Trump Derangement Syndrome may be real… Who Knew?

IPhone 15 ColoursI was reading an article in Vanity Fair about the iPhone 15 woes and the author made reference to Donald Trump. Really? Why? What does Donald Trump have to do with the iPhone 15 being excessively warm?

Then I watched the news for a bit and saw the trial going on in New York. That Attorney General Leticia James was acting like a school girl behind Trump. Staring hateful daggers at the back of his head. Then I read more about the case and found she’s accusing him of fraud.

Okay, but the fraud was that he overvalued his buildings meaning that he had to pay higher property taxes on those buildings to the State of New York. WHAT? That makes no fucking sense! Especially in a crazy high tax state like New York or California. In California you do the exact opposite!

2 Donald Trump returns to court for 250m rigged fraud trial brought by radical lunatic 696x392So he must’ve overvalued the real estate holdings to defraud banks for loans? Okay, except that the loans were paid back (some of them before term), the banks looked at the properties and agreed to make to make the loans, (Which they wouldn’t have done if they felt the property values wouldn’t hold up,) the banks then made money on interest, Trump made money on the leveraged investment, and no-one was harmed.

Nobody lost money, and nobody was complaining. So who was hurt by this fraudulent activity? Uhhh No-one, no-one at all. In fact The State of New York benefited in increased tax revenue.

Apparently New York has some really weird laws and regulations about harm. Yet another reason to NEVER go to New York, do business in New York, live in New York, or take a shit in New York.

Trump has been living rent free in these people’s heads and they have lost their damn minds. Even the grinning idiot of a Judge in the New York case dismissed about 80% of the charges Leticia James brought. 

76082115 12584325 image a 18 1696268552089How much money did this stupid bitch of an A.G. cost the people of New York, digging up stupid shit charges? 

And for what? For her leftist hatred of Donald Trump? Trump is right… She is an embarrassment to the city and state of New York.

I could see Trump divesting himself and his companies of all New York holdings. Leticia James has essentially killed all his businesses by cancelling their business licenses anyway. So what happens if he sells all the real estate he has in New York to slum lords for say 25% off their value?

Trump gets to take a loss against his bottom line, so he benefits on Federal Taxes, he still makes a little bit of money, and New York suffers immediate loss of taxes on the properties. Further if Trump was to sell to nasty slum lords he punishes New York for decades to come by making uptown more of a shit hole than it already is.

Financial warfare can be more devastating and longer lasting than bombs.

Leticia James and people like her believe that Trump or indeed any White conservative, would never do anything to hurt the city, or “innocent” people.

JudgegrinsforcamerajpgThey count on being able to take swings and beat on “Nice Guys” with zero concern that there will be a price to pay. Because “Nice Guys” would never do anything to intentionally hurt someone.

I personally think that needs to change. The People of New York are not innocent, they elected Leticia James as Attorney General and her campaign was built only on “Getting Trump” not cleaning up crime in New York, not making things better so that New Yorkers could walk the streets safely.

No, her only claim to fame was “I’m gonna get Trump!”

It’s high time there were consequences. Those consequences should be long lasting and devastating. Leticia James face should be etched into every building Trump sells or converts to illegal immigrant or low income housing with a caption saying, “You voted for this”.

“Nice Guys” needn’t actually hurt anyone, all any of us have to do is stop holding the tide of destruction back. Let the chips fall where they may. Let stupidity reap natural, dare I say it, Darwinian, rewards.

This Just In!

An article appearing in Energies declares that 1 Billion people will die due to climate change over the next 100 years!

The Article is here

Doom on you all!

The article may well be correct. There’s a lot of verbiage that seems to be future casting based on previous articles and publications.

Given the human reproductive decline in China, Russia, Japan, The United States, and other westernized countries. The fear mongering may be a moot point.

Will 1 Billion people die in addition to those never being born or is that figure the sum total?

100 years is a long time. Just look at what’s happened in the past 70 years. Look at the accelerations in technology. It was entirely likely that humans would apply their technological prowess and found solutions…

I say WAS with purpose.

I’ve run across some articles and been sent other articles that lead me to believe scientific rigor and the search for truth and understanding of the universe around us has become corrupted by dogma.

