Ya know, I miss “Mean” Tweets.

I know, everyone is saying, “What do you mean? How could you say something like that?”

Let me explain, (or bail on this post, it’s your right to not have to read something potentially disturbing.)

I miss Trumps politically incorrect, 3am on the toilet blasts at people that pissed him off. At least they were often (not always) fair targets.

Trump didn’t call out the American people like they were spoiled children as Biden has done.

Biden has offended my intelligence more times than I can count.

Trump may have been an asshole but he was an asshole from start to finish. He didn’t try to be one thing pre-election and then turn into something completely different.

He was always good for a cringeworthy tweet over my morning coffee and honestly he often started my day with a laugh.

Over time I even came to like the job he was doing and I felt secure that regardless of whose feelings he hurt, he was interested in making America a great place.

There’s an old saying, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.” Trump was right about a lot of things.

I keep asking how it is that the Biden Administration is consistently wrong about everything. That Administration is so obviously severely broken. Yet they appear to keep blundering from disaster to disaster oblivious to the trail of destruction they’re leaving in their wake.

Trump is no longer The President. You’d think that would be the end of it, but you’d be wrong. The man is still having to dance to the Democrats tunes and they’re going after him hard.

How much of that multi-trillion dollar boondoggle of a budget will the Democrats in Congress spend in hearing after hearing in their attempts to hang something, anything around Trump’s neck?

Is this really something we, as Americans want to continue to pay for? I don’t, I have no desire to keep spending money so that Pelosi and the Squad can continue to feed their egos.

There’s no percentage in it for us. Unless you really want to have more show trials and kangaroo courts. It would be better for the Democrats to make a big pile of money and burn it, or perhaps make some donations to the poor they’re always going on about, but never really helping.

If show trials and kangaroo courts is where we’re headed, then it’s time for folks like me to find another country. Malta? Switzerland? Norway? Russia?

What’s brought this train of thought into my head, is that Trump announced he was going to start his own social media platform earlier this week.

Okay, more power to him, if he thinks he can do it better than others, I say great.

The thing is, the platform, which is not even up & running yet, has been hacked. There were no users, it was just a place on the internet. But even that was too much for some liberal hackers.

Who the fuck cares? Did hacking a new company make them feel like they were a big deal or something? Honestly, that’s like strangling a baby with it’s own umbilical cord.

It speaks volumes about the kind of people that seem to be in control of our country and says nothing about the viability or worthiness of the site.

What do these people think Trump is going to do? is he supposed to just drop dead? How can the people who hate this man so much, live with themselves? That kind of hatred 24/7 will eat you alive.

Regardless of my disagreements with some of Trumps policies, I can’t help but think of him as a patriot. Of all the people in Washington D.C. he not only didn’t make any money due to his Presidency, he lost a shit ton of his personal fortune.

There was no gain in him being The President it’s been nothing but a royal pain in his ass, before, during, and after. I’ve said it before, “If Trump was to liquidate all his US holdings, Fire all US employees, and move to a country without any extradition, I wouldn’t blame him one bit.”

Hell, at this point I’d consider moving to the same country, although in truth, I’d bet the cost of living would be way out of my price range.

I hope Trump doesn’t run in 2024. Much as I’d like to see a return of “Mean” Tweets.

I look at him and think, “Dude, you tried. A significant portion of the American people (Myself Included,) appreciate that you gave it a go. Apparently, a larger percentage of America hates your guts. Don’t put yourself through the wringer again. It’s really not worth your time or effort. I’d rather see you living well somewhere flipping the finger to the Democrats and laughing all the way to the bank.”

I want to see all the investigations into Donald Trump suspended. We clearly have bigger fish to fry in this country right now. Trump was impeached TWICE and both times all we got for our money was a big nothing.

We did learn that all the Russia claims were nothing but fevered fantasy on the part of some Democrats. By the way, we paid for this theater twice.

Once to have the lies made up, written down, and leaked. The second time we paid was to have them investigated and debunked.

At this point, I don’t want to hear anything more about Donald Trump. He’s done his time, paid the fine, let’s just let him go back to being a businessman, entertainer, and author.

I’ve come to think America is on the decline and there’s nothing short of a conflict between the polarized factions with blood running in the streets, where a “Winner take all” situation will change that.

That saddens me. But realistically I don’t see any other option.

