I have to correct Representative Nancy Mace

She said in a hearing to Hunter Biden, “You have no Balls”

Well Congressperson, I think the entire world knows Hunter Biden has balls. WE’VE ALL SEEN THEM ON VIDEO! Apparently they’re also functional since we know he’s got at least one bastard child and who knows how many others.

Even in the metaphorical sense he’s got big brass balls. To walk into a hearing garner a lot of attention, then leave in a huff when representatives debating holding him in contempt of Congress start asking questions.

Damn! Those are some brass balls!

Or as is more likely the case, Hunter was higher than shit, or as a friend of mine once said, (Giraffe Pussy) and feels, or knows, that Congress can’t or won’t touch him because of his Daddy.

Hunter’s not going to answer questions from Congress.

I also, and I really hope I’m wrong about this, wouldn’t put it past the “powers that be” to “Suicide” Hunter. Or have him tragically OD on something laced with Fentanyl. That would give Joe a reason to step out of the race due to family issues, and the Democrats a talking point wherein they can select a candidate who will take a “hard” stand against the drug trafficking to honor Hunter and the Biden’s tragic loss. There’s a large portion of America that would buy a democrat campaign promise to get rid of drugs after martyring Hunter, hook, line, and sinker. They’re the same people that wouldn’t ask for accountability later when nothing changed.

You know what is sickest about the scenario above? That I even thought about it. That I even considered with any seriousness that powers within our government would do such a thing. I believe that our government is that corrupt, and they’d stop at nothing. There is no law they wouldn’t break and no depravity too low for the current Washington Democratic Party to engage in.

The same is probably true of the Republican Party which is why in 2016 against all odds, Donald Trump was elected President. The People wanted the corruption to come to an end and Donald Trump promised he’d end it. He broke that promise.

The really sad thing is that Hunter has “The Look” when he’s all cleaned up and during his younger years, he could have been a “do nothing senator” like his father. Hell he could have been President. The Biden Dynasty could have been a thing. In some regards the fact that he veered off course so profoundly may have saved the tax payers a shit ton of money. 

Imagine what could have happened with multiple Biden’s in high public office for decades, each engaging in various degrees of corruption. WOW!!! I suppose we can thank providence that Joe was too greedy a parasite for that to happen.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Claudine Gay played the race card!

We all knew she would.

I’m surprised she didn’t start her editorial with “I was raised a poor black child…” From The Jerk – 1979 Steve Martin

No Claudine! You’ve missed the point and all the other so called journalists and pundits have missed the point too.

No one gives a rancid fuck about your race.

Folks are PISSED OFF that you got a free fucking ride, you stole other people’s material and ideas, oh, and you’re in violation of Harvards policies regarding plagiarism.

In other words dipshit, you’re incapable of being an example to the students of Harvard because you failed to live by the policies you’re enforcing. You know… like the rest of the elites that many Americans are coming to loathe.

So I’m going to borrow from Elon Musk, “GO FUCK YOURSELF!” Se how that works Claudine? That’s called attribution. In this case I didn’t really have to reference Elon Musk because he didn’t originate the saying, I chose to give him credit because he’s the most recent famous person to say it publicly and out loud.

By the way you piece of shit. You and people like you have totally fucked everyone else who worked hard for their degrees and Phd’s. You’ve made higher education practically worthless and I can’t wait to hear that you’ve been fired because the colleges you work at can’t afford to keep your sorry asses. Maybe then we’ll get back to actual education.

I sincerely hope that Claudine Gay has her Phd REVOKED. It should be. Her Doctorate was issued on false pretenses. In fact, the other Phd’s who supposedly reviewed her doctoral thesis should perhaps have to defend their Doctorates as well. Clearly they failed in due diligence which calls into question their qualifications.

Let me make this perfectly clear. Claudine Gay was not forced to resign her position as Harvard President over the color of her skin, she was forced to resign due to the content of her character.

Yeah, I paraphrased Dr. Martin Luther King. I hope I did that right, after all I’m just an uneducated redneck from a flyover state.

If I can grasp the concept, even if I don’t attribute exactly correctly, then surely someone who went to college on scholarships for years can be expected to get it right.

Otherwise, her spending all that time “a schoolin” was a waste of money.

My pronoun is Dr. I also identify as Black.

After the stellar example set by Claudine Gay, and Harvard, I’ve realized I was going about this education thing all wrong. I actually thought I had to go to class and do the work!

Silly me!

All you have to do is get a scholarship then plagiarize the hell out of people who actually did the work! Oh, I suppose you need to spout some Marxist Crap and whine about how oppressed you are as a member of a “Minority” and play the victim really well.

Who knew you only had to write ten academic papers for publication in your entire career? Oh that those ten papers can have at least 50 examples of plagiarism.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to bother with paying an obscene amount of money to listen to Socialist/Marxist/Victim/Racists, indoctrinate me.

I’m just going to claim I went to Harvard and completed my Phd in Physics. I’m fairly sure the level of education I’ve obtained reading actual books and watching YouTube conspiracy videos is sufficient to meet Harvard’s requirements.

Hell, I’ll submit this Blog as evidence that I’ve written and published material.

But my Crowning achievement is my New Book. A Brief History of Time, The book is actually written by Stephen Hawking, but by Harvard and Claudine Gay’s rules… WHO CARES!

After years and years of dedicated fucking around… I’m a Physicist!!!

No, you can’t accuse me of stealing anything, I identify as a Black woman. No, you can’t ask questions!

Now, who do I see about collecting my 800 thousand dollar per year paycheck???

For Fucks Sake! 

How did academia come to this low point? 

Plato, Socrates, Newton, Archimedes, Hawking, Darwin, and all the rest of the great thinkers from our history are either weeping for the future, or have decided to just go get drunk off their asses and watch humanity devolve into what?

Gender confused sheep who can’t command fire? Well at least at that point we can look forward to humanity’s relatively swift extinction and some other sentient species evolving.

Many Years from Now, in an Afterlife Nightclub™.

“Hey guys, can I join you at the bar? Oh, Sorry Stephen… err Doctor Hawking, I was making a point, not trying to claim your work as my own. Given that you had a sense of humor I figured I could get away with it. Can I buy you a beer? Is anyone taking bets on how long Humanity lasts?”