I’m beyond disgusted… I’m super Pissed!

The bodies of our soldiers (needlessly killed) aren’t cold in their graves yet and the administration is trying to turn the page metaphorically.

I’m not one to rend my clothing or wander the halls weeping, but “come on man”. Can we at least take a week to allow their families to grieve? How about putting off the ‘turning the page’ until after the 9/11 anniversary?

Is that so much to ask?

How about a dignified speech acknowledging these last victims of an ideology that is nothing but a death cult. Something like, “these young and valuable members of our brave military will be the last to die by a fucking suicide bomber.”

How about a speech wherein the American flag waving on some kind of big screen dissolved into live bomb feeds of the destruction of every major city, water & power station, internet nexus, cell phone tower, opium field, and infrastructure items like bridges and roads, in Afghanistan being destroyed. Then as a final touch, salt the ground with depleted uranium, or nuclear waste water.

Probably too extreme. I guess I’m a little more pissed off about the Afghanistan debacle than I thought I was. Please pardon the outburst.

That’s not the way a civilized human being is supposed to act or think.

I can assure you that is exactly what the Taliban, ISIS, ISIS-K, or Hamas would do if the roles were reversed. I can make that statement because these fanatics are driven not by the here and now, they’re driven by an image of absolute forgiveness in the afterlife where all their woes & cares will be attended to.

All things in the service of Allah are forgivable. Lie, cheat, steal, rape, murder, burn… even sex with animals and small boys is just fine. After all a warrior of god shouldn’t have to beat his own meat. Besides, if little boys grow up liking cock, they can be gang raped again then thrown from the nearest tall structure.

I’d love for us to show these animals exactly what we think of them.

Christianity had a similar phase. The crusades, the inquisition, the destruction of countless native tribal cultures in North & South America and on many islands in the Caribbean and across the Pacific.

Three to six hundred years ago, I’d have been advocating for the Annihilation of Christianity too. It’s possible for a religion to be essentially a good thing, but for its practitioners to be so completely evil that they taint everything else about the religion.

In the case of Christianity, it grew a conscience and simultaneously realized that entire generations were being sacrificed for no real gain. Had it not, Islam and quite possibly Judaism would be dust in the sands of history.

Sadly, Islam continues to be a wasteful religion of a backwards people.

In this very blog I have said that we shouldn’t interfere in the internal politics of any country.

I stand by that. However, in this situation there is a continuing and growing threat to our way of life.

What kind of moron, leaves weapons in a country controlled by terrorists like the fucking Taliban? Who doesn’t see the logic of at least destroying those weapons if you can’t take them with you? I’m not military, never served, I wish I could have. Even a non-military idiot like me knows you don’t leave loaded guns in a rabid monkey cage.

I’m all for bombing them all back to the Stone Age, ignoring them for a century, and seeing how they fare in their re-evolution.

What I have described, President Biden, is payback. Not random drone strikes that are no better than terrorist activities themselves.

Let them hear and see the entirety of our air force darkening their skies. Let them hear the approaching destruction as the bombs fall. Let them make peace with their deities and then let them die.

Any survivors can record their history on goat skin, Stone Age people don’t need cell phones, computers, banking, or communication systems.

I have also said in this blog, that we cannot deal in a civilized way with uncivilized people. We must communicate in a language that is unequivocally understood.

The message should be simple, “Leave us the fuck alone, and we’ll do the same.” End of message.

No cash, no reparations, no rebuilding, no negotiations, nothing at all beyond the message.

Perhaps then 20 years of blood, sweat, tears, and pain, would mean something. At least our dead would be avenged.

It wouldn’t do away with Islam, but it might give some of the other terrorist fucks something to think about.

We wouldn’t have to know their names, just where they came from. Obliteration of their home, or just the village they were operating from might be enough to have them put their shit down and start dealing with their own problems.

This isn’t entirely hate on my part. A very large part of this is blind rage. I watched the towers fall 20 years ago. I heard every word released from flight 93. I pounded my fists bloody on the floor in front of my television. I didn’t then, and don’t now, give one runny shit about the why of it, or any of the apologists explanations.