The Attorney General of the United States of America said in testimony today before Congress, essentially that there is a two tiered justice system, and that the “Left” through their allies in Congress have weaponized the justice system… Again!

Only this time it’s worse than it was under Obama. Astonishingly, Garland made no apology for his participation. He admitted that he’d marshaled the justice system against parents speaking their minds about their children’s education as if they were domestic terrorists.

He did this based on nothing more than a letter sent to The President. A letter that the White House appears to have coached the National School Boards Association on. They made sure that the “proper” inflammatory language was used for maximum effect.

A.G. Garland also admitted there’s been no investigation as to the veracity of the National School Boards Association claims that the parents are Domestic Terrorists.

To my limited view this seems odd. I would think that when you start using words like Domestic Terrorist there would at least be some kind of confirmation.

Does this mean that “Enemies of the state” can be declared by any aggrieved party, at any time? Does this mean all you have to do is send a letter to The President about your neighbor down the block that’s not mowing their lawn, to have them thrown into gitmo?

Ohh, let me grab my enemy list. This is gonna be fun!

Where does this bullshit stop? I think at this point it won’t.

The First Amendment hasn’t been struck from The Constitution, by law. It certainly appears that it’s been struck from The Constitution in deed.

Remember, part of the First Amendment guarantees the citizens right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

Once The First Amendment is gone, we’re all going to be in service to The State. Much like the colonies were to an unfair monarch. The inherent greed and unfair treatment of the colonists by that monarch, started a little thing called The Revolution. If you’re unfamiliar with it, there are tons of books to be read on the subject.

It’s the puppies that will undo Fauci.

The evil little troll with the Napoleon complex will not be undone because he lied to Congress.

He won’t be undone because he permitted funding of Gain Of Function research in China, when he knew such research was forbidden here in the United States.

He’ll never be called to account for helping unleash a pandemic that upended the global economy, and forced, what can only be described as subjugation to the state in many countries.

But he’s pissed off PETA now. I’d imagine that the cancel culture will be coming for him with torches, nooses, and pitchforks.

It’s recently come to light that the NIH drugged sweet innocent puppies and then allowed insects to devour their heads… ALIVE.

Aside from the monstrous nature of this $400K “experiment” in cruelty. Is there any legitimate experimental data to be gained from this horror?

I’ll grant that knowing how rapidly insects consume dead bodies has given forensic scientists better ability in gauging time of death. There’s actually a place in this country where dead bodies (willed to science) are laid out to observe and investigate the process of decomposition.

Decomposition is a natural process and there are lots of moving parts in the process. Predation by animals and insects, bacterial breakdown, even fungi & plants get into the act. By knowing the stages and the environmental conditions, forensic scientists can pretty accurately determine when someone died.

Key point here, the person, or animal was already dead.

What I cannot fathom is what purpose allowing insects to feed on living, (drugged into submission) puppies serves.

This sounds like something you’d read in transcripts of the Nuremberg trials. This is Dr, Mengele level shit. Yeah, Dr. Mengele experimented on living humans in the concentration camps. But before that, Mengele experimented with some other really sick shit too.

Fauci may have brought depravity to entirely new heights.

There’s been another experiment mentioned where the NIH fed monkeys psychedelic drugs and then terrorized the monkeys with their natural enemies. You know, a high as shit monkey suddenly confronted with a snake.

What the hell kind of study is that? Lets see if we can get the monkey to commit suicide or self harm? That is some seriously fucked up “science”. What’s next on the agenda Fauci? Grab some orphan children to see if your results are the same?

This monster is the fucker in charge of our COVID response. Isn’t it time that we started asking a lot of very hard questions? Isn’t it possible that some members of Congress have been right all along, no matter what the news media has said.

I know Fauci will escape punishment and judgement here in this world. How could he not? He’s part of the same government that apparently seeks absolute control over us.

I can only hope that his punishment in Hell fits his crimes. Maybe he and Mengele can share a special little spot together.

I’m sure that Mengele could make a lovely lamp shade out of Fauci’s paper thin skin.

OH Fauci… Shut the Fuck up!

In a recent trailer for a National Geographic documentary, St Fauci of the Mask said that he had PTSD from the AIDS crisis.


I was blindsided on some website by this trailer. After I finished throwing up, I thought, “What the fuck do you think people like me have, you bastard son of a bitch?”

St. Fauci of the Mask

With one exception, EVERYONE I knew or cared about died, horribly.

