I know it’s not nice… But it’s funny anyway!

San francisco geyser v0 OL4RldfMiV6NIONHfntiChoWnvz 6LHAiFg9gINZr7EDue to the heavy rains in California San Francisco is experiencing “Sewer Geysers”

I’ve seen a couple of videos and they’re spectacular. 

I guess God got tired of looking at the filth and people shitting on the sidewalks and decided to flush the toilet.

San Francisco’s storm drains couldn’t handle the amount of rain and as the water backed up it looks like there was enough force to blow the lids off manhole covers. Maybe God is pressure washing the city?

When the sun comes out, the people still attempting to live in the city will have clean streets and no stench for at least a couple of days. This reminder of the beauty that once was San Francisco will probably be a bitter pill for the people to swallow when the city returns to it’s “New Normal” of shit, trash, and used needles in the streets.

Perhaps it will spur the residents of the city to raise hell with the city government.

Looking at the weather forecast I almost wish I had some business in the city. I’d like to see San Francisco as I remember it.

I wonder if the homeless encampments were washed away too? Will the governor pass out new cardboard boxes or will he leave that to FEMA?

Several new laws went into effect in California as of today.

SB 107: Sanctuary State’ for ‘Transgender Kids – Totally expected and I weep for those kids getting sucked into the Medical Machine.
AB 2098: COVID Misinformation
AB 2147: Decriminalizing Jaywalking Because of Racism
SB 1375: Allowing Nurses to Perform Abortions Without Doctors
SB 357: Decriminalizing Loitering for Prostitution
AB 257: State Control of Fast Food Restaurants ON HOLD This is just what we need, More Socialist control.

I am particularly amused by AB-2098.

Essentially this bill says that any doctor who spreads misinformation about COVID-19 can be punished by the California Medical Board. Okay… But what is misinformation about COVID-19? Do Doctors still have to say that the vaccines are safe and effective? Statistics from the CDC are showing that at least one part of that statement is not entirely correct.

The bill (which is now law) states that the FDA approved the COVID-19 vaccines. Well yes, under an Emergency Use Authorization. Text in the bill also states that the unvaccinated are more likely to suffer severe COVID-19, but recent information from the CDC appears to suggest that this is changing. There is also a Lancet report that I can’t access, the phenomenon is mentioned in a Washington Post article linked here.

This is not to say it’s completely inverted, but at some point, there has to be acknowledgement that the vaccines are not as effective as they were originally touted to be. Is it misinformation to say that?

The question then becomes can a doctor in California lose their license for reporting to patients truth about current research and trends, if that data conflicts with the actual text ensconced in a law?

I’m amused, because this is a prime example  of why you don’t allow politicians to engage in censorship in general, and the Medical field in particular.

Laws take a while to enact, in this case the law is in error on the day it goes into effect.

I can hardly wait for the first lawsuits from Doctors against the state because the Doctor is keeping up with the current research and runs afoul of the information clearly enumerated in the law.

I found the whole pallet of laws caused a WTF? Moment for me.

Giving someone a ticket for jaywalking is racist?

Say what? Apparently, people who jaywalk are often poor and can’t pay the fine. So jaywalking is now apparently legal. That’s going to work really well when jaywalkers start getting hit by cars. Not to mention the opportunity this presents to folks who want to win “The Ghetto Lottery” by stepping out in front of slow moving vehicles, especially vehicles that look like the driver is rich.

Nurses being allowed to perform abortions?

What could possibly go wrong in that scenario? Hell I get concerned when I’m having to deal with a Nurse Practitioner and honestly except in very rare circumstances I’d rather see a full fledged doctor because of the limitations on Nurse Practitioners. The kicker is that seeing a Nurse Practitioner is just as expensive as seeing a doctor so what’s the fucking point in that?

A 5 second spray of liquid nitrogen on a potential skin cancer spot is one hell of a lot more efficient and cheaper than a four week prescription for some weak assed drug cream that is a pain in the ass to work with or wholly ineffective in the first place. But a Nurse Practitioner isn’t allowed to use the liquid nitrogen because that’s “Surgery”.

An abortion is one hell of a lot more dangerous and invasive than a spritz of liquid nitrogen!

