Another rainy day (NSFW)

Yeah, it’s raining in Southern California. 

I’m not complaining at all. It could be snowing in which case I’d have a heck of a day ahead of me. 

It’s been raining since last night, I don’t even know how much snow I’d have been looking at having to clear if it had been cold enough to snow.

Fortunately, it’s been in the 40s here so not only do we get that nice sound of rain on the roof, but it’s also cleared most of the snow and ice that remained on the street.

I like snow, but I love rain. 

This has been an abnormal California rain too. It’s been real rain… not that stupid misty piss that we usually get.

This has been the kind of rain that would rinse the dust off your car instead of turning the dust to mud. Unfortunately my car is in the garage…

I’m noticing that some of my neighbors trees are greening. No leaves yet but the bark is taking on that green hue that heralds the coming of spring.

Seems a bit early but it’s the trees problem not mine if they bud early.

I just killed another social media account.

This one was a more male oriented site. I woke up this morning to a half a dozen “buddy” requests, and a “Free” 3 day trial.

I was a member but not a paying member. This was the first time in a long while that I’d been able to wander to all the areas of the site.

In my wandering I discovered a few things. 

My profile picture was not me. WTF?

The country and state associated with my profile wasn’t correct and after fixing it 3 times only to have it randomly change to some other country I gave up.

Then as I was looking at the buddy requests, I noticed that most of these “People” didn’t have completed profiles.

Then I noticed that they had “Buddies” that were the same as the “Buddies” I had and that in any cases the “Buddies” had the same pictures associated with 4 or 5 different profiles. 

The more I poked around, the more things just didn’t add up.

This site used to want something like $90 a year to be a member. Recently I’d noticed that they were only asking for $25 a year and that the “Buddy” notifications were coming in every day.


Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to get wild and nasty and I might even pay $25 a year to meet up with some similar minded individuals.

But I’m not going to pay any amount of money to be inundated with computer generated friend requests. From profiles that aren’t real.

Heck I can wander out to half a dozen free porn sites to enjoy computer synthesized stimulation.

Not that theres anything wrong with that… But if you’re looking for friends, and / or playmates you’d like to know that you’re not spilling your guts to a Turing test.


If someone is going to offer to wrap their lips around my dick… I’d like them to be real.

That’s not to say that cyber sex or electro sex can’t be an absolute blast.

I’ve done both and had a rocking good time. I’ll do both again too… yeah. it was that much fun.

However, feeling warm flesh yield to the needs of my dick is the best. Pumping a hot load into a sexy willing partner is awesome.

Given the choice between a sexy living human being touching me, and a cold machine… I’ll take the human anytime.


This of course doesn’t rule out androids.

Believe me if androids ever become a reality I’m going to be first in line to try one when they start making  sexbots!

So I’m a pig… what are you going to do start an android right group?

Oh well, another social media site bites the dust, at least in my book.

I do wonder why it’s so very difficult to meet someone that would like to be friends and perhaps a bit more.

I know it’s not my breath or lack of deodorant … Over a social media site neither of those are problematic. Do you think it could be my personality??? 


This is a good day to write, put on some  sensuous music, jerk off if I feel like it and just enjoy the day.

In looking for photos to add a little pizazz to this post… I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to take pictures the next time someone is blowing me… 

Then I’d have something to remember the event by, and would probably have better subject material. 

Hope your day is as interesting as mine.

Today is a Bright Cold Beautiful Day


22F When I got up this morning. Looks like the Low may have been colder.


Got some more work to do in the office and It’s good to be back in my own space again.There’s a stack ‘O shit piled in the middle of the desk that I need to sort through, but that can wait.

Still a slight glitch in that I’ve got more devices than I have place to set those devices. One of these is the photo printer which delays Christmas cards.

On the other hand I can always send them as PDFs via Email. It’s not that I’m not thinking of my friends it’s just that I’ve… well… mismanaged my time a bit.

A seriously good thing of note today is that I’m feeling better. A lot better!

For the first time in more than a week I’m a bit on the horny side. For a guy, that’s the sign that we’re healing and on the way the health again. For me, the first sign of being really sick is that I’m not horny at all. So this is a welcome sign if a bit frustrating.

Lately… I’ve been evaluating a lot of stuff.

I’m fairly sure that my former career is toast.

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Oddly, where once I was very angry about it… Now I’m not so angry.