I didn’t have time to even grieve. Between funerals and having to be in the closet at work, (yes children, there was a time when being out at work was a fireable offense,) how deep do you think my personal PTSD goes?

How deep do you think the PTSD of other people in my age group is?

We lived in terror that we were next, for YEARS. While you Fauci, and your ilk, had people afraid to use the toilet, or touch door knobs. You had people wearing masks then too, for all the good it did.

You’re one of the sons of bitches that blocked various treatments to those suffering.

You’re one of the motherfuckers that made sure so many thousands of gay men died alone, isolated, in fear. You’re one of the bastards that profited on their misery and as an aside, made damn sure that if they had insurance, it didn’t pay for treatments so thousands died destitute because “experimental” drugs were so expensive.

You and people like you have no concept of what it’s like to find friends and former lovers time and again with their brains spattered across a wall of their home.

I shouldn’t know how to clean blood & brain off walls.

The first thing I thought then shouldn’t have been, “Oh he kept his porn stash there, there, and there.“I should have been thinking, “God please make this stop, I can’ loose anyone else,” I should have been able to be young, vulnerable, and human.

I wasn’t able to be, because it was my task or the task of his friends to “sanitize” the home prior to the upstanding Religious family showing up.

You know, the same family that was all too willing to take anything and everything of value, years after they’d disowned the deceased. The good righteous family that would instantly throw the deceased’s sick partner out onto the street so the house could be sold. Yeah THOSE wonderful people! At least Westboro Baptist Church was upfront about being bastards.

At the time St. Fauci of the Mask, you were a Roman Catholic and it was obvious that you hated both the “sin” and the “sinner”.

Don’t talk to me about PTSD!

Sick fucks like you don’t have any concept of being “The guy‘ people come to for advice about killing themselves. It wasn’t that I was qualified to provide advice, it was that I would speak of death honestly and openly, without platitudes or falsehoods.

I was often the last person someone dying of AIDS talked to. Because simply put, when folks reached the end, they needed a sounding board who wasn’t going to judge them.

At the time, psychoanalysts of various stripes either wouldn’t or couldn’t speak of these matters. They were bound by law to report that someone was a danger to themselves. Those reports would lead to hospitalization and a long drawn out agonizing death.

At 23, I felt like the Angel of Death. I shouldn’t have been that familiar with death unless I was in an active war zone. I wasn’t… I was in sunny California.

Not that I was taking lives, but it was as if somehow I was the Angel’s harbinger.

Believe me fucker… that leaves a mark on your soul.

I was the last being on Earth many of these people had a cup of tea, a conversation, a cocktail, or watched a movie with. Then they were gone, and I was standing graveside at another closed casket ceremony. Tears streaming down my face under the baleful eyes of the deceased’s relatives. Feeling guilty because somewhere deep in the back of my mind I was asking, “when am I gonna be the guy in the box?”

I and my rapidly dwindling friends became the object of those families hatred not for what we’d done, or how we lived, but because they couldn’t face their own shame and guilt over not being there for their sons, brothers, uncles, or nephews, at the time when Family would have meant everything.

Fuck you Anthony Fauci, and fuck your claim of PTSD too!

Guess what fucker? You need to Man up and stop your whining. Just like all of us had to do.

You’ll get no sympathy from me. You could be coughing up your lungs, flesh falling off your carcass screaming in agony, bleeding from every orifice, but not dying, and I’d call it long overdue justice. In fact, I’d be asking the Angel of Death to let you linger just a while more.

How DARE you try to play the PTSD card?

It’s not yours to play, I claim it.

I claim It for all those who, like me, survived. It’s our card, our history, our scars. We own it and we ain’t sharing.

I claim it in the names of all those who didn’t survive.

The only thing you can lay claim to Fauci, is the blood of thousands on your greedy, inept, hands.

Oh and by the way, you’ve learned nothing in 40 years. You’ve handled COVID exactly the same way you handled AIDS, you’ve just done it on a grander scale.

I’m sure Hell has a special place for you.

You know why this pissed me off so much?

It’s because now I have a hard time remembering all my friends faces as they were.

In the latter stages of AIDS, as they withered away, they all looked the same, like animated skeletons with eyes full of pain.

That St. Fauci of the Mask is why I dislike you so very much, and resent you whining about PTSD over the AIDS Crisis.

You always had your professional distance, you didn’t have to know anything about the sick and dying. They were just another faggot who was going to die, and they all looked alike to you. You didn’t give a shit about them.