Here is an article describing one scholar’s approach to getting funding and maintaining his job in academia. This article is about climate change too, and the author describes omitting information to get the piece published in a peer reviewed journal. The author even says this isn’t science anymore.

Apparently, your article must reflect the current dogma.
You mustn’t ask or answer questions that run counter to prevailing dogma.

We’ve seen this in all aspects of scientific inquiry. In recent years this protective approach to prevailing dogma has been particularly focused in the areas of Climate Change, and Medicine.

What questions may you not ask? What facts must you not present? If you think about it you can easily extrapolate the chilling effect this attitude will have on scientific inquiry.

The same drivers exist in all scientific publications to a greater or lessor extent. This is driven in part due to funding and in part due to fettering brilliant minds with illogic in the name of political correctness.

We’ve seen this before…

Galileo Galilei, arguably the father of modern science, was put on trial by the church because he discovered that the Earth and all the planets revolved around the Sun. Church dogma placed Earth at the center of the universe. Galileo was eventually forced to recant his belief and discovery. He was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Ringing any bells???

Let me help, MDs being stripped of their licenses to practice medicine because they spoke about and tried alternate treatments to COVID? Their unforgivable SIN was that those treatments worked!

Here’s an example that I’ve still not gotten an answer about.

In Biology there’s a classification system for all life on the planet. This system seeks to provide order, and some information about the evolutionary pathway of all organisms.

With the advent of modern DNA studies and sequencing, this classification system has undergone some revisions. We’ve found that certain organisms are not related as closely to others as their appearance, and niche in the ecosystem would have suggested.

These discoveries have caused some organisms to be relocated from one branch to another branch of the classification system.

Many organisms are further sub-classified based on their color, habits, and evolutionary adaptations.

A notable exception is an animal called Human.

Why? Why are we special? Clearly all humans derive from the same basic body plan. So do Gorillas, and Chimpanzees. All humans function pretty much the same ways, our reproductive habits are the same. There are clear genetic differences otherwise we’d all look the same, but we don’t . There are diseases which afflict certain variations of humans and not others. Surely, these obvious core differences deserve the same scientific rigor. However human sub-classification stops at Homo sapiens sapiens which is redundant.

This is nothing less than scientific rigor stopping, because to go further would imply racism. Politically and societally racism is bad and therefore must never be reenforced in any way. So, the rigor and truth of scientific inquiry gets tossed right out the window.

You’d think there would be at least 6 subspecies of Human based on the occupied continents and variations that the environment of each continent induced.

You sure have to declare your subspecies on government forms and job applications! So apparently, racism is perfectly fine if it provides a financial advantage.

I cite the Human issue because it’s to my mind one of the most glaring. If we can’t look at hard truths bravely and clear eyed we will inevitably miss critical information that would lead us in new directions.

It appears that’s where we are as a species.

We got really smart, but we peaked probably in the mid ’90s. Instead of continuing to face uncomfortable truths we closed our eyes and put our fingers in our ears.

Look at our youth, Safe Spaces? Censoring Classical Literature? Math is Racist? How can we move forward if those who are supposed to create new advances can’t handle conflict, dare to dream, or being wrong?

Science… Especially Science, is about trying and failing. One need only look at the history of flight.

How many of those early inventors failed again and again, got up and dusted themselves off and tried again?

Even the Wright Brothers didn’t get it right on the first try.

Think what life would be like if those pioneers of flight had failed, gotten their feelings hurt and ran to their safe spaces, never to try again.

We’d be flying, but with balloons and blimps. The Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Étienne achieved human flight with a hot air balloon in 1783. The pilot of the ballon was Pilâtre de Rozier.

120 years, from a hot air balloon to powered fixed wing flight.

66 years later we have 747 passenger planes and in the same year landed on the moon.

That’s the power of unfettered thinking. That’s what happens when you’re free to speak, to question, and to explore the edges of the unknown. That’s what happens when the truth of science is seen and not feared or discounted because it doesn’t fit some arbitrary world view.

747-8 In-flight Artwork K64146

And yes… because I know these things, that is why I hate people like Dr. Fauci, and the purveyors of dogma around Climate and Medicine.

Establishment scientists who silence truth are no better than the church in Galileo’s time.

They retard human advancement and the dim the human spirit. They dull brilliant minds by making scientists and amateurs alike, afraid to speak or discover.