In the 20 years since, that white hot rage had cooled to a more reasonable dull red. It sparked up with every IED or Islamic asshole murdered some innocent. It gets a lot brighter every time I see or read some bullshit from Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, or Rashida Talib. I’d like to see all three of them dropped into Afghanistan with the Arabic equivalent of “WHORE” written on their forehead. Let’s see how they like Shira Law then.

Generally though the rage had died down to a manageable level until the Biden fuck up.

Coming as it does, so close to 9/11, I’m 20 years back in time and the white hot rage is as hot as it was then. (Maybe a little cooler, since at the time I was for nuking the entire muslim world and letting Allah sort it all out. Carpet bombing Afghanistan and salting the country with radioactive waste not withstanding, at least it’s not the entire Arab world! That’s progress isn’t it?)

In my life from now on, a “Biden” will always be shorthand for epic next level fuck up. In that, Obama was completely right. Biden can and will fuck up beyond recognition, everything he touches.

On the plus side, I’m pretty sure that he’s fucked up Kamala Harris’s political career too.

We all know he’s not going to last through his term. He’s obviously ill. Even Lady McBiden with all her Bene Gesserit machinations can’t keep him propped up forever. (Like the Dune reference?)

Frankly I’m surprised that Lady McBiden has kept him functioning on whatever drug cocktail this long. It must be taking a hell of a toll on his body. Kamala will end up being President for a time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Pelosi has a turn in the big chair, when Kamala proves completely incompetent.

I’m betting that in 2024 the Democratic Party is going to be cheating super hard to keep Kamala or Pelosi in office. Regardless of what may or may not have happened in 2020, they’re going to have to mess with voting in broad daylight to keep any Democrat in The Office of the President.

Yep, The Afghanistan debacle has really pissed me off.

It’s gonna take me some time to cool down, maybe another 20 years!

What happened to “Herd Immunity”?

Caught this article.

This is one of the more disturbing things I’ve read. Yeah, today is my news day. There are times when I wonder why I even look. The dumpster fire that is my country today is revolting.PeteParada1 640x480

The short version of the article is that drummer Pete Parada for the band Offspring has been fired because he cannot take the vaccine. Really, he can’t, his doctor recommended against him taking it because he has Guillain-Barré syndrome.

This is an autoimmune disorder wherein the patient’s own immune response attacks their nerves.

Given that there have been cases of Bell’s Palsy associated with some of the vaccines it is completely logical that Parada’s doctor would recommend against the vaccine in his particular case. You know, under the rule “Do No Harm”, or how about “The benefit of taking the vaccine is outweighed by the risk”

But it gets even better. Parada has already had COVID. He had it last year and has been immune for longer than all these newbies with their vaccinations. Technically he has the GOLD standard of immunization.

Not that it matters to the people in power. Managers, Booking Agents, Hollywood, Politicians, or the Media.

This constant push on the part of the media and our government for everyone to take the vaccine is very strange. There was a time not too long ago where moms would arrange playdates for their children with another child who had measles or chickenpox.


By todays standards, that would have Child Protective Services right up your ass.

But there was method in this apparent madness. Moms could plan to have and care for a sick child. The child had superior immune responses and were extremely likely to get a little sick, get through it, and have lifelong immunity to chickenpox or measles. THE BENEFIT greatly outweighed the risk and inconvenience.

Before there was a vaccine for mumps, it was preferred that all children acquire the disease prior to entering puberty. This avoided much more serious complications of mumps, such as sterility.

As awful and potentially deadly as smallpox is (was) a large majority of people survived it. The vaccine simply was a scientific method of preventing someone catching the disease or being scarred by it. Not everyone in the world today has been vaccinated against smallpox, yet it’s generally accepted that smallpox is a disease of the past. That’s what they call herd immunity.

In the case of drummer Pete Parada if he’s the only person on stage who has not been “officially” vaccinated and all the other members of the band have, what the hell is the problem? He’s going to be at the back of the stage, away from their adoring fans, and  is unlikely to spread COVID.