I on the other hand knew them, and now feel like somehow I’ve betrayed them because I can’t clearly remember their faces anymore. There are simply too many.

Well now, Time for another week of Biden Follies

Please note, ‘biden’ is hereinafter defined as a “fuck-up of epic proportions.”

The beauty of this is “Biden” and “biden” are completely interchangeable.

Therefore, I can write this blog well in advance. (sort of like the media did for Trump’s mean tweets.) The President and his Democratic cronies will, without any doubt provide fodder for me to make fun of, over the weekend.

That’s the saddest thing about the people controlling the levers of power.

I can count on any or all of them to ‘biden’ it reliably.

It’s a pity they cannot be relied upon to actually do their jobs or be constructive in any way.

Last week we had all the noise about photos of border patrol riding horses and the way the photos appeared, made it look like the split reins were being used to “whip” illegals coming across the border.

Maxine Waters said, “It looked like slavery” (As if she would know…) Looks are not necessarily truth and the ignorance demonstrated by the politicians in Washington DC is astounding.

With very few exceptions, the members of Congress have never been within 1000 feet of a horse.

(This image is one that’s been peddled as horrific evidence that the border patrol was whipping an illegal. But if you really take a look at the image, the border patrol agent’s right hand is grabbing the illegals shirt. The rein is simply blowing in the wind, because that agent dropped the rein to grab the illegal.)

The shrill men & women claiming that the illegals were being whipped, are the same people who’d not have the sense to avoid horse shit with their Jimmy Chu’s or Ferragamo’s.

Cowgirl Barrel Racing At A Small Rodeo Arena

But once again, truth, or reality, mean nothing. So the biden administration is doing what it does best.

(Looking at the photos from the border, I was reminded of barrel racing. Here’s a photo of a woman getting ready to maliciously beat a barrel with her reins.


Horse mounted border patrol agents are apparently going to be forbidden.

I’m sure that in the coming weeks there will be injuries to border patrol who have to walk the crowd, and there are sure to be more drownings of the illegals.

I say this because horses are flexible animals. A rider on a horse can, with relative safety walk the horse into a river and assist someone who is being swept downriver. ATVs can do some of this work, but not in 3 or 4 feet of water. From a horse, the rider can concentrate on helping someone, from an ATV not so much.

It’s obvious why too. The horse has a brain. The horse will move to better footing and maintain a position all by itself. Leaving the rider to throw a rope to someone if necessary.

Horses also have a bit of sense. When the rider tells a horse to move out of a river, or across rough terrain, the horse will pick a path that most often works. (Horses don’t like falling down any more than we do.) Which is probably why the border patrol agents chose horses over ATVs in the first place. It’s simple common sense, (a.k.a. Horse sense,) they chose the best method for the environment they operate in.

Once the horses are removed from the equation, and the injuries to both border patrol and illegals increase I’m sure we’re going to hear from Congress about how unacceptable it is that illegals are not being treated well. They’ll be remarkably silent about the border patrol officers that are laid up with injuries.

In that environment and rough terrain, I’d choose a horse.

As an aside, it’s been 50 years since I was on a horse. Horses and I don’t generally get along with each other.

I’d add one more reason for using a horse. If I got hurt, provided I could get on my horse, I know that even if I was unconscious the horse could take me back to the barn.

ATV’s aren’t nearly that smart.

We all know this political monster we’ve allowed to be created will remain silent and do nothing to help the border patrol. The evidence supports this assessment.

The current administration and our politicians will do anything to destroy our country.

In that task, they are devastatingly efficient.

And the insane beat goes on…

‘Right’ is ‘Wrong’, ‘Wrong’ is ‘Right’. ‘Wrongthink’ is punishable, ‘Rightthink’ is rewarded.

I swear it’s Owellian!

Governor “Gruesome” Newsom kept his job this week. Not that there was much doubt he would. In a state as loaded with Democrats as California it’s surprising that there was even a recall election at all.

The State Democrats though, have responded to this existential “Threat” to their power by taking steps to limit the possibility of recall elections in the future. In my cynical brain, that means that the law will probably read something like; “No recall election shall be permitted against an elected official of the Democratic Party. However any elected Republican Official may be recalled at any time. The recall process shall only require 1/4 of the California Legislature’s approval, no mass election shall be necessary.”