We know where this leads too. If everything must be iterative and done the same as we’ve always done it due to dogma, then stagnation isn’t far off.

Give it a hundred years and our Doctors will be dancing around us casting out evil spirits.

This hits home.

Not in a good way.

KTLA Los Angeles reported that a smash and grab robbery happened at the Topanga Mall Nordstrom.

I thought, “WHAT???”

That was one of the first malls I was in when my family moved to California. Back then it was called Topanga Plaza.

It’s just shocking when you hear of someplace from your misspent youth being assaulted like that.

One of my first jobs was at a Toys R Us nearby. The friends I made working at Toy R Us and I spent time in all the local shopping centers. We were young, and we were Valley Boys!

Where were you likely to find Valley Girls???? Right! They were at the shopping centers too.

While I’ve been aware of the smash and grab phenomena, I really hadn’t thought about it as anything more than something weird that was going to pass. Now, perhaps because this feels like an assault on my cherished memories I wonder how we’ve come to this point.

To be sure there was shoplifting. There was an LP in my collection that had considerable guilt associated with it. The only thing I ever shoplifted, and I did it on a dare. I mean literally, the only thing I ever stole was that LP.

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that my friends were similar. Maybe once, and then never again.

None of us would have considered being violent about it. Maceing people or smacking ‘em around? Oh Hell no! We wouldn’t have thought of doing something that could hurt somebody.

Which makes me ask again what the hell has happened that’s made so many people think it’s okay to wholesale ransack stores and hurt innocent bystanders?

Is it just that there isn’t much in the way of consequences?

I really enjoyed watching the viral video of the cigarette thief in Stockton, CA getting his ass kicked.

He deserved it! The thief was later arrested in association with a string of other robberies and at his court appearance told the judge he was asleep when asked if he understood his Miranda rights. This guy is out on probation, clearly he didn’t learn a damn thing in prison.

The startling thing about this story for me is the 7-Eleven clerks let him go after beating his ass.

They showed mercy and kindness, yet hours later, this guy is arrested at another convenience store. He had to still be hurting from the beating but he was doing the same thing a few hours later???

The general consensus about this guy getting beaten, is that he deserved it. For once, I’m not the outlier.

Here is a guy who had immediate consequences for his actions and learned nothing. He’s been in prison and learned nothing. So where does that leave us?

I am reminded of my childhood in the Deep South. There were Chain Gangs of prisoners dressed in stripes fixing roads, digging drainage ditches, putting in fences near highways, cleaning up trash, and whatever else the State decided needed doing.

My Father would point at the prisoners as we drove by and say that’s what happens to you if you break the law. You end up chained like an animal doing public work to pay your debt to society.

I asked my Father what a debt to society was.

He then explained that keeping someone in prison cost the state taxpayers money. Feeding them, clothing them, looking after their medical needs, hearing their bullshit in court, all cost the state money. That represents a debt the prisoner owes to society on top of whatever crime they committed and its only fair that they work to pay that back to the taxpayer via public work.

Then he said something I remember very clearly.

He said, “If I ever see you on one of these chain gangs, I’ll be very disappointed, I’ll probably have to pull off the road to cry, I’ll still love you son, but I’ll never be able to forgive you for throwing your life away.”

My Father admitting he’d cry, or even that he could cry?

Now you know why the one LP stolen on a dare had such profound guilt associated with it.

Thinking about it, those Chain Gangs had another purpose. They served as an example to young impressionable children like myself. Seeing these men chained struck fear of breaking the law, or even the rules at school, deep in our hearts. If big strong men could end up like this, we children had no chance. Best obey our parents, the rules, and the laws. They don’t have moonpies or RC in prison, or so my momma says.

The trouble now is that we’ve gone so far into the Wild West, that only gunslinging Marshalls who shoot first and ask questions later can rebalance the scales.

It’s very likely that the Marshalls weren’t nice guys. It’s more likely that they were personally worse than the gangs of criminals they were hunting down.

The famous Marshalls were apex predators taking out the competition. Had they not been paid well, and treated with respect, when they were done with the criminal gangs, they could easily have filled the void and become super criminals. You’ve got to wonder if they didn’t think about it.