When did we become a people driven by fear not logic? How is this in any way scientific (following the science) when we are disregarding over 100 years of established medical science. Further since the medical establishment (At least the vocal government sanctioned part of it) has started pushing vaccinations for even people who have already had COVID, how can anyone be surprised at vaccine hesitancy or conspiracy theories popping up?

Suddenly, in 2021 decades of medical information spoon fed to us by the medical establishment is being tossed aside and EVERYONE must take an experimental vaccine. Is it any wonder that Grandma and Grandpa out on the farm might be asking questions?

Then there’s this lovely item in The Atlantic

Juliette Kayyem 640x480Juliette Kayyem writes:

The White House has rejected a nationwide vaccine mandate—a sweeping suggestion that the Biden administration could not easily enact if it wanted to—but a no-fly list for unvaccinated adults is an obvious step that the federal government should take. It will help limit the risk of transmission at destinations where unvaccinated people travel—and, by setting norms that restrict certain privileges to vaccinated people, will also help raise the stagnant vaccination rates that are keeping both the economy and society from fully recovering.


This is from a former assistant secretary for Homeland Security under Obama.


Elsewhere in the piece she does make a point about limiting the spread of COVID via travel restrictions from other countries. I’m sure she called Trump racist and xenophobic when he stopped incoming flights from China.

Now though, she is suggesting a no fly list for the unvaccinated! This is anti-American and once again unscientific on its face.

If you’re vaccinated then you have taken appropriate steps to minimize the transmission of COVID either by you getting it again, (you shouldn’t since you’re vaccinated,) or spreading it because once again you’re vaccinated.

Therefore a no fly list for the unvaccinated is completely UNTHINKABLE, because it’s INSANE.


The vaccine isn’t working like other vaccines have in the past. But do we really know either way? On the one hand we have this oft repeated quote:

…remarkably safe, effective vaccines are widely available, at least to adults.

Yet we have increasing reports of “Breakthrough” COVID infections among the vaccinated. So which is it?

With every passing week, the government attempts to assure the public that vaccination is the ONLY way to go, but then spokespeople from that same government, or those held up by the press as, “People in the know” are undermining that message by their words and actions.

All the Texas Democrats that “fled” Texas to Washington DC were vaccinated. Yet after they met with Vice President Harris, 6 came down with COVID. Then VP Harris ran to Walter Reed for “A routine checkup”.

The VP is vaccinated right?

If she was exposed to some kind of “Breakthrough” variant there’s not a lot that Walter Reed could do. If she was worried about it, she should have quarantined and not exposed everyone else to a potential variant to go to her “routine checkup”.

Isn’t that what the rest of America has been told to do? If you’ve been exposed, self quarantine. I seem to recall something like that over the past year and a half. Even my Doctor said if I’d been exposed to please reschedule my appointment and there’d be no penalty.

That’s my doctor! When have you known a doctor to waive charging you for a missed or late appointment?

Just sayin…

This kind of chaos is not helping to motivate those with vaccination hesitancy, nor is it doing anything to assuage the fear of COVID. All this is doing is deepening the divides between the American people.

We have quite enough division to work through, we don’t need Vaccination status to fracture us further.

From the WTF file?

BLM has moved from being an organization that may have had legitimacy at one point, into the realm of jackass clowns looking for attention.

Perhaps it’s more about the Benjamins at this point, maybe it aways was. I’m not sure.

Who knows how much BLM donation money Patrisse Cullors actually funneled into her own pocket.

Now BLMLA has filed another lawsuit in California. This time, against Santa Monica. The first one was against the city of LA. Basically BLM contends that the police weren’t doing their job.


You’ve got to be kidding me!

This is the legal equivalent of beating someone to a pulp yanking their pants down and ass raping them, then kicking their unconscious body before you lift their wallet and run away.

In other words, normal behavior for BLM. (If you’re thinking, “He really doesn’t like BLM,” BINGO! You win the cupie doll!)

