Ahhh, Made it to the end of “Pride” Month

That’s a laugh. Pride MY ASS! Normal LGB folks have most likely been hiding.

When the Pride… Oh hell let’s call it what it really is, the TRANS gestapo is out in force it’s uncomfortable for normal folks to go to a bar, or even to certain towns.

I had a couple of appointments in Palm Springs which I chose to do via Video. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with Palm Springs during “Pride” month. A more appropriate name would be humiliation or shame month.

Very little about the behavior of these folks engenders pride in me. One of the things that we must always remember is that the news media will always focus on the most shocking or depraved elements of anything. Pride parades are no different.

That they were so many examples of people mostly naked marching through the streets in front kids and tourists isn’t empowering it’s just filth. There’s no reason to be naked in a parade on a Main Street of any city.

There are places where that is appropriate and even fun, but it’s in very poor taste in a situation where children may be present.

There was a time when Pride was admittedly edgy. The leather guys could be intimidating but they refrained from simulated or other sex acts in the main parade down Hollywood Blvd. Generally they kept their damn pants on.

Which is not to say that questionable things didn’t happen at all. There were other less commonly known celebrations which were “adult only” and took place in confined areas blocked off from public view.

You had to know exactly what you were looking for and exactly where it was and then be sized up by guys whose job was to make sure only “Members of the Club” were allowed inside.

Those were fun days! God I miss those….

Umm, I digress…

In the early Pride events, 1979 being the first one I attended it was about getting together under a rainbow banner where all of us had the same goals in mind. Pride used to be fun, we partied and enjoyed each other’s company. We welcomed our brothers and sisters in law enforcement and thanked them for serving our community.

Just because we were LGB meant we could be denied rights, (Real Rights… Right to housing for example. There was a time when you could be evicted by a landlord because you were gay. Right to Jobs, you could be fired if anyone found out you were gay. Right to speak and assemble, the police were still patrolling gay bars looking for any infraction to shut the place down.)

Pride has become overdone, and a pain in the ass.

The Trans activists who have taken over Pride, don’t’ typically have these battles to fight. (I say typically, because I’m sure there are exceptions,) They’re not going to be kicked out of their apartments, lose their jobs, or be subject to arrest just because they’re Trans.

People, the Government, and the Police, take a very dim view of discrimination of any kind these days.

The number of Trans, “Real” trans people is vanishingly small. That is a fucking fact.

The number of attention whores and insecure people is a lot greater. It’s these people in my opinion that have made themselves pawns to the likes of the HRC & GLAAD.

These organizations shamelessly use these folks to generate funds. They’ll take donations from these people, and other guilt ridden elements of society, (aka the progressive left, aka white liberals who need to virtue signal,) and go to their elite fundraising parties throughout the rest of the year.

The HRC is no friend of LGB OR Trans folks today, It hasn’t been a friend to the LGB community for a long damn time. The HRC is trying to hold onto their million dollar salaries. The only way to do that, is by creating and maintaining a victim class.

BLM does the same thing, as do hundreds of organizations in this country and across the world.

How many Trans people did the HRC feed or house last year? How about BLM? So what “Help” exactly do these organizations provide?

The HRC and GLAAD should have disbanded the day after same sex marriage was ruled on. They were done. Mission accomplished! Good job!


While they were cleaning out their desks, they realized, “No more White House dinner invitations, No more hobnobbing with famous actors, No more health insurance, and finally OMG! We’ll have to be in the unemployment line!” That was the final straw. I’ll bet they dragged a Real transgender person from the phone bank or mail room, into a conference room and began working on building the next victim class.

It’s time for the LGB community to stop attending or supporting PRIDE. In recent years there have even been PRIDE celebrations that excluded people based on race. There is no PRIDE in that.

It’s well past time for PRIDE, the HRC, GLAAD, and many other moneymaking schemes built on the LGB community to be swept into the pages of our history. Theres no shame in becoming history instead of making it. Let’s put pictures of these events and organizations right next to steam engines and ACT UP.

It’s time to turn the page of the history book.

Great Job you MORONS!!!!

Thanks a million you TQ2+ (Insert random characters, glyphs, and numbers)

We of the LGB community want a fucking divorce, and we want our LGB community back from you.

We spent a shit ton of time and effort to calm down the church folks and the rabid conservatives. Anyone remember the controversy surrounding Anita Bryant?

We worked super hard getting the majority of people to realize that all we wanted was the ability to have all the rights marriage effortlessly conferred. We didn’t want anything more or less than equality and to live with who we loved.

In a very few short years you motherfuckers in the arbitrary, (I’ll be Trans today,) or gender fuck drag community have fucked us all.

In truth, the majority of the world doesn’t give a fuck about how anyone gets their rocks off. The general population doesn’t care that you’re trans or whatever. Most of us just wish you’d deal with your shit and leave the rest of us out of it. We really don’t care, and just wish we didn’t have to hear about it all day, every day, or deal with your bastardization of the language.