Societies are never supposed to cede control to criminals. Which is what California has done, and other states are doing. The apex predators that rise to fight criminals can just as likely become apex criminals.

After all why not? My thinking as an apex predator would be, “Society’s usual checks and balances couldn’t deal with shitty little criminals. I had to take out the trash, I deserve everything the criminals owned, including their business and and income streams. I call it the spoils of war, and no-one can stand against me…”

Mayor Bass had better make being an LA Police Officer a really good deal damn quick. And she better be prepared to look the other way for a few years while officers are brutal in bringing down the criminal element. She also better have an exit plan for officers accused of excessive brutality that includes a nice quiet retirement, not trials or prison.

A Snarky PSA

After the various news appearances by this guy…

Representative Dan Goldman of New York

It’s become obvious that I missed another memo regarding changes to language.

Apparently, the following symbols and terms…

Have become synonymous with…

Here is the poster child for the word, LIAR. His image should be shown as a representative example.

Does this make me a bad person?

I honestly don’t know what the hell is going on at Crazy Pants’ house these days.

Yesterday some dude I’ve seen around was stomping down the street calling the boyfriend of Crazy Pants all kinds of names and then walking back up to better hear the boyfriends response.

Then he’s acting like he wants to fight right there on the street calling the boyfriend less than a man.

If I’d not had the windows open I’ve have ignored the whole mess but since I could hear everything I decided to watch as well. I thought about making popcorn and cracking open a beer even though it was only 9am!

Hey, if they’re going to put on a live show, why the hell shouldn’t I watch?

After another few minutes of grumbling at each other the stranger, who I think of as “Whitey” because of his long white hair, goes back up to Crazy Pant’s property. Where the two males, continue to bitch at each other.

I was thinking, “Come on guys, just fuck already! You’re fighting like you’re married!

After another hour or so, things quiet down.

Around 9pm there’s more yelling then there’s a male voice I’m assuming “Whitey” moaning and saying I’m hurt bad, then he’s almost begging Crazy Pants boyfriend, “Please don’t hurt me more”.

I’m thinking one of two things, 1) They finally decided to punch it out, or 2) They decided to fuck and are into some rough stuff.

I don’t think Crazy Pants boyfriend is particularly hung so it’s not like Whitey was moaning over, or complaining about taking it.

At one point last night someone called for help but not one of the neighbors, myself included, went to look, opened our front doors, or called the cops.

This morning all is quiet, even the fucking 5 Chihuahuas that are yapping all the damn time. I thought I heard Crazy Pants muttering and mumbling earlier, but now she’s quiet.

I found myself thinking, “I hope they fucking kill each other.” Then it occurred to me that there will be one survivor, there is always one survivor. There’s always one roach, or one rat, but one always survives.

Then I thought, “In older times, the neighbors would be within their rights to deal with the survivor too.” In less fire prone areas, the neighbors would burn the house to the ground. That way they’d avoid having to bury the bodies, just stack ‘em in the house and “Woosh”.

Fire purifies everything. It would even burn their names from the neighborhood’s memory.

The only epitaph would be, “They were bad people.

When stuff like this goes through my mind I realize it’s just me being super tired of the constant drama. But I wonder about myself as a person. Does this make me a bad guy too? Does my growing hatred for those people present a danger, and are they dragging me down to their level? Who am I to sit in judgment?

I’ve contented myself, thinking as long as I’m asking these questions I’m probably okay. There is some shred of morality left in me regarding these people.

I found it jarring yesterday because I was hoping the two guys would beat each other to death and I was hoping that Crazy Pants would be hurt badly when she got in the cross fire. What shocked me was that I was perfectly content to watch it, beer in hand and baseball bat within easy reach.

Yeah, I tend to not spend much time in the front yard unless I’ve got something to defend myself with these days. Crazy Pants has been known to wander the neighborhood with large butcher knives, pick up rocks, and as in my case simply punch people without provocation.

Whitey just walked down the street. He’s wearing a backpack, carrying a bottle of water and looked like he was a man on a mission. I didn’t see any visible injuries. I wonder if he had enough and is gone for good? I’ve heard the boyfriend yelling at one or two of the dogs. So there are multiple survivors.


Oh well, maybe this weekend they’ll do each other in. I’ve got plenty of popcorn and beer!