At this point I think all of BLM should be in a nasty prison, somewhere in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Their ANTIFA buddies should be staked out in the sun outside the prison.

The eternal whining of self hating lilly white BLM followers about climate change & the lack of air-conditioning in a Sahara prison would be an appropriate warm up to eternity in hell for the leaders of the organization including Patrisse Cullors.

When will people wake up to the fact that BLM has done no good for the people they claimed to be standing up for? Donations didn’t go into the community or to the families who lost loved ones. BLM didn’t even help with funeral expenses. But they sure did capitalize on dead people and their families. BLM was nothing but a SCAM. BLM didn’t start out as a SCAM, but it degenerated into one pretty damn fast.

I’d like to see a class action counter suit against BLM Inc, consisting of all the people who lost homes, businesses, neighborhoods, and peace of mind.

Because I like irony, perhaps BLM should pay reparations???

Whatever legitimacy BLM may have had in the beginning is long gone.

Now in a lot of folks minds, BLM has become conflated with ANTIFA, violence, murder, rioting, looting, defunding the police, and utter lawlessness. They’re responsible for more gun sales than any organization in history short of maybe World Wars, The RED scare, or the KKK.

I’ll remind you that the KKK did drive gun sales… Among African Americans!

African Americans knew the police or other authorities weren’t going to help them. It was incumbent upon them to protect themselves, their families, their homes, and communities.

This is where the antics of BLM and ANTIFA with their year-long rioting have led all Americans. They’ve destroyed police moral (if not entire police forces), the law, and severely damaged society. So all Americans are re-learning the same lesson African Americans learned long ago.

If you cannot depend on the laws of the land, you must depend on the oldest law on the planet.

The strongest survive. The weak, diseased, and parasites don’t.

So thanks BLM… I’m really looking forward to living in “Mad Max” world.

Now, I’m off to weld spikes & add nitrous to the BMW. Later I’m planning to take a fuel truck from hijackers who’ve got it now!

Good Job!

I’ve been seeing articles about AOC being triggered


The first articles quoted her as saying she didn’t feel safe with her republican colleagues.

Then she says she was triggered and fearful for her life.

Then we find out she wasn’t in the Capital Building itself but was in one of the offices adjacent to the Capital Building. These offices are connected to the Capital via tunnels.

Last week she’s saying that she was a victim of sexual assault, but refuses to name the perpetrator.

Now she’s saying that she was afraid that the rioters would get into the tunnels.

Really AOC?

Pick a freakin lane!

I’m sorry that she was sexually assaulted.

Although I have a certain doubts about the veracity of that claim. Having known several women who were victims of sexual assault. I find it hard to believe that AOC (of all people) refuses to name the person and have them strung up by their gonads.

I know, we’re supposed to believe all women. (Unless they have a credible claim against a certain sitting President, cough! Biden.) Then it’s fine to ignore the claim, the evidence, the woman, and marginalize her out of existence. That’s the way we do things now in the Socialist Democratic States of America. Right?

The thing that I would ask AOC is, “Did you pay any attention the the security briefings you no doubt had to attend when you took office?”

Those tunnels have existed for years, since long before AOC was an itch in her daddy’s pants. There are multiple security protocols in place to prevent a full on invasion, because if some force were to take control of those tunnels. it would require a major military assault to regain control. The best way to avoid that problem is to be able to close off sections that might be compromised. The better solution is to prevent the tunnels from being compromised in the first place. I’m absolutely sure that much thought has been given to this problem and many horrific scenarios have been played out to create protocols for the security of the Capital complex.

Those protocols have been considered and revised often over the years and by people much smarter about such things than AOC or myself. The fact that many Congressmen and staffers were evacuated to the tunnels suggests that they are more secure than the office buildings or The Capital building itself.

So what exactly was AOC doing during those briefings? Was she simply ignoring what was being said because she mistakenly thought it had something to do with Donald Trump? Did her hatred of him, blind her to the underlying fact that security is kind of a big deal in and around the Capital? Did she fail to consider that security has been functioning for at least 200 years, through multiple Presidents, even though the tunnels are more recent editions?