Sure when I think about it and allow myself to feel that I’ve been thrown away by corporate America and to some extent by America in general I still get a little pissy.

But It’s not like it was this time last year.

Now I’m looking forward to what I’ll do next.

I’m going to have to trim my expenses by a considerable amount. But I think I can do that.

I’m still working albeit not as hard as I should be on finishing my first book. I will finish it… 

I’m thinking that perhaps what will be best for me in the interim is to find a simple job that pays enough for me to pay my bills.

I don’t want that as a long term solution but I do think it might be an achievable short term goal.

Recently I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved with a couple of gatherings that demonstrated several things to me.

1) People are hungering for things that the internet can’t provide.

2) There may be a growing number of people that are pulling back from things like FaceBook and other social media.

3) Intimacy is something that everyone needs regardless of their walk of life or sexuality. Men in particular seem to be starving for it 

4) Many men don’t have the ability to articulate even to themselves this need.

Much of this was brought painfully home to me as I attended the first meeting. The speaker was saying these things and I thought, “yes that resonates with me”. But what really drove it home was that I decided to start at the beginning of the book and do some editing.

As I reread the first chapters making changes and improving continuity I realized that there, in the pages I’d written was the same message.

In communications with friends and acquaintances this point has been driven home again and again.

I’ve had similar conversations with male friends and acquaintances who identify as Straight, Bi, gay, and curious. and all of these men seem to crave the same thing.

Silence, Peace, Joy, Sensuality, Compassion, Intimacy, Passion, Love, and Touch. All in varying degrees. The straight men aren’t going to need or indeed may not be comfortable with sensuous touch from another man. However all of these men could enjoy and benefit from a simple hug regardless of the gender of the person giving it to them. All of these men could benefit form having someone that would just listen.

In these conversations it’s become obvious that perhaps I’ve been ignoring a calling that was right in front of me.

These men are in general men that I care about. They’re friends (old and new), acquaintances, potential friends and because I care about them I find myself reaching out to them with the very strong desire to comfort them. 

I find that I want to help them, to allow them a few hours of safety where they don’t have to worry about defending themselves or having their defenses up at all.

Obviously, these friends are very different from the general population.

However it has raised a question in my head. Could I provide some of these unrequited needs to men? If so in what capacity? Could I find a career where I could make a living being a guidepost to people who need someone to help them find their way?

This would allow me to continue to pursue art, and writing  to feed my own soul. But it would also allow me to pass through the world leaving it a better place than it was. That too feeds my soul.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve found that I’m far less interested in the latest craze and far more interested in doing those things that fill me with joy, feeding my spirit at the same time.

Only recently I’ve come to the realization that I’ve never been truly happy at any job I’ve ever had except one.

That was when I was spent time as a Personal Trainer. In retrospect I loved helping people.

I hated the fact that the gym I was working for, was all about screwing the trainers & clients out of as much money as they could.

While I was actually working with clients… I was happy and joyful. I looked forward to going to work.


At the time I was also using my knowledge of technology publishing a monthly magazine that I was very proud of.

Unfortunately I had a business partner that assumed I was rich and that he was entitled to all the funds in the business.

This ultimately led to me ceasing publication on the magazine, paying off the debts owed by the magazine and having to go back to work in a cubicle farm. 

I carried a lot of anger about that for many years. I genuinely hope that he learned something and won’t make the same mistakes again.

Now, many years later I’m out of the technology field, even though it’s not necessarily by my choice. 

It’s time for me to follow my heart.

I’d rather have the time to write than commute 80 miles to report to an office building.

I’d rather deal with people on my terms than deal with bosses and coworkers who are all about scrambling up the corporate ladder at any cost.

I need to pursue art, beauty & light instead of struggling to preserve those parts of me against an onslaught of negative forces.

So after over a year of worry and fretting about a new job & being “thrown away by corporate America”. I’m going to try something new.

I have no idea where this will lead. I can say that right now, I’m feeling really positive and good for the first time in a while.

Time will tell if this is the right path for me. 


I do know going back to corporate America doesn’t appear to be an option. I suppose I would temporarily if only to fund my ability to pay for the training that I’ll need to move into the light.

My journey begins with setting down some baggage that I’ve carried far too long. 

Someone else can pick it up if they wish, I’d strongly recommend against it.