Their justification will be something along the lines of being fiscally responsible; “By doing away with the mass public election cycle the state will be able to save millions of tax payers dollars.”

General Mark Milley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, pretty much committed treason in the last days of Former President Trumps administration. This one is head snapping for someone like myself.

Milley claims that he was concerned about Trump launching nuclear weapons against the Chinese. I ask, in what universe is that even a concern? It’s not like the President of the United States can just arbitrarily decide to launch nukes. The only scenario I know of where The President can initiate a launch on his own authority, is If missile are already flying toward the US.

Otherwise, Congress has the authority. If there is not a state of war between the US and another country nukes are not an option. The President can scream and yell all he or she wants, but the launch isn’t supposed to happen. Congress wouldn’t agree, and the Military would in theory be well within their rights to refuse to carry out such an illegal order.

What Milley did, was well beyond refusing an illegal order. No such order had been given. Milley went behind not only the sitting President’s back. Apparently he also acted without the Secretary of Defense’s knowledge. Here we have a General contacting a foreign, technically ‘hostile’ government while at the same time attempting to route any and all orders and communications through his office alone.

That folks is not only treasonous, it’s the stuff of a banana republic coup d’état. That’s how you end up with military dictators for life. How many times have we seen something like this play out in other countries over the past 60 years?

You can bet your ass if Milley had done the same thing at the end of say, Joe Biden’s administration. Congress would be screaming for his head on a pike. Let’s face it, Joe Biden in his current state is far more likely to issue such an illegal order.

Can you say Afghanistan???

Unsurprisingly, Nancy Pelosi is in the shadows. The Pentagon has confirmed that she and Milley were colluding prior to Milley contacting his counterpart in the Chinese Government.

Of greater concern to me, is that none of the officers under General Milley stood up refusing to accept or execute what was very probably an illegal order from General Milley. They had that option. They too swore an oath to protect and defend The Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

The fact that none of the other Admirals and Generals in that room with Milley had the balls to level charges of sedition and treason is flat out terrifying. In elder times, Milley would have been clapped in irons and brought before a military tribunal within days.

The terrifying part for me is their lack of action, or concern, suggests that they can be bought. I’m sure that intelligence officers in every hostile nation are right now trying to figure out how to buy a senior member of the Joint Chiefs.

I look at it this way. They didn’t say anything because either they were worried about their careers, pensions and retirement, or they are amenable to the overthrow of the United States.

Either way, it’s like the old joke about the guy propositioning a woman in a bar.

Guy: “Would you sleep with me for a $100?”
Woman: “Absolutely not!”
Guy: “Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?”
Woman: “Maybe, do you have a million dollars? I don’t want you to think I’m a whore.”
Guy: “We’ve already established you’re a whore, now we’re just haggling over price.”

I wouldn’t be surprised to find that there have been huge offers of cash extended from foreign governments, to various upper level staff in The Pentagon.

Milley’s continued presence in his position besmirches the honor of our military, and demonstrates that we are weak in that, we aren’t even up to the task of enforcing our own laws.

Milley shouldn’t resign. Milley should be arrested, and brought before a Military Tribunal, then tried under the UCMJ. I think the penalty for treason is still death. If he’s found guilty, so be it.

(Just a reminder, I’m not now and haven’t been in the military. Therefore, I might be a little unclear on the details of how this works. Military folks reading this, please correct me via comments.)

Speaking of the 25th amendment…

There are still people banging on about Donald Trump. Saying that he should have been removed from office via the 25th amendment.

Really? You’re still harping on that? Newsflash… Donald Trump isn’t The President anymore!

In the immortal words of Hillary Rodham Clinton, “What does it matter at this point anyway?”

You folks out there still bitching about the 25th, might want to shut up. The 25th amendment applies equally to any sitting President. Just sayin…

In closing here is something that I was personally gratified to see.

The Riverside County Sheriff is refusing to implement the vaccine mandate.

The Sheriff cites The Constitution and his oath of office in his decision. I swear I’d like to shake this man’s hand and buy him a beer.

Thank God there are still some men in this country who have a set of balls.

So that’s the highlights of the news. Well, not all the highlights, these are the things that caught most of my attention this week.

I’m still waiting to see how badly insulted the Australians are by Biden forgetting who he was talking to during the announcement of AUKUS defense pact.

Biden called the Australian Prime Minister, “That fella down under…”

Not an auspicious beginning to a new defense pact.