Further, how on Earth does she come up with her Republican colleagues would be a threat to her? I’ll grant you they might not like her. (Probably don’t.) But they would not see her come to harm.

I honestly dislike AOC. That being said, I would still tell her to come with me for her safety. I’d leave it completely up to her to enjoy my protection or not, in a battle, a fire, a poison gas attack, or whatever.

I believe you can choose your own fate and if you’re not smart enough to choose wisely, then it’s on you and you alone.

I doubt I’d take a bullet for AOC, and feel very sorry for her security detail because they’d have to.

Even though, I see her as a petulant child, and I think she’s among the absolute worst of our so called “leaders” I would not see her come to harm, if I could prevent it.

I’d suggest that she get some professional psychological help.

I say this because the level of fear and paranoia she’s been displaying, suggests a very damaged person. It is possible that she should not be in the position in the House that she now occupies because it is clearly far too stressful for her. If she chooses to remain in her position, her crippling fear will only get worse.

I can tell you this, had I been in the Capital during the riot, I’d have velcroed myself to the largest group of ex-military Representatives or Senators, regardless of their party affiliation.

I say this because they know how these things work, and when bullets start flying, their instinct is to protect. They don’t give a crap about your party, sexuality, gender, religion, or the color of your skin. They are about survival, and saving as many people as they can.

That’s my having faith and respect for military people.

That AOC doesn’t get this, says a lot more about her, than it does the people she works with.

The Storm

So the storm was everything the National Weather Service claimed it would be.

Wind, rain/sleet, and snow. Lots of snow. About 16 inches at my elevation.

The front deck 1/29/2021

It’s not all that unusual to get snows like this here. What is unusual is that we’ve had essentially 3 back to back over the course of a few days.

The street. which was clear down to the pavement on 1/28/2021 and is buried again on 1/29/2021

The problem with our street is that it’s not county maintained. Meaning the residents have to clear it ourselves.

So we all pull out shovels, snow blowers, and one of the neighbors has an ATV with a snow blade on the front. Unfortunately, in the last snow he broke a shear pin and is waiting for the replacement which is on it’s way from MN via the USPS. He’s thinking that he won’t get it until spring.

The snow mound that is my front yard.

So after a full day of working, resting, & working again I can see most of the driveway again. One of the neighbors is at the far end of the street running his snow blower. What usually happens is all the neighbors fire up their snow blowers at the same time and the begin a carefully choreographed series of passes on the street.

That doesn’t begin until driveways are cleared otherwise we end up losing track of the driveways and have to do more work to find ’em and clear ’em. Something you don’t find out until you’ve regularly used a snow blower is, after you’ve blown the snow with a snow blower, it tends to compress into ice. So if you bury someones driveway sometimes the only solution is a pick and standard shovel instead of the traditional snow shovel.

One other really nice thing is that if one of the neighbors is away, and there’s a snow storm those of us who are home clear their driveway so they have a place to park when they get back. It’s not something any of us have talked about or agreed upon. It’s just a nice unwritten rule of kindness.

The other rule is that if the storm was really bad and your driveway isn’t cleared yet, you park in one of the neighbors drives until we get to yours. That rule is also unwritten and one of the nice things about our street.

We also have a common bag of various sized snowblower shear pins, unfortunately, none of us had anything big enough for the neighbors ATV snow blade. Dang IT!!!!

A shot of the house after clearing the road

In the picture above, the dark streaks are where the new guy on the block ingested some of the dirt from my yard. Ooops! No matter, the yard will be fine, but his snow blower was very unhappy for a couple of minutes. This picture isn’t super pretty but it gives a good reference of ground level and the relative depth of the snow.

Fortunately, we haven’t had to contend with snowplayers today. They have a bad habit of turning onto our road then freaking out when the realize 2 important things. 1) It’s a dead end. 2) It’s very narrow and there isn’t anyplace to turn around unless there happens to be an open driveway.