Here’s a simple question for you to ponder. What part of, “I don’t give a shit,” don’t you understand?

That’s coming from a gay guy.

Have any of you morons heard the religious right lately? A lot of them who used to be at least tolerant, sound worse than Westboro Baptist Church now. (Look it up, godhatesfags.org)

They’re quoting the book of Revelations about the vomitous abortion you’ve made of the rainbow flag. By extension they’re trying to rally around taking back the rainbow flag in God’s name.

Personally I don’t think we need a flag anymore and you assholes have sure screwed that pooch (No! Not your friend in Puppy Play Drag! Don’t get me started on this…)

When folks start whipping themselves into a frenzy over a deity who doesn’t make his or her intentions clear, you get rabid revival tent preachers claiming that God spoke to them and demanded action from the faithful.

You want to see what that looks like? Look up gay murders or executions in Muslim countries. There are plenty of videos of their faithful tossing Gays off roofs.

Historically, “Thou shalt not Suffer a Witch to live,” Had some serious consequences during the inquisition and / or Salem witch trials! Remember… It’s a short step to, “Thou shalt not suffer a fag to live.”

You got a sampling of it at the Dodgers Game over the weekend. That crowd was mostly pissed off and offended Catholics.

Great job, you’ve set us back 40 years and you’re too selfish and stupid to recognize the danger or the damage you’re causing.

Moreover, you’re going to have the LGB community siding with the conservatives and religious folks in this battle.



We’re tired of hearing about your perceived grievances.

At least those of us honest enough to speak our minds are.

We know full well that there’s a bunch of our ultra progressive brothers and sisters who will excommunicate or cancel us.

I say so what? I’m also pretty sure that there are a lot of folks like me, who resent the annoyance of using your pronouns or trying to figure out which bathroom symbols mean “Men’s room”.

Half the time I’m tempted to go behind a building and piss on a wall. This is especially true if I’m a little tipsy.

One of the new symbols looks like some kind of weird clock and I’m not sure what time it’s supposed to indicate. I really resent having something as simple as taking a piss being made complicated with gender ideology bullshit.

The simplest solution is not new and confusing symbology. The solution is a sign that says, “Bathroom”. If there are two doors with the same signage social convention would have people knocking before attempting entry and waiting their turn.

Ain’t it funny how the old or simplest solutions often work the best?

What a Surprise!

Hunter Biden is being given a plea deal. Well who the heck could have seen that coming?

There’s an article in The Hill this morning. Here’s the link if you want to read it.

The Biden family’s breathtaking corruption never ceases to amaze. As a TV show, it would be great entertainment. As reality, it’s just sickening.

And these people laugh all the way to the bank.

The administration is hoping that by serving up Hunter, it will appease the mob and prevent the White House Press Secretary from dealing with distracting headlines.

They’re missing the point. Karine Jean-Pierre creates a lot of distracting headlines all by herself with her mind boggling answers or more precisely non-answers to questions. I didn’t think it possible, but the Biden White House found someone worse than Jen Psaki.

Jean-Pierre, checks all the boxes save one, She’s cute, She’s black, She’s a lesbian, She’s a woman, (although sadly not Trans,) and with all that going for her, she’s dumb as a bag of rocks. Wait, maybe she does check all the boxes after all.

I’d imagine it’s easier to lie with a straight face if you are unable to actually think about what you’re saying.

That was Psaki’s downfall. She wasn’t quite dumb enough. You could tell she was lying because she still had a flicker of intelligence and hadn’t quite managed to extinguish all of her morality. It showed in her face. Interestingly, she kept looking more and more haggard through her tenure. I guess lying that much would be exhausting.

Well we know how this story ends. All the charges against Hunter will vanish. The corruption investigation into the Biden family will drag on & on until everyone is so tired of it no-one is paying attention anymore.

Then it will either vanish, or turn into a cushy job for the favored of Washington elites where tens of millions of dollars go in and nothing of use comes out.

This is one of the reasons the founding fathers were in favor of small government with limited powers. They’d studied how monarchies began, grew, aged, and fell.

There’s a very predictable and discernible pattern. All governments near their end undergo a period of massive corruption followed by putrefaction and then they’re plowed under by something claiming to be new or better.

“Better” is entirely subjective. Better for whom is a more appropriate question.

The Biden administration is simply an erupting pustule denoting the corruption extant within our government. What is impossible to determine at the moment is; are we in the latter stages of our government’s death or are we actually in the putrefaction stage?

Biden himself might be the perfect poster child if our form of government is in the last days of life. Doddering, Senile, Mercurial, and Lost.

None of these things are good with a nuclear armed country or person with launch codes.

On the plus side, we’ll have the reality TV show known as Trump.

Will Donald have to go to prison? Will he be President? Will he be President While in Prison? For the answers to these questions, and more tune in next week. Same time, same channel. This show brought to you by Pfizer and now a word about health from St Fauci.

It’s sickening top to bottom. It’s been said, “When rape is inevitable, try to enjoy it.” That may be the only choice any of us are left with.