then there is no justice system.

That’s what so much of this is about. Justice is supposed to be blind, yet we’re seeing that it is not. Justice exists for the rich, the powerful, the criminal, But for average people, for victims, for those who just go about their daily lives… Not so much.

Churches, Synagogs, Mosques, and Temples, you go ahead and pray for peace and healing. But remember many of you have inflicted the hurt and pain, you’ve ignored the obvious until it arrived at your door.

I submit that you’re as culpable, as you believe Donald Trump, who you hate so much, is for the violence and rage.

It’s going to take a very long time for healing. It’s probably time we won’t have.

Just FYI, I didn’t vote for Trump OR Clinton in 2016. But I came to respect Trump because he is exactly what’s written on the tin. I’d much rather have a politician who is the same in office as they are on the campaign trail.

Can you say the same of Biden/Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Omar, Talib, or any of our so called leaders?

Well that’s done.

In my opinion, The United States officially died today.

There is no point in voting anymore, or being affiliated with any party. There will now forever be only the Democratic Socialist Party.

Believing as I do that we’re heading toward a communist regime. I will not be posting anymore blogs.

I’ll be deleting the 1000 or so blogs currently available.

I will also be deleting websites and social media accounts, in an effort to prevent being caught up in the inevitable purges and “re-education” camps that always come with the adoption of communism and socialism.

Time to get very small and terminate any internet footprint that could be used to locate me.

So those of you that have my cell phone number, don’t be surprised if you go straight to voicemail and I’m not responding to text messages.

Just to be clear, it’s not about Joe Biden or more properly Kamala Harris being president. This is about the fundamental issue of voter fraud, illegality, and the complete subversion of everything that this country was supposed to be.

Vaya con Dios

Well, I Never!

This election is tearing our country apart.

I’ve spoken with a few acquaintances who shockingly said, “Anyone who voted for Trump in my enemy.”

That sentiment is astounding to me. Frankly, I have zero desire to have people like that in my life. Regardless of who I voted for or not. That kind of vitriol has no place in my life or my country.

People voted for who they voted for due to a variety of reasons. Some just plain hate Trump, others saw Biden as a return to “normal”. I think a lot of people who voted for either candidate were actually voting from an emotional level against the other guy.

A vote for Trump may simply have been a vote against Biden, or more properly Harris. Similarly a vote for Biden may have been a completely emotional choice based on 4 years of Trump bashing and Trump’s bombastic nature.

Either way, for me someone determining the the status of their relationships based on political party or who they voted for is completely insane.

While Biden is a known commodity. He’s also probably not going to serve out his term. As Trump and conservative media pointed out, Biden has been in office 47 years, 8 of them as Vice President, and now suddenly he’s got a plan? He’s a career politician but has done little of note.

I’ve personally not been impressed with Biden as a politician over the past decade. Harris is mostly unknown. She couldn’t carry her home state of California in the Primaries and it wasn’t about the fact that she is a woman or that she’s a person of color, it was about her character, she didn’t resonate with the voters.

After the Primaries she had some pretty harsh things to say about Biden and then she turns around and accepts a VP slot from him? There were many rumors about her climb to power and then in full view of the American people she did exactly what the rumors claimed. She compromised her expressed beliefs and metaphorically climbed into bed with someone she excoriated on multiple issues only months before.

I was very disturbed about the Hunter Biden laptop as well. The main stream media was sweeping it under the rug prior to the election. The conservative media was rightfully asking questions about the veracity of the photos and emails. Some of the photos I ran across were shocking. A video I saw, less so, but I’m convinced it is actually Hunter in both. Now the mainstream is reporting on Hunter’s laptop. For me, what they’re reporting is “old news”

I’m certain, if one of Trumps boys had a laptop turn up we’d see 24/7 news coverage and demands for his resignation.

For me, this begs multiple questions.

Why / how is the media so biased? Isn’t the media supposed to be simply reporting, and to the extent possible, verifying the events?

How does this double standard stand in America? We are supposed to be a country of equal opportunity which means, good or bad, no-one gets a PASS.

In the face of a spectacular amount of evidence, how did Hunter avoid prosecution to date?

Loosely associated with the Hunter question is what appears to be fraudulent voting. In 2016 voter fraud was the democratic party’s explanation of Trumps win and Hillary’s loss. In 2020 there are multiple reports of more ballots being counted in states than were sent out. There’ve been affidavits filed legally in courts across the country detailing sworn eyewitness testimony to voting irregularities. But we’re being told that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Throughout 2020 we’ve seen protests that turned violent. The media has painted the violence as the responsibility of white supremacists and extremists. The media has also told us that rioting and looting wasn’t widespread. We’ve had politicians telling us that ANTIFA is an idea nothing more.

Yet we have ANTIFA crowing about their conquests. Then directing their followers via social media to disrupt scheduled peaceful rallies supporting issues, which ANTIFA condemns. We have police officers standing by watching looting, arson, and violence, yet doing nothing.

For me collectively, this suggests that the law no longer applies.

So when someone says, “Anyone who didn’t vote for Biden is my enemy,” I wonder what that really means.

What happens if that sentiment is extended? Anyone not wearing a mask is my enemy, anyone not taking the vaccine is my enemy, anyone not carrying a BLM sign is my enemy, anyone who is not gay or transgendered is my enemy, anyone who is black, brown, yellow, white, is my enemy.

The problem with drawing those kinds of lines, is that if you mean it, there’s no end to it.

If “Selective Law Enforcement” gets added to the mix, then logically you could murder someone an claim they were “the other” and get away with it.

Kinda like NAZI Germany.