Usually they end up having to back down out onto the wider county maintained road. Which is also full of snowplayers trying to get up that road to its dead end, or it’s full of those who have found out that there is no way through and turned around.

This is why we don’t like snowplayers up in the neighborhoods. There are lots of little roads that dead end. Lots of these people come up here thinking the whole town is a snow/ski area, and they refuse to read signs that are clearly posted saying that a road is a dead end, or following the larger and equally clear signs that point to the designated play areas, and ski resorts.

They get tired of crawling along on the main, and well maintained road and tend to turn onto the first side road they see. Then the police get involved and start running them out of the neighborhoods, writing tickets, and towing vehicles.

Us locals, stop with a smile and present our drivers licenses (to prove our address and get waved on through police checkpoints). Sometimes we’ll provide thermos refills for the officer on duty. Especially if we notice an officer who hasn’t had a break in many hours working in the cold.

I’m afraid that tomorrow (Saturday) will bring a ton of rude, giddy, idiots, which will make all of the neighbors weekends a pain in the ass. We tend to take turns shooing the idiots off our lawns, out of the streets, and out of the reforestation project(s).

Then we spend Monday and Tuesday picking up all the trash. Broken plastic sleds, paper, dirty diapers, gloves, shoes, face masks, and the amazing detritus of human beings.

I am amused by the irony as well. These are the same people who would scream at the top of their lungs against pulling out of the Paris climate accords, but think nothing of trashing a pristine mountain town.

After all, they don’t have to actually clean up the mess. They don’t have to call the forestry service to help sick wildlife. They don’t have to worry about anything do they? It’s someone else’s problem when they drive back down the mountain.

Following are some pictures that illustrate the point really well.

A local creek about 10 miles from home. This picture was taken 15 year ago before the road to the creek was paved.
The same area about 4 years ago.
There is a creek under these uprooted trees. People were climbing the trees and then using their weight to pull them over. Seems the people wanted a bridge so they could cross a creek that has at best 10 inches of water in it during the Summer.
Filthy Humans!

If I sound harsh about people. It’s because I see the kind of wanton destruction and disregard all too many people have for the “Natural” surroundings that I live in and appreciate.

Ironically, lots of these people come to these wilder places to, “Get away from the city,” Unfortunately, they bring all their bad habits with them and just expect it to be magically cleaned up every night.

Before anyone talks to me about Climate change, the Green New Deal, Carbon taxes, or my gas powered car. They better have a simple appreciation of what’s happening every day in their local wilderness.

Cause if they don’t… I’m going to eat them for lunch!

Sorry, I digressed…

I’m not a traditional tree hugging Eco-Warrior. I’m just a guy who likes nature and gets really mad about the hypocrisy of people who are willing to pay stupid taxes and force everyone else to do the same, terrorizing us with dire warnings about Climate Change.

Too many of these people have never in their lives spent a day carrying a big trash bag through a forest picking up other people’s trash. Or tending a trampled sapling, or scrubbing graffiti off of rocks, or looking after an animal that ingested something left behind by a thoughtless person.

I do all of these things, and for the record, I’m not part of any organization. There’s no-one taking pictures. The big garbage bag ends up in my trash or recycling bin which ever is appropriate. I do this because I believe it’s the right thing to do, and should be done for no other reason. I’m the human walking in the forest seeing all the mess. Rather than tut-tut about it, I’ve got two hands, and a backpack with at least one trash bag inside.

Leave no trace. Leave a place better than you found it. That way the next person on the trail can appreciate the beauty and hopefully they’re operating on the same philosophy.

I’m a big believer that until you tend to the local issues you can’t really address the global ones. I also believe that if everyone simply tended to their own local issues, the world would be a lot prettier and healthier.

After all anyone can write a check, or click “Like” and feel smug about it. Put some skin in the game if you’re really serious.

Just my two cents. What I’ve said may not be right. It may not be right for you in particular. But It’s right for me and given that I do have skin in the game I’m not going to apologize if what I’ve said offends anyone.