Loitering for the purposes of prostitution is okay.

But prostitution is still illegal? The state legislators just nibbled on the barrel there. Just make prostitution legal and be done with it. It’s gotta be racist, sexist, or some ‘ist’ to prosecute prostitutes. They’re just trying to make a living aren’t they?

I totally understand why people in “flyover states” read about California just for laughs.

I can hardly wait for my brother to call and tease me about living here and asking me why I’m still here.

It’s in good fun, he lives in a state the has some serious fuck ups too, but those fuckups are usually at an individual moronic person level, not the whole dang government.

TX Gov. Abbott busses 130 Migrants to VPs house on Christmas Eve… Democrats Mad


Another MSNBC report had someone clutching their pearls about the fact that Washington DC temperature was 18° – 22° F when the illegals were dropped off. Apparently, some of these illegals were dressed only in T-Shirts, shorts, and sandals, wrapped in blankets.

These people then almost immediately boarded another bus and were taken to a local church.

The Horror! The inhumanity!

It should be noted that the busses transporting these folks had heaters, and that they were at little risk of frostbite or death by exposure.

The same unfortunately cannot be said for the thousands of illegal immigrants sleeping on the streets of El Paso in 22° F weather.

In comparison, I’d bet these people Abbott bused to Washington DC feel pretty lucky. 

What’s not being said is that El Paso and almost all of the border towns and states no longer have the capacity to house the flood of illegals the Biden Administration policies have encouraged to come to the United States.

What is more cruel? An administration that allows this, or a Governor sending illegals to places that have the capacity to take care of them?

It should also be pointed out that it is far warmer south of the border. It’s even springtime in the Southern Hemisphere.

Just Sayin!

Racism and Reparations, Oh My!

Over the past 10 days or so I’ve been seeing articles about California paying reparations to black folks.

I was pleased to see that beach front land LA County had stolen from an African American family had finally been returned to the family. There is no excuse for anyone to lose their property, either land, or personal possessions, simply because of the color of their skin. LA County righted a wrong they committed long ago, and it was about damn time. 

There was a time when racism was rampant, horrific, and wrong on its face. The only reason LA County had been able to take this family’s land was because racism was at the time, tacitly approved of and LA County had the power of City Hall and people who could corrupt the law. 

This once again proves the old saying, “You can’t fight City Hall”

Less pleasing is the California Reparations board. If this board was looking for similar instances of injustice as described above. Then I’d be totally on board. The problem is, California Reparation seems to be more about cash payments. Cash payments made from our tax dollars in a state that didn’t have African slavery. 

For me this raises some questions. 

Will California be paying reparations to members of the Native Tribes whose ancestors were in fact enslaved and whose servitude built Churches up and down the state under Spanish or Mexican rule?

Will California pay reparations to the descendants of Irish children taken off the streets of Dublin and sold into slavery in American slave markets right along with slaves from Africa?

How is California going to determine who gets these reparations? Will they use DNA sequencing? Or will the state resort to simply looking at the color of a person’s skin? The former is invasive, the latter is going to automatically exclude groups of people who through no fault of their own might not be dark enough. What about people who may be albino?

There was a time when America had something called the one drop rule. If a person had any ancestor who was African they were considered Black regardless of their appearance. Interestingly, when the NAZIs were trying to come up with a method to single out Jews for extermination, NAZI’s felt that the one drop rule was too extreme. They chose a genealogical method based on a Jewish family member being some number of generations back. Five generations, no problem. Only four generations back? Sorry you’re going to the camps. I wonder what criteria the California Reparations board will use.

Then there was the African American activist who said in print, anything less than $800,000 per person would result in severe consequences. Wow! That sounds more like an old MAFIA protection racket. What severe consequences? Riots, looting, buildings burning? Oh, in other words a typical Wednesday in Los Angeles.

When I read that article, my first thought was how about zero dollars? Your terms are completely acceptable. Burn down your neighborhoods or the entire city. Just realize that your actions have consequences and one of those consequences would likely be that you’ll not have a place to plug in that 75” TV you stole from the Best Buy. You can also look forward to 20 years of no-one investing in businesses or buildings in the neighborhoods you destroy. Y’all might want to loot some tents from the REI or Walmart while you’re at it.

There was another piece reported out of San Francisco about a pilot program where the city leadership was making payments of 1000 a month for two years available to poverty stricken people.

Great! Help those people get their footing and work their way out of poverty.  But reading the fine print, this is only available to African Americans. Apparently poverty is only poverty if you’re the right color. White people living in poverty and squalor is of no concern to the leadership of San Francisco.

San Francisco is also making similar payments available to pregnant poor single women. Again Great! But the fine print again specifies only African American need apply. This particular plan is being implemented in Los Angeles, and other smaller cities throughout the state. 

I’m sorry, but this is racism on its face. Poverty is poverty, pregnant is pregnant, regardless of the color of your skin.

I thought we had laws to prevent discrimination of any kind. 

Clearly I missed a memo on the nuance of racial discrimination. 

Growing up I was taught that any discrimination was bad and not to be tolerated.

Since these days it’s enough to simply identify as a woman to be called and treated like a woman.  I find myself wondering is it enough to identify as African American to be treated like an African American and therefore be eligible for these cash payments? How about if I identified as a black woman and pregnant?

“My baby daddy ran off with some skinny white girl! I need a grand a month to raise this baby!” 

I doubt it would work. 

This kind of thing is how racism is perpetuated.

For years African Americans have protested and in some cases rioted over being treated as less than. Leaders in government have been solicitous and forgiving, they’ve promised to make funding available and bring an end to racism in exchange for votes.

What will those leaders do or say when the shoe is on the other foot? How will they respond to white people protesting and rioting against clearly racist behavior targeted at them?

Or will we have the Southern Poverty Law Center designating impoverished white communities as white supremacist terror cells, then calling for these communities to meet the same fate as Ruby Ridge, or Waco? 

I find that I’m not particularly surprised when I hear white people saying things like, “We need to move someplace where the demographics are more favorable.” Which is nothing more than a polite way of saying, We need to move someplace where there are only white people.

The problem is, if white people were to carve out a couple of states and cede the rest of the country to people of color, that would be called racism. It would never be tolerated and particularly so, if white people built for themselves a nice place. This is not to say white people are more capable than anyone else, but we already have the example suburbia provided. 

At one time moving to the suburbs was called “White Flight”. The cores of cities were given over to people who, at the time,  were legitimately on the wrong side of the racial equation. People of color were ghettoized and then rightfully got angry at being mistreated and forgotten. The common explanation for these ghettos being crime ridden was these folks were desperate, and impoverished.

I suspect that while there was, at the time,  certainly a racial component to white flight, there was something else. White people simply got tired of trying. When it became easier to move to suburbia where everything was new, clean, planned and safe. Places where education was good and crime was largely unheard of, white people chose the path of least resistance.

I’m not afraid of living with people of color, I’m just tired of playing some kind of appeasement game where the goal posts are always in sight but moved at the last minute. I’ve worked with people who are actually from Africa. They have always been kind, hardworking people like myself, with similar values and expectations. On more than one occasion Africans have asked what the hell is up with African Americans? I’ve answered, that I haven’t a clue.

I find myself getting quite tired of trying anymore. I’m sick of being called names. So sick of it that I’ve actually looked into moving to a completely different country. Call it the ultimate white flight.

I’ve also considered getting a job in Antarctica. This would take me out of the USA and put me in a small community where everyone is dependent on each other for survival. I’ve been curious to find out if, in that kind of situation, the whole racism narrative falls apart and people are just people again.

I don’t believe in racism. I think it’s stupid and destructive. That being said, my experiences with people of color in California have taught me that I’m apparently in the minority regardless of race. 

It’s because of these lived experiences that I want to go somewhere and live among people that look just like me. I want to eliminate the racial stuff and if someone who looks just like me commits a crime, they get the same justice as everyone else.

I don’t want to live someplace where I, or anyone else, is favored or punished simply because of the color of their skin or ethnicity. Until ten or fifteen years ago, I thought that was where America was headed. Now I feel like we’ve taken a step 50 years into the past and are in the process of inverting all the rules too.

In my opinion, stepping back in time and inverting the rules is nothing more than revenge. It’s not a step toward